What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 612: Let the eldest son calm down

Yoshimura Notaro and Liang Qiqi followed behind Miyagi Hiroshi's men.

Every time Miyagi Hiroshi's men installed a bomb, Yoshimura Notaro helped defuse one bomb. Before long, more than a dozen bombs had been defused.

"Hey! Husband, you have defused so many bombs, why didn't I see where you put the bombs?" Liang Qiqi looked at Notaro Yoshimura strangely.

"I just threw it into the sea." Yoshimura Notaro dealt with Liang Qiqi very perfunctorily.

Liang Qiqi: "Ah????"

This is inside the cabin. How did you drop the bomb into the sea from a distance?

Naturally, Yoshimura Notaro put the bomb into the mustard space. Otherwise, if he was carrying more than a dozen bombs, if they exploded, he would be shattered to pieces.

"Okay, all the bombs have been defused, let's evacuate!"

Yoshimura Notaro gave Liang Qiqi a signal and prepared to go to the casino to watch Miyaki Hiroshi's performance.

As soon as one of Miyagi Hiroshi's men turned the corner, he was lucky enough to run into Yoshimura Notaro and Liang Qiqi.


Miyagi Hong's men were stunned for a moment and immediately drew their guns.

At such a distance, playing with a gun in front of Yoshimura Notaro would be a joke.


Yoshimura Notaro took out a pan from nowhere and knocked Miyagi Hiroshi's men unconscious.

"Uh——!" Liang Qiqi sweated coldly. She discovered that in addition to serious weapons, Yoshimura Notaro also had an endless supply of other messy weapons.

"What are you doing standing around, picking up equipment!" Yoshimura Notaro motioned to Liang Qiqi to pick up Miyaki Hiroshi's gun.

"Oh!" Liang Qiqi hurriedly picked up the pistol.

Yoshimura Notaro had already casually opened a guest room and dragged Miyagi Hiroshi's men in.

five minutes later.

Yoshimura Notaro walked out of the room wearing the clothes of Miyagi Hiroshi's men.


Cruise ship casino.

Miyagi Hiroshi has begun to call names one by one and ask the kidnapped rich people to transfer ransom to him.

"Mr. Liu, Fortune Asia magazine said that your net worth is two billion. Isn't it too much to trade your life for one billion?"

Miyagi Hiroshi patted the shoulder of a shiny guy very happily.

"That's a rumor, a rumor, Mr. Kidnapper, you must not believe it. I actually don't have that much money, let alone that much liquidity." Mr. Liu quickly explained with a sad face.

What this guy said may not be a lie. A net worth of two billion is an assessment of personal assets, and the actual available cash flow cannot reach this amount.

"In this world, everyone has his own role and his own division of labor. Now you are the meat and I am the kidnapper."

"It's your job to prepare the ransom, and it's our obligation to receive the money and release the person. If you can't raise the money, don't blame me for breaking up the vote."

"Oh! Sorry, my Chinese is not very good. There is something wrong with my expression. It's not possible. If I can't raise the ransom, I will definitely break up the vote."

Miyagi Hiroshi talks eloquently, there is only one center around it, if you give money you can live, if you don't give money you will die.

"Here, I'll give, I'll call now, but even if everything goes well, it will take at least tomorrow morning to get the money together."

Mr. Liu looked at the muzzle of the gun on his head and immediately gave in. He was only forty years old this year. He had no money and could make more money. But his life was gone, but he would no longer be able to play female stars in the future.

Gong Muhong nodded. He probably also knew that it would take time to collect money, so he waved his hand and asked his men to take Da Liu down.

"Eldest Young Master Li, why are you holding back? The Eldest Young Master is handsome and majestic, and nothing can hide your uniqueness." Gong Muhong waved to Li Jiayi very happily.

Li Jiayi looked bitter, he really wanted to die now.

"Hey, which one of you bastards stripped Mr. Li naked?" Gong Muhong strained his face to prevent himself from laughing out loud.

Li Jiayi was indeed different. He was only wearing a pair of Pikachu underwear.

"President, it's none of our business. He was like this when we rushed to his room to arrest him." Miyagi Hiroshi's men hurriedly explained.

Miyagi Hong took off his men's suits and put them on Li Jiayi.

"Mr. Li, how much do you think your life is worth?" Gong Muhong asked in a friendly manner.

