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As soon as Hong Dingbang turned his head, he saw a rolling pin getting bigger and bigger in his sight.

'Snapped--! ’

There was a red mark on Hong Dingbang's fat face.


Hong Dingbang retreated and drew his gun anxiously.

'Pah - pah - pah -'

Hong Dingbang's response was a slap in the face.

Hong Dingbang was stunned for a moment.

“Bang bang bang—!”

The gunshot rang out, and Hong Dingbang intuitively thought he had been hit.

'Snapped--! ’

Hong Dingbang responded with a heavier rolling pin.

"Ouch! I'm better than your mother!" Hong Dingbang almost fainted without pain. He closed his eyes and shot around randomly.

‘Bang bang bang—! ’


Hong Dingbang's magazine was empty.


A sinister chuckle sounded.

Hong Dingbang's whole body was in bad shape.

"Brother, I was wrong. Can you please stop hitting me in the face with a stick?" Hong Dingbang cleverly knelt down on the floor, but he was beaten so hard that he cried.

"You told me earlier, how would I know if you didn't tell me." Yoshimura Notaro put away his stick and stood up: "I am the most democratic person, and I am nicknamed by others: follow the good as the flow."

Only then did Hong Dingbang have the opportunity to see clearly who was beating him.

"Are you Zhang Mazi?" Hong Dingbang felt cold and asked hesitantly. It was because the rolling pin weapon in the other person's hand was too distinguishable.

"Is there a pockmark on my face?"

"No!" Hong Dingbang was happy and shook his head quickly, it would be better if it wasn't Zhang Mazi.

"My dear, Yoshimura Notaro."


Hong Dingbang was originally kneeling, but now he was sitting paralyzed.

As one of the middle and lower-level police officers in the police force, this guy had naturally heard the speculation that Zhang Mazi was Yoshimura Notaro.

"Tell me! Where did you tie Wang Yifei?"

Yoshimura Notaro's words once again shocked Hong Dingbang.

"What are you talking about? I don't understand what you mean." Hong Dingbang's acting skills are excellent, and his blank expression is very innocent.

Yoshimura Notaro raised the rolling pin in his hand with a smile on his face.

"Very good! What I admire most in my life is toughness. I hope you won't disappoint me." After Yoshimura Notaro said, he hit Hong Dingbang on the head with a stick.

‘哐——! ’

Blood oozed from Hong Dingbang's forehead, and he immediately became dizzy. He had to fight hard to keep from fainting.

"I really don't understand what you mean." Hong Dingbang said with a bitter smile.


Yoshimura Notaro silently hit Hong Dingbang hard on the head with another stick.

This time Hong Dingbang clearly heard the sound of his head breaking.

The other party really wants to beat him to death.

"Since you don't know, I won't ask."

Yoshimura Notaro readily believed Hong Dingbang,

This guy raised his rolling pin and silently produced a burst of output.


Hong Dingbang was knocked unconscious.

Yoshimura Notaro took out his pistol and pointed it at Hong Dingbang's thigh.


Hong Dingbang immediately woke up from the pain.

"Ah——!" Hong Dingbang howled while holding his thigh in pain.

"Shhh! Don't be nervous. Life is not as tenacious as you think. Just be patient and it will pass." Yoshimura Notaro put away his pistol and raised the rolling pin in his hand.

"????" Hong Dingbang felt that if this continued, he would soon be killed.

"I said, stop fighting, I said."

Hong Dingbang quickly raised his hands and surrendered. It seemed that this guy was not that tough under the rolling pin of Yoshimura Notaro.

Yoshimura Notaro nodded with satisfaction. If Hong Dingbang refused to speak, he was indeed willing to complete a small task first.

"We hid Wang Yifei on an abandoned cruise ship at Wan Chai Pier."

"How many of our accomplices are there?" Notaro Yoshimura shook the rolling pin in his hand. The more he looked at Zhang Xiaomeng, the more he liked it. This woman could choose any rolling pin so easily.

"three people!"

Hong Dingbang answered quickly.

‘哐——! ’

Yoshimura Notaro hit him on the head very quickly.

"Wu Guohua, Wu Guoren, Ximending, Yan Jisheng, plus you, a pig-headed person, why do I count like five people?"

Hong Dingbang's face changed drastically when he heard Yoshimura Notaro's words: "How did you know?"

"Wang Yifei can give it to you, but I want the lives of these four people." Yoshimura Notaro confessed to Hong Dingbang very honestly.

"I don't believe you." Hong Dingbang naturally would not believe Yoshimura Notaro's lies.

"Believe me! I will use my reputation as a guarantee." Yoshimura Notaro showed his white teeth to Hong Dingbang.

"Think about it, what use is Wang Yifei to me? If I want to kidnap, I will also kidnap a tough guy like Li Jiacheng." Notaro Yoshimura felt that he needed to explain to Hong Dingbang.

Hong Dingbang: "."

"Why don't you understand the truth?" Yoshimura Notaro said and raised the rolling pin again.

