"Hey! Ding Yao, are you really out of money?"

As soon as Ding Yao was tied up by Miyagi Hiroshi's men, Yoshimura Notaro's head popped out of the window again.

"Save me!" Ding Yao hurriedly shouted, she was very surprised that Yoshimura Notaro left and returned.

"Do you still have any money?"

"No!" Ding Yao is really going to be pissed off. Can I take off my underwear and give it to you?

She has never seen such a greedy man.

"Okay! Bye bye." Yoshimura Notaro flashed away.

Ding Yao: "..."

Miyagi Hong's subordinates were all Japanese, and Ding Yao happened to understand Japanese, so the other party did not embarrass her.

The other rich and famous ladies were miserable, all tied up in a line like piglets.

Yoshimura Notaro didn't want to save anyone, so this guy just quietly returned to his room.

"Hmph! I'm willing to come back." Liang Qiqi was in a very unhappy mood. She thought that Yoshimura Notaro was not a womanizer, but it turned out that men were all virtuous.

Of course, what made Liang Qiqi angry the most was that Yoshimura Notaro was playing with women on her bed.

"Don't be angry, look what I brought you."

Taro Yoshimura proudly presented Liang Qiqi with the diamond necklace he received from Ding Yao.

"So beautiful!" Liang Qiqi didn't know anything else, but she was well versed in luxury goods. She could tell at a glance that this necklace was worth a lot of money.

"Of course, more than two million each." Yoshimura Notaro threw the necklace to Liang Qiqi.

"I gave it to you, are you still angry now?"

"Don't be angry!" Liang Qiqi's attention was already on the necklace at this time, and she didn't care what Yoshimura Notaro said.

Even if she spends money so lavishly, she would not be willing to buy such an expensive necklace.

If she could receive this kind of gift every time, Liang Qiqi thought it would be better for Yoshimura Notaro to fool around more.

Yoshimura Notaro curled his lips. Sure enough, women all like shiny things.

Liang Qiqi happily put the necklace around her neck and looked at Yoshimura Notaro.

Liang Qiqi: "Does it look good?"

Yoshimura Notaro: "It looks good, but you'd better not show it off on the boat."

"Why?" Liang Qiqi shook her head and said she didn't understand.

There is no point in buying jewelry if it is not for showing off.

"Because I robbed Ding Yao." Yoshimura Notaro explained honestly.

Liang Qiqi almost died of anger. She should have known a long time ago that a stingy guy like Yoshimura Notaro would never be able to spend more than 10,000 yuan on something.

Liang Qiqi hurriedly took off the necklace and put it away. She didn't mind that the necklace was second-hand, but she was worried that Ding Yao would take it back if she saw it.

"Hush, someone is coming." Yoshimura Notaro suddenly said to Liang Qiqi.

Liang Qiqi turned around instinctively, and Notaro Yoshimura knocked Liang Qiqi unconscious with a single blow.

Miyagi Hiroshi's men checked Yoshimura Notaro's room and naturally couldn't find Yoshimura Notaro and Liang Qiqi.

As soon as they walked out of Yoshimura Notaro's room, Yoshimura Notaro and Liang Qiqi appeared again.

"Hey, Qiqi, wake up!"

Taro Yoshimura shook Liang Qiqi awake.

"Ah! Husband, my neck hurts so much. I seemed to have been beaten just now." Liang Qiqi rubbed the back of her neck with a painful look on her face.

"That's not the case!" Yoshimura Notaro felt guilty and helped Liang Qiqi rub it.

"Boom boom——!"

As expected, gunfire rang out outside the room.

The rich and second-generation people on the cruise ship are used to being tyrannical, so someone will definitely resist Miyagi Hiroshi's kidnapping. Naturally, Miyagi Hiroshi's men will not spoil them and just serve them like peanuts.

"Why are there gunshots?" Liang Qiqi looked at Yoshimura Notaro in confusion.

"The cruise ship encountered pirates, and they want to kidnap everyone." Yoshimura Notaro said casually.

