What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 642 Arriving as promised


"Yoshimura Notaro."

'Bang - bang -'

Wu Guohua and Wu Guoren fell to the ground cleanly. At first glance, it was clear that they were two very dedicated supporting players.

Yoshimura Notaro stretched out his foot and kicked the corpse to confirm that the two unlucky ghosts were really on the street before calling up the system page.

The system's task completion has become: 2/5.

Wan Chai Pier.

An old cruise ship.


"Yoshimura Notaro."

"What the hell?"

Yan Jisheng was startled. This eerie abandoned cruise ship was already enough to make people feel frightened, but now another figure suddenly appeared.

"Save me, save me quickly!"

Compared to Yan Jisheng's panic, Wang Yifei was overjoyed.

"You are pretending to be a ghost, go to hell!" Yan Jisheng quickly drew his gun.

‘Bang bang——! ’

Two bullets were fired into the shadow.

The next second, a kitchen knife shot out of the darkness.

'puff--! ’

The flying kitchen knife was deeply embedded in Yan Jisheng's forehead. Yan Jisheng's eyes widened. He tried hard to raise his hand to pull out the kitchen knife. As soon as his palm grasped the handle of the knife, he died.

Zhang Xiaomeng is really awesome, even buying a kitchen knife is easier than others.

Mission completion: 3/5.

After Yoshimura Notaro killed Yan Jisheng, he ignored Wang Yifei and allowed him to be hung in the air.

Wang Yifei didn't dare to say anything. He was worried that the other party would kill him as well. Hanging was better than death.

The other side.

Li Jiacheng was lying on the hospital bed after being brutally beaten. He suddenly sat up with a look of horror on his face.

"Dad! What's wrong with you!" Li Jiayi, who was standing aside, hurriedly walked to the bed.

Li Jiacheng waved the doctor on duty in the room to go out.

"Did you just notice what that crazy policeman used to beat me?" Li Jiacheng asked with a trembling voice.

Li Jiayi frowned. Everyone's attention was on Li Jiacheng's injuries. Who would pay attention to Hong Dingbang's crime tools.

"It seems like a short stick!" Li Jiayi said hesitantly.

"No, it's a rolling pin." Li Jiacheng looked at Li Jiayi fearfully.

"Rolling pin?" Li Jiayi was stunned.

The father and son immediately remembered what Yoshimura Notaro said to come and beat them on time every night.

"That dead fat pig was sent by Yoshimura Notaro!" Li Jiacheng's face had no trace of blood.

"No way, Hong Dingbang is a policeman, and he is at the level of chief inspector." Li Jiayi murmured in disbelief.

Li Jiacheng also couldn't believe that Yoshimura Notaro could instruct a chief inspector to commit suicide in revenge for himself.

Li Jiacheng and Li Jiayi looked at the wall clock in the ward at the same time. It was almost twelve o'clock.

Yoshimura Notaro should not appear again. The corridor outside the ward was full of police.

'bell--! ’

Li Jiacheng's mobile phone rang.

In a room in the hospital, Li Wenbin immediately raised his palm to signal his subordinates to start monitoring mode immediately.

Li Wenbin didn't have the ability to manipulate Li Jiacheng's mobile phone, but he took the lead and secretly installed bugs in every VIP ward.

"Sir Li, we are monitoring Li Weng. We will be in trouble if he finds out." Li Wenbin's men said nervously.

"Hush!" Li Wenbin raised his hand to shut up his men. Even though Li Wenbin was weak and gentle, this guy was the most courageous person in the Central District Police Station besides Chen Jiaju.

"You're so scared. We had installed the bug to monitor other suspects. Who knew they happened to choose this ward." Another clever subordinate of Li Wenbin said immediately.

Li Wenbin turned his head and glanced at this guy. He didn't like subordinates who were too smart.

"Good evening!" Yoshimura Notaro was as polite as ever.

"I heard that you have moved to the hospital. This is good. It is convenient for you to receive treatment after being beaten." Notaro Yoshimura praised the wit of Li Jiacheng and his son.

"Mr. Notaro, we are willing to pay you back, please tell me how to deliver it." Li Jiacheng said quickly and loudly.

Judging from the tone of the other party, this guy was about to appear and beat the three of them, father and son, again. Although the police were surrounded outside, Li Jiacheng still didn't feel the slightest sense of security.

"Repay the money, what money?" Yoshimura Notaro shook his head seriously: "You didn't lend me any money."

"Yes, yes!" Li Jiacheng's palms were sweating nervously: "My son lost 7 billion Hong Kong dollars to you at sea."

"I read this money in the newspaper, haven't you already paid it back?" Yoshimura Notaro said, suddenly realizing: "Oh! You rich people are so bad and bad. You have paid me back again and again. You must be trying to frame me to blackmail you. ”

"Don't even think about it!" Yoshimura Notaro shouted righteously, "I will never fall for the evil tricks of your father and son."

"No, no, no, we lied. We haven't paid you back the seven billion yet." Li Jiacheng hurriedly clarified. He simply wanted to die.

"Oh——! So that's it." Yoshimura Notaro suddenly realized: "Sure enough, you rich people are so treacherous that you should be careful about infertility and have children and grandchildren!"

Li Jiacheng and his son were so angry that their faces turned green, but they did not dare to say a word.

At the same time, Li Wenbin's people have successfully traced Yoshimura Notaro's phone line.

"Location!" Li Wenbin asked quickly.

"This -!" Li Wenbin's man swallowed and said with horror on his face: "Here, his call was made from the hospital."

Everyone in the utility room was shocked.

Yoshimura Notaro is already here.

"Quickly, notify all the staff to be alert and seal off the entire hospital building." Li Wenbin was not surprised but overjoyed. The opportunity to make a great contribution came.

If only their team was there, Li Wenbin would not be so sure, but Chen Jiaju was there, Yuan Haoyun was there, and even all the tough guys from the Tsim Sha Tsui Crime Squad were in the lobby on the first floor.

Why--! It would be great if Li Er was here too.

Li Wenbin's idea is undoubtedly excellent, but it is impossible for Li Er to be here. If he were to be here, Yoshimura Notaro would not be able to come.

"What? Yoshimura Notaro is really here? Is he so brave?"

Yuan Haoyun and Chen Jiaju were overjoyed.

"Then seal the building first." Instructor Hu's thoughts were surprisingly consistent with Li Wenbin's.

"Shouldn't we protect Li Jiacheng and his son first?" Ma Guoying said softly.

She is a newcomer and it is normal for her to not understand Instructor Hu's work style.

Chen Yalun shook his head gently at Ma Guoying. If he had any questions at this time, he had to obey orders first.

"There can only be one commander, who is responsible for commanding the scene." Instructor Hu said loudly.

Everyone looked at Liang Jiaren.

This is where he holds the highest position.

Instructor Hu was very meticulous in his work and did not give Liang Jiaren a chance to blame him later.

"Everyone listen to my command and immediately seal the building. No one is allowed to enter or leave, no one." Liang Jiaren reluctantly carried the banner.

He was confident in catching Yoshimura Notaro, but he was not confident in opening fire in the hospital. This was a high-end private hospital. The people hospitalized in it were either high-ranking officials, wealthy businessmen or their families. If anyone was injured, Liang Jiaren would not be able to bear the blame.


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