"Believe it, I believe it. Stop hitting me. If you hit me again, I will really die." Hong Dingbang quickly confessed.

"Wu Guohua and Wu Guoren are preparing a stowaway boat at Chek Tau Kok. Yan Jisheng is guarding Wang Yifei. Ximending has returned to Taiwan Island. I asked him to prepare to receive the ransom there." Hong Dingbang explained simply.

Yoshimura Notaro took a deep breath. A bastard actually came to Taiwan. What could he do?

"Can you call them to come over?" Yoshimura Notaro looked at Hong Dingbang expectantly.

"This is very difficult. If I ask them to come together for no reason, they will definitely become suspicious." Hong Dingbang is a real fool. Calling them all over is different from asking Yoshimura Notaro to beat him to death. He shook his head decisively.

"Okay, then you do me a favor, a small favor, and then we will be clear." Yoshimura Notaro patted Hong Dingbang on the shoulder straightforwardly.

"What, what are you busy with?" Hong Dingbang asked anxiously.

Yoshimura Notaro handed the rolling pin to Hong Dingbang.

"Help me give Mr. Li a good beating."

Hong Dingbang: "."

"Seeing that you are quite reluctant, then I have no choice but to call ICAC. There are public officials who know and break the law." Yoshimura Notaro shook the rolling pin in his hand.

"Go on, stop being pretentious. You will choose which one is more serious, beating up Li Jiacheng or being investigated by ICAC."

Hong Dingbang then took the rolling pin from Yoshimura Notaro's hand with a sad face.

Li Zhai.

Liang Jiaren, Li Wenbin and others looked strangely at Hong Dingbang walking over with scars on his face.

"Sir Hong, are you okay?" Li Wenbin stepped forward and asked, feeling that something was wrong.

"It's okay. Wang Yifei was indeed kidnapped by kidnappers, but it wasn't Zhang Mazi. Superintendent Cao's men judged that it was some stupid little thieves who were looking for money." Hong Dingbang tightened his coat tightly, but kept walking. , continue walking towards the door.

Li Wenbin wanted to stop Hong Dingbang to understand the situation, but Hong Dingbang's official position was higher than his. He couldn't stop Hong Dingbang forcefully, so he had to look at Liang Jiaren expectantly.

Liang Jiaren can understand the look in Li Wenbin's eyes. Li Wenbin is fair and clean and gives random looks. If Liang Jiaren misunderstands that he wants to be gay, he will be dead.

"Haha, that Fatty Hong must have been beaten up by Zhang Mazi. I asked you to show courtesy to Cao Dahua. Why don't you stay here properly?" Liang Jiaren laughed at Hong Dingbang to his men.

All of Liang Jiaren's men nodded in agreement.

However, Hong Dingbang had already entered Li's house and headed straight for the villa. Everyone inside knew Hong Dingbang, so naturally they would not stop him.

A minute later, Li Jiacheng's screams sounded inside the villa building.

"Ah! It hurts. Who are you? Are you crazy?" Li Jiacheng's newly bandaged head began to bleed again.

Hong Dingbang knocked out the charging Li Jiaer with a stick, turned around and dealt a blow to Li Jiacheng, as if he wanted to transfer the damage inflicted on him by Yoshimura Notaro to Li Jiacheng.

'Pah - pah -'

Hong Dingbang did not dare to hit Li Jiacheng on the head, but only hit Li Jiacheng's hands and feet. This made Li Jiacheng even more painful.

"Ah! Bastard, I will complain until you are dismissed from office." Li Jiacheng rolled on the floor.

Everyone outside the villa building rushed in after hearing Li Jiacheng's screams.

Hong Dingbang's eyes turned.

While continuing to beat Li Jiacheng, he cursed loudly.

"I'll beat you to death for playing with your own daughter-in-law, you old pervert."

"You are a traitor, cheating us Chinese out of our hard-earned money to honor your British masters, right?"

"You're a profiteer. You're driving up housing prices so we have no place to live."

"It feels good to demolish other people's houses, right? I'll let you feel good about it."

Hong Dingbang gave Li Jiacheng a stick every time he cursed.

When Chen Jiaju rushed in and hugged Hong Dingbang, Li Jiacheng had been beaten by Hong Dingbang until he became incontinent.

"What the hell is going on?" Liang Jiaren was stunned.

"Sir Liang, could he have been stimulated by something?" Liang Jiaren's men reminded him.

After Hong Dingbang was restrained by Chen Jiaju, he was still swearing at Li Jiacheng.

"Handcuff this fat pig and take it to the hospital to see what's going on!" Liang Jiaren cursed angrily.

Hong Dingbang's mental state does seem to be abnormal.

Li Wenbin looked at Hong Dingbang calmly, feeling that things were not that simple.

"Ambulance, where did the ambulance go? Come here immediately. Didn't you see that Li Weng was injured?" Liang Jiaren jumped to his feet and yelled.

The Hong Kong police have indeed protected Li and his son very well. Even ambulances are outside and on standby at any time.

It is indeed difficult to make sense if Li Jiacheng and the British government can enjoy such good treatment without py.

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