"Ah! Are there still pirates now?" Liang Qiqi was startled. She had just become a rich little woman, and she couldn't let the pirates throw her into the sea.

Miyagi Hiroshi's men were very efficient in their work and soon captured all the people in the room and brought them into the gambling hall.


"Good evening everyone, I am Miyagi Hiroshi. First of all, I would like to apologize for disturbing everyone's enjoyment of playing cards." Miyagi Hiroshi said loudly while standing on the high platform of the casino.

The unlucky guys in the casino didn't dare to say anything, as they were surrounded by gunmen with live ammunition.

"Don't be nervous, everyone." Miyagi Hong tried his best to force out a smile: "We are only seeking money and not harming human lives. As long as everyone cooperates, I guarantee that no one will lose a hair."

Miyagi Hiroshi's words made the meatheads in the audience breathe a sigh of relief. As long as the other party is just asking for money, the most important thing for these guys is money, so they can just use it as a way to eliminate disasters.

Those who were really sober in the crowd felt chilled. Miyagi Hiroshi did not hide his identity and blatantly kidnapped everyone. After getting the money, he would most likely kill people and silence them.

"Judy, what should we do now? I told you to listen to Annie and stop showing off."

Tong Keren squatted in the crowd and almost cried out of fear. She had a grudge against Gong Muhong and was worried that she would be retaliated by Gong Muhong. There was no Li Er on the ship to protect her anymore.

When Judy Tang heard Tong Keren's complaint, she couldn't help but rolled her eyes, as if you didn't want to come.

Judy Tang was naturally very scared, but she was not the only one who was kidnapped. With so many unlucky ghosts accompanying her, it would be fun to die.

It's just that he took advantage of that damn Li Er too early. In his will, he left all his property to him. I don't know if that bastard will be moved.

"Officer Long, aren't all your guys here?" Rosen put his head in his hands and asked Long Jiu in a low voice.

Long Jiu, like Rosen, observed the surrounding gunmen. Miyagi Hiroshi's men stood far away, and they were not sure of a sneak attack.

"They're all here." Long Jiu smiled bitterly, and the next second she was pleasantly surprised to find that one person was missing, no, two people were missing.

Zhang Mazi and his long-legged female companion were not among the hijacked meat tickets.

Miyagi Hiroshi's men were also counting and verifying the number of people kidnapped, and soon discovered that they had missed four people.

Zhang Mazi, Liang Qiqi, Pheasant and Cyclops.

"They should still be hiding in a certain corner of the ship. Lead a team of people to find them out."

Naturally, Miyagi Hiroshi would not know that the pheasant and the one-eyed dragon had been thrown into the sea.

The other side.

Yoshimura Notaro and Liang Qiqi hid here and there, but Miyagi Hiroshi's men couldn't find them.

"Husband, what should I do? The entire cruise ship is full of killers. They searched it repeatedly. There is nowhere for us to hide."

In the vast sea, there is not only nowhere to hide, but also nowhere to escape.

"Who said I was going to hide? I was just too lazy to fight with these guys. It really pissed me off. I set the whole boat on fire and we swam back to Hong Kong Island together."

No one paid Yoshimura Notaro for his services, so he was naturally unwilling to become a volunteer.

Yoshimura Notaro, a crow-mouthed man, had just shouted that he was going to blow up the entire ship, but he immediately discovered that Miyaki Hiroshi's men were installing bombs everywhere in the cabin.

"Suck--!" Liang Qiqi took a breath, and she held Yoshimura Notaro's arm nervously: "Husband, they are not kidnapping for money, they are going to blow everyone up."

Yoshimura Notaro was also stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Miyagi Hiroshi to be so talented. He was truly worthy of being Japanese.

In fact, as long as you think about it carefully, it is not difficult to guess Miyagi Hiroshi's crazy plan. He kidnapped and extorted so many rich people at once. If he didn't kill people and silence them, he would never have a peaceful life in the future.

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