What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 653: The difficulty of kidnapping increases

Latest website: Li Er very friendly reminded Tang Judy that if you want to snipe at Li's real estate, now is a good opportunity.

"That old guy Li Jiacheng has already transferred money to others?"

Judy Tang was overjoyed. She knew that although Li Er was only a middle-level leader of the police force, his intelligence capabilities were beyond the reach of many senior police officers.

"Uh--! I didn't say anything. You were so smart that you guessed it yourself." Li Er said, spreading his hands.

"Of course, I am the smartest person in the world." Judy Tang agreed unceremoniously.

"No, I need to find Keren to build momentum together. Her group has several newspapers, so I can't do it alone." Judy Tang said, already putting on her coat.

"Honey, you can go home and sleep. I allow you not to accompany me tonight." Judy Tang smiled generously while wearing high heels: "Look how good I am to you."

"I'm going to harass Keren tonight, hehe."

"Judy, remember to bring a bodyguard." Before Li Er finished speaking, Judy Tang had already ran down the first floor.

She has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

The pattern of the real estate industry in Hong Kong Island has basically been finalized. It will be difficult for any major real estate group to make breakthroughs unless some idiot makes a mistake on his own.

Now this idiot appears.

Judy Tang plans to join forces with Tong Keren to create rumors about their family.

This can’t be entirely blamed on Judy Tang. When Wang Baiwan just died, other news media also instigated the news media to throw dirty water on Judy Tang, saying that Judy Tang kept a dozen pretty boys, and Li Er was one of them. one of.

This is a very common practice in the business community on Hong Kong Island.

Li Er took a look inside the villa yard, and there were two bodyguard cars setting off with Judy Tang.

Judy Tang works in a high-profile manner, and she is usually greeted by everyone when she goes out, so there is no need to worry about her safety.

‘It’s impossible to go home and sleep. Wouldn’t it be nice for me to sleep on two pillows alone? ’

Today is Friday, and Bai Anni and Zhu Wanfang will be at home. Li Er didn't dare to go back, so he put on his pajamas and jumped into Judy Tang's bed.


Li Jiacheng had a wide network of contacts, and he quickly received the news that Yoshimura Notaro was in Taiwan.

Yoshimura Notaro single-handedly broke into the villa of Ke Zhihua, the leader of the Sanlian Gang's Viper Hall. Twelve gunmen from the Viper Hall and Ke Zhihua himself were all killed.

Li Jiacheng originally wanted to delay the transaction for a while, but as soon as he received the news, he was so frightened that he hurriedly cashed in and remitted money.

As soon as he messes up, Judy Tang's opportunity will come.

Li Jiacheng remitted money too fast, and Haitang was so tired that she almost vomited blood. While collecting the money, she called Li Jiacheng a bastard.

"Brother Hao, these are the good guys I found." Zhang Zihao's men entered the box with several guys who were samples of the 'Seven Strangers of Jiangnan'.

Zhang Zihao's mood suddenly deteriorated.

"Brother Hao, don't look at their weird shapes, they are very powerful. This fat guy's name is Partridge Cai. He is very good at fighting. He used to sell martial arts in Temple Street." Zhang Zihao's men worked hard to sell Partridge Cai.

"Hey, hello, Brother Hao! My name is Partridge Cai. As long as I have money, I can do anything, including murder and arson." Partridge Cai said with an honest smile.

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Zhang Zihao: "..."

"This is Dashengchi, he has special powers."

"Huh??" Zhang Zihao was so angry that he threw a cup at his subordinate.


Zhang Zihao's men actually found these five weirdos.

"Brother Hao, give me something to eat. We can really do anything." Partridge stretched out his hand very quickly and caught the wine glass thrown by Zhang Zihao in mid-air.

Zhang Zihao was stunned for a moment, and then he winked at the men beside him.

Several of Zhang Zihao's men attacked Partridge Cai at the same time.

Partridge Cai does know the rules. This is the big boss who wants to test himself.

The fat man shrewdly stepped back to the corner, cutting off the chance of these people attacking him from all sides.

Zhang Zihao's men swarmed forward without any order. In fact, when fighting in such a cramped space, large numbers of people would be a hindrance.

Dashengdi and American Ginseng stepped aside with a tacit understanding, leaving Partridge alone to fight each other. Each of these bastards was loyal.



"Ah! You damn fat man stole my peach."

"You're not fucking trying to poke me in the eye."

Partridge had rough skin and thick flesh, and he was surprisingly strong. After a few punches, he quickly knocked down all Zhang Zihao's men.

"Okay, very good!" Zhang Zihao never expected that the fat man in front of him could be so good at fighting.

"Partridge dish, right?"

"Yes, boss!" Partridge nodded and smiled.

"Can you use a gun?" Zhang Zihao looked at Partridge Cai with admiration.

Partridge scratched his head in embarrassment. This guy was good at fighting, but he had no chance of touching a gun. His marksmanship was at the level of a passerby.

"Who doesn't know how to shoot? Just run up close and hit the enemy on the head." American Ginseng said in an awesome voice.

"Okay, Paigu Ming, give each of them 10,000 yuan as a meeting gift, and they will be under your control from now on." Zhang Zihao proudly took out a brown paper bag and threw it to his men.

The guys in front of him were stupid, and Zhang Zihao thought he could take advantage of them.

When Partridge Cai and the others heard that they had just paid homage to Shanmen, they had already received a huge sum of 10,000 yuan, and the guys laughed so hard that they couldn't close their mouths.

"Thank you, boss. If you tell us to go east, we will never go west." Partridge Cai and the others said in unison, as if they had practiced shooting.

"Okay! We will all be good brothers from now on." Zhang Zihao waved away these weirdos.

"Brother Hao, do you want to investigate these guys that Paigu Ming is looking for? They look very unreliable." One of Zhang Zihao's subordinates who was beaten said angrily.

Zhang Zihao glared at his men.

These guys have no use at all except for their cleverness. Five or six of them can't beat Partridge alone.

Zhang Zihao could see that Partridge Cai hadn't used all his strength yet, and this damn fat man might be able to fight ten of them.

"No need to waste time, these weird guys, as long as the police instructors are not blind, they will not be admitted." Zhang Zihao said confidently.

Zhang Zihao has a very good eye for judging people. It is obvious at a glance that these guys, Partridge Cai, are in jail.

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What Zhang Zihao is upset about is that there have been several kidnapping cases of rich people in Hong Kong Island recently. Those rich people have strengthened their security, which makes his kidnapping plan more difficult.

Zhang Zihao was in New Times Square a few days ago and even saw Judy Tang surrounded by a dozen bodyguards with gun licenses.

"Fei Rong, see if you can contact a larger arms dealer. I want to get some heavy firepower goods."

"Brother Hao, the inspection outside is too tight now. It's hard to get these hard goods. I'll go to the New Territories to find some fish-explosives from the Dan family. Can we make our own cannons?" Fei Rong's mind is quite flexible. .

"Okay! Let's do it!" Zhang Zihao nodded with satisfaction.

Now it's just a matter of identifying the kidnapping target.

Li Jiayi felt a chill in his heart for no reason.

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