What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 619 Sister Wang returns

"You are indeed Li Er."

The disguise of Notaro Yoshimura on Li Er's face has faded, and his aura explodes at this moment. Only a person like Thor, who is also murderous, will understand how fierce Li Er's murderous intent is.

Thor's gun was in his own hand, but he didn't dare to move because Li Er's gun was already aimed at him.

Unless the marksmanship is one level higher than the opponent's, no one can counterattack in this situation.

Thor: "I want to fight you fairly——!"

‘Peng—! ’

Before Thor finished speaking, Li Er answered his question with a bullet.

‘No, I won’t agree. ’

Thor, who ranked second on the Asian killer rankings, was aggrieved and shot at close range by Li Er.

"I have a Swiss bank cashier's check for US$100 million." Rosen said as he reached for it.


Rosen was shot dead on the spot.

Li Er pulled off Rosen's clothes, and sure enough, Rosen's body was tied with explosives. He had been prepared to die with Li Er.


The Charles cruise ship incident caused a huge stir in Hong Kong Island. The entire police force was involved. The Hong Kong Island police were scolded from top to bottom to the point of vomiting blood. The credibility of the police force dropped to freezing point.

The kidnapped rich people are not ordinary people. In order to divert attention from the scandal of being kidnapped and extorted, they let the news media focus their firepower on the incompetence of the Hong Kong Island police.

After all, it is not an honorable thing for anyone to be robbed with only a pair of underwear. The most hateful thing is that they clearly know who the other party is, but there is nothing they can do about it. Even if they pay for a killer, no one dares to accept it. one.

Xu Rulin's office.

"Sir Xu, the people from the Complaints Division said they can't stand it anymore." Cai Yuanqi's mental state is not very good. It is obvious that he has been scolded a lot recently.

"Ask them to contact the administrative department. The Charles cruise incident is over. This matter should not be under the control of our operations department." Xu Rulin finished his sentence lightly.

Now there is a commotion outside, but Xu Rulin doesn't care at all. If the sky falls, there will be a tall man holding it up. Who makes him just the second brother, not the first brother.

"Okay!" Cai Yuanqi nodded with a wry smile, once again asking himself to run errands and become a villain.

"Wait a minute!" Xu Rulin called out to Cai Yuanqi.

"I heard that the director talked to you for more than an hour this morning?" Xu Rulin looked at Cai Yuanqi with a smile.

Cai Yuanqi's heart trembled.

"Oh! Yes, the director said that the morale of our police force is low now, and we want to create a super policeman to set an example. Ask me what I think." Cai Yuanqi answered carefully.

"Then what do you think?" Xu Rulin asked calmly.

Cai Yuanqi immediately expressed his position: "Sir Xu, you brought me here. The entire police force knows that I cannot be a rebel."

The imprint of Xu Rulin's faction is too strong on Cai Yuanqi, and it is really difficult for him to change his banner.

But being too difficult doesn't mean it can't be done. Cai Yuanqi is a guy with great communication skills. Not only does he have a good reputation within the police force, but even people from the Department of Justice and the Financial Secretary have a good impression of Cai Yuanqi. This is very important in the entire police force. It is extremely rare inside.

Xu Rulin patted Cai Yuanqi on the shoulder: "I'm just asking casually, don't be too nervous, who is the candidate for director?"

"Long Jiu from the Political Department." Cai Yuanqi replied immediately.

Xu Rulin nodded noncommittally.

Now all the police in Hong Kong Island are scolded, only Long Jiu is praised. She didn't catch Notaro Yoshimura, but she saved the entire cruise ship.

If she hadn't controlled the situation and negotiated with Yoshimura Notaro, maybe that lunatic Yoshimura Notaro would have killed everyone in the sea. Even when Li Er was still there, he had never achieved such good results.

"Go to the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station and ask Li Er to come back quickly. What time is it now? Let him take care of the overall situation." Xu Rulin could probably guess that Li Er was hiding to find out who was plotting against him.

"Okay!" Cai Yuanqi was unsure of Xu Rulin's intention, so he could only nod in agreement.

Xu Rulin's work style is very similar to Li Er's, both are erratic and unpredictable.

After Cai Yuanqi walked out of Xu Rulin's office, he turned to look at the office again.

Cai Yuanqi actually knew that Long Jiu was Xu Rulin's, but Xu Rulin thought it was impossible for Cai Yuanqi to know, and Cai Yuanqi kept pretending that he didn't know.

So it would be strange for Xu Rulin to ask Li Er back at this time.

It is impossible to use Li Er to check and balance Long Jiu.

Could it be to check and balance me?

Cai Yuanqi's face turned stern. Li Er, a bastard, was powerful and rich. Cai Yuanqi was very unwilling to go against Li Er, but Cai Yuanqi immediately shook his head.

No, Li Er is not Xu Rulin's subordinate at all. People like Li Er only do things for money and serve interests.

On the contrary, Cai Yuanqi felt that Li Er would come together with him.

Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station.

The entire police department was working listlessly. It could be seen that these guys were not very enthusiastic about their work.

"Fuck, they had an accident at sea. If you want to scold them, you're scolding the coast guard. It's none of our business." Ma Jun's hot temper has been scolding him since morning after watching the news.

Miao Zhishun was also very angry.

"The Coast Guard can't even scold them. These rich old people have sailed their ships out of the high seas. The Coast Guard has nothing to do with the high seas."

"If you ask me, that bastard Yoshimura Notaro should use a bomb to sink them all into the sea."

"Ma Jun, be careful what you say." Instructor Hu glared at Ma Jun.

Li Xianying ignored Ma Jun, but instructor Hu had to remind Ma Jun when he said such inappropriate words.

Ma Jun also realized that he had said the wrong thing, and angrily cursed a few Chinese quintessences and stopped talking.

"In short, everyone should do their part and don't be affected by these unfair comments."

Without Li Er, Li Xianying was under great pressure.

Only now did he feel personally that although Li Er did not do anything, there was someone who would take care of him when something happened. It was completely different from the feeling of having no one to take care of him.

Miao Zhishun could understand Li Xianying's feelings best, but he was an unlucky guy who was pulled out by his superiors as a subordinate, which was a little different from Li Xianying.

'Why--! I don’t know when Sir Li will come back? ’

This is the sentiment of the entire Heavy Eucalyptus team.

Everyone looked at Bai Anni in unison.

Bai Anni: "..."

"Hey, hey, hey, why are you so helpless? Is the government delaying your salary? Or did you not have a good breakfast?"

“Chemistry rolls, steamed dumplings, siomai, egg tarts, and deep-fried ones are also available, so you can only choose one!”

A guy with a wicked smile stood at the door, holding two breakfast bags.

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