What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 618: Don’t be so smart in the next life

Yoshimura Notaro never expected that Rosen would contact him again.

"Where's Bobo?" Rosen asked, holding back his hatred.

"Uh——!" Yoshimura Notaro quickly hung up the phone.

‘Damn—I actually completely forgot about the big-eyed girl. I hope she hasn’t starved to death yet. ’

Yoshimura Notaro rushed to the warehouse. Bobo was not starved to death. There were two packs of instant noodles left, but she was not in a good mood.

"Ah——! I'm going to kill you." Bobo rushed towards Yoshimura Notaro with a stick.

This bastard gave himself instant noodles and bottled water, but he didn't give himself any anger and let himself eat raw noodles for a week.

Yoshimura Notaro easily dodged Popo's attack.

"Hey, how did you know that I had killed Chen Yaxian?" Yoshimura Notaro once again gave Bobo a mental blow.

For a person who deliberately planned to kill himself, Yoshimura Notaro had already put Chen Yaxian on his must-kill list.

"You...you killed A crab?" Bobo looked at Yoshimura Notaro in disbelief.

Yoshimura Notaro nodded honestly.

"Easy kill!"

Bobo rolled his eyes and fainted. She naturally knew that Chen Yaxie was absolutely no match for the world's number one killer, Yoshimura Notaro.

"Holy crap, aren't you dead? I haven't gotten the ransom yet?"

Yoshimura Notaro quickly pinched the person and slapped him loudly, finally waking up Bobo.

"Hey, this woman is not dead yet, bring money." Yoshimura Notaro hurriedly contacted Rosen to prevent Bobo from fainting again.

Two hours later.

Rosen arrived as scheduled carrying a handbag.

"You don't want to tell me that there are 100 million in your bag!"

As soon as Yoshimura Notaro saw Rosen's posture, he knew that the other party had no intention of ransoming him, and that this guy was here to kill him.

It just so happened that I didn't intend to let him go either.

Ever since Rosen made an appointment with Tong Keren, Notaro Yoshimura had already decided to get Rosen.

This person is extremely stingy, how could he let someone put his chopsticks into his plate to pick up food?

It is true that he cannot eat so much food by himself, but he is not willing to let others eat his food.

"Brother Sen, was the crab really killed by him?" Bobo asked quickly as soon as he saw Rosen.

Rosen's eyes flashed with pain.

"Yes." Rosen still didn't want to deceive Bobo.

Bobo had actually guessed this result a long time ago.

"Brother Sen, kill him and leave me alone. He won't let us go even if he takes the money." Bobo shouted sharply.

Bobo was quite smart, but she overestimated Rosen and underestimated Yoshimura Notaro.

It's not that Yoshimura Notaro looks down on these scammers, people like Rosen, but Yoshimura Notaro wants to say, I can kill a hundred of them.

"I'll give you the money. I don't have 100 million, but I have raised 10 million." Rosen threw the bag in his hand towards Yoshimura Notaro.

"Let her go! There is no need to embarrass a woman. Now think about it, your target is our two brothers." Rosen was indeed extremely smart. He finally understood that Yoshimura Notaro was not here for money.

Well--! In fact, Lawson is still different. As long as Notaro Yoshimura has the opportunity, he will not let go of such a satisfying project to make money.

"Okay!" Yoshimura Notaro readily let Bobo go.

"Bye now!"

Yoshimura Notaro looked at Bobo's face, she was really a beautiful woman.

"Let's go!"

Yoshimura Notaro untied Bobo's rope with complicated eyes.

"Go to hell! Bastard!" Bobo freed himself with both hands, and a piece of glass slipped out of his sleeves and slashed hard at Yoshimura Notaro's neck.

Yoshimura Notaro sighed.

"No!" Rosen shouted in pain.


Bobo froze as she paddled towards Yoshimura Notaro's neck, and a bullet hit her between the eyebrows.

If Bobo didn't take action, Yoshimura Notaro might, maybe, let her go.

Rosen looked at Bobo's body and asked Yoshimura Notaro calmly: "I have never understood why you bite us brothers."

"Because I am a killer, and someone paid for the lives of you two brothers." Notaro Yoshimura did not intend to let Rosen be an understanding ghost.

"Who?" Rosen asked.

"Li Er!" Yoshimura Notaro gave Rosen an unexpected answer.

Rosen's eyes flashed, and his expression immediately changed. He pointed at Yoshimura Notaro with a look of disbelief.

"You...are you Li Er?" If Yoshimura Notaro, the number one killer in the world, is the police gunner Li Er, then everything would make sense.

Damn, this bastard is so smart.

Yoshimura Notaro immediately raised his gun and prepared to shoot Rosen.

‘Bang bang bang bang—! ’

A row of gunfire rang out from behind Yoshimura Notaro.

Damn, he's a master.

The bullets fired at Yoshimura Notaro were blocked around Yoshimura Notaro. No matter which direction he dodges, he would be hit by one or two bullets.

Most people are dead.

It's a pity that Yoshimura Notaro is not an ordinary person.

Yoshimura Notaro opened a wide space and blocked all the incoming bullets.

The gunman in the darkness said "Hey".

Rosen pressed the detonator.

"Boom——!" The handbag Rosen threw next to Yoshimura Notaro suddenly exploded.

As expected, the bag contained nothing but money.

Yoshimura Notaro's mustard space gate was facing the direction of the bullet at this time, and it was difficult to retract it and re-create the shock wave to block the explosion.

Even Taro Yoshimura couldn't handle the explosion yield at such a distance.

'Grass--! ’

Yoshimura Notaro was blown up to ashes by Rosen amid a national curse.


Rosen spit out a mouthful of blood. He stood up with a face full of pain and spit out another mouthful of blood.

In order to ensure that Yoshimura Notaro would be killed in one hit, Rosen increased the amount of the bomb. Although he was relatively far away, he still almost killed himself.


A bullet penetrated Rosen's knee, and Rosen knelt on one knee in pain.

"You fool me!"

Before the smoke from the explosion cleared, the gunman came out of the darkness.

Rosen smiled happily and said, "I'm not kidding you. He is really Yoshimura Notaro."

"No matter what, after tonight, everyone will know that it was Thor who killed Notaro Yoshimura, and you are already the number one killer on the list." As soon as Rosen finished speaking, he vomited a large mouthful of blood, and he gave The amount of bombs was increased like crazy.

"Asshole, what I want is a fair fight!" Thor raised his hand and shot Rosen again.

'boom--! ’

Rosen was shot in both knees and dropped to his knees on the floor.

Rosen looked at Thor miserably, and Thor's gun muzzle was hitting Rosen's forehead.

"A fair fight, I'm afraid you are no match for him."

Rosen had already planned this scene when he sold the information about Notaro Yoshimura to Thor, and he naturally thought that he would die at the gunpoint of the furious Thor.

"What did you say?" Thor asked angrily.

Rosen took a deep breath. He wanted Thor to do him a favor and help him tell the world about Li Er, the gunman of the police force, Yoshimura Notaro. He wanted Li Er to be ruined and he wanted Li Er to die. All notorious.

"I ask you again, what did you mean just now?"

Thor felt that his self-esteem had been insulted. He wanted to have a fair showdown with Yoshimura Notaro and had been looking forward to it for a long time.

"He said, you are no match for me."

A voice sounded.

Thor and Rosen turned their heads in dismay at the same time.

"I also think so."

I don't know if Li Er's face was bombed, but it was very, very dark.

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