"One hundred million!" Li Jiayi replied immediately.

Miyagi Hiroshi shook his head in disappointment.

"Take the eldest son into the room to calm down and let him think about it before answering my questions."

Miyagi Hiroshi waved to a tough guy behind him: "Yokooka, don't you like playing with rabbits? I'll give you one hour."

"Thank you, President!" Henggang's eyes immediately shone. I have to say that Young Master Li is so fair and attractive.

Li Jiayi's face immediately turned green.

"One billion, one billion, I can give you one billion." Li Jiayi shouted loudly.

Henggang was worried that Li Jiayi would shout louder and louder, so he quickly covered his mouth and carried him into a small room next to the casino.

"You...what are you going to do?"

"Ah! It hurts! No!"

The soundproofing of the small room was not good, and the faces of the wealthy and famous ladies in the casino became even more miserable when they heard Li Jiayi's screams.

Thanks to the harmonious atmosphere, the ensuing extortion process went very smoothly, and no one dared to counter-offer for 120 million yuan.

Next are those who are not well-known, and they are all extorted for one million.

Gao Lao breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was not famous, otherwise he would have been miserable. But at the same time, he was also very jealous of the huge sum of money extorted by Miyagi Hiroshi.

"Xiao Fu, you have to pay the ransom yourself." Mr. Gao whispered to Xiao Fu beside him.

"How can I have a million?" Xiao Fu suddenly became anxious.

"Then are you sure you can hold that old guy hostage?" Gao Lao used his eyes to indicate Xiao Fu's direction to look in the direction of Miyagi Hiroshi.

Xiao Fu was speechless.

"Didn't you see that they had guns? I was swept into a sieve before I even got close with my bare hands."

Gao Lao glanced at Xiao Fu with contempt, but what made him feel more at ease was that his precious daughter Liang Qiqi was not among the kidnapped people.

"I've seen it. There are twelve gunmen all around the casino. They launch a sudden attack. I can take care of the four in the southeast corner. How many can you take care of?"

Suddenly a voice came from behind Gao Lao.

Gao Lao and Xiao Fu turned their heads carefully.

It was Xu Zhengyang, the bodyguard of Judy Tang and Tong Keren.

Both Gao Lao and Xiao Fu know that this guy is very skilled and can fight against Zhang Mazi without losing.

Xu Zhengyang was not as optimistic as the rich and famous ladies at the scene, believing that the other party would release them if the ransom was paid. Now he could only try his best to ensure the safety of Judy Tang and Tong Keren.

"If you can prevent bullets from shooting at me for two seconds, I can also kill four." Xiao Fu replied in a low voice.

Xu Zhengyang nodded.

It seems that in terms of pure strength, Xiao Fu is worse than Xu Zhengyang.

"There are three of us guys here, and I can be responsible for three gunners."

Xu Zhengyang and Xiao Fu turned their heads in surprise.

It's Long Jiu from the Political Department.

"You, you, and you, come up!"

Xu Zhengyang, Xiao Fu, and Long Jiu didn't have time to discuss a counterattack plan.

Miyagi Hiroshi stretched out his hand and nodded at three people in the crowd.

Long Jiu's expression changed suddenly. The three people Miyagi Hong ordered were all agents from their political department.


Miyagi Hiroshi shot decisively and personally executed three unlucky agents from the Political Department.

The crowd immediately became commotion.

"Don't be nervous, everyone. These three people are Hong Kong police. As long as everyone pays, I promise that I won't do anything to you." Miyaki Hiroshi was very satisfied with the atmosphere at the scene.

I don’t want to scare you, but you are still slacking off on my work.

at the same time.

Yoshimura Notaro swaggered into the casino.

"Haha, we are saved."

Gao Lao was very happy. Although Yoshimura Notaro was wearing the clothes of Miyagi Hiroshi's men, Gao Lao still recognized Yoshimura Notaro at a glance.

Gao Lao knew very well how powerful Yoshimura Notaro was. This guy could kill the entire European killer guild on his own, and Miyagi Hiroshi's subordinates were not enough to deliver food to him.

Xu Zhengyang followed Gao Lao's gaze and saw Notaro Yoshimura, but he did not know Notaro Yoshimura.

Yoshimura Notaro, like the other men of Miyagi Hiroshi, stood in one position expressionlessly.

Gao Lao: "..."

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