What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 654: Sir Li who conquers others with his virtue

What to do if you open the wrong plug-in Text volume Chapter 654: Sir Li who convinces others with his virtue Li Eryi woke up, surrounded by nothing, sleeping alone in the same bed, it was a really sweet life.

Judy Tang didn't come back last night, so she obviously slept with Tong Keren.

Judy Tang's house was too close to Li Er's house, and Li Er didn't even bother to go through the gate and went straight over the wall to his own home.


Li Er had just climbed over the wall of his house, and he greeted Li Er in the face with a fist.

Li Er had no time to retract his body, so he had to raise his arm to block.


Li Er was punched in the arm, but he was rough and thick-skinned, so he could easily remove the punch from his body.

An attack of this level would do almost no harm to Li Er.

"You're fucking blind, can't you see it's me?"

Li Er saw clearly that the person who attacked him was Xu Zhengyang who was doing morning exercises in the yard, and he was so angry that he cursed.

"Sorry, I really didn't see it was you."

Xu Zhengyang apologized sincerely, but he really didn't expect that it was Li Er who climbed the wall.

"Second brother, you obviously climbed the wall and came in without using the door, so why are you blaming Brother Xu?" Li Shiya, who was lying on the balcony on the third floor, spoke up.

Li Er's face turned dark immediately.

How dare you turn your elbows away from your family.

"Second brother, why are you back so early today?" When Zhu Wanfang heard Li Shiya's voice, she also stuck her head out of the balcony fence.

Li Er did not answer Zhu Wanfang, but turned around and grabbed Xu Zhengyang with his grasping hand.

"You're awesome, aren't you? If you can block three of my moves without falling to the ground, you're considered awesome."

When Xu Zhengyang heard what Li Er said, he was also angry. What a joke, he wanted to knock me down in three moves.

Xu Zhengyang admitted that Li Er's skills were indeed very powerful, but everyone was at least 50-50 apart, and there was no one who could crush anyone.

Xu Zhengyang quickly took two steps back to avoid Li Er's grasping hand.

Several other bodyguards in the yard saw Li Er and Xu Zhengyang fighting, and they all looked over excitedly.

These guys have been unhappy with Xu Zhengyang for a long time. Xu Zhengyang has been bitter and resentful all day long and has a bad face. If they hadn't really been unable to beat him, they would have wanted to fuck Xu Zhengyang a long time ago.

Li Er's grappling hand failed, and Xu Zhengyang did not take the initiative to attack. Li Er was the master of the family, and Xu Zhengyang deliberately broke Li Er's lie that he would fall to the ground with three moves.

Although Xu Zhengyang's face was expressionless, his acting skills were really poor and his eyes betrayed his thoughts. Li Er was so treacherous that he could see through Xu Zhengyang's intentions in a second.

I must teach this guy a lesson today, otherwise he will really think he is the Kung Fu Emperor.

"watch out!"

Li Er suddenly approached and hit Xu Zhengyang's chest with a standard overhead elbow.

Xu Zhengyang was startled. Li Er's speed was really frightening. Fortunately, he was prepared and immediately moved to the right to avoid Li Er's sharp elbow.

‘Two moves. ’

Xu Zhengyang smiled from the corner of his eyes, and there was only one move left. Li Er would never be able to knock him down.

"Take my mediocre kick."

Li Er shouted, and he actually squatted down and used a very ordinary sweeping kick.

Xu Zhengyang: "..."

'That's it? ’

Xu Zhengyang didn't even bother to step back. He easily jumped up to a height of thirty centimeters, which was enough.

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[What to do if you open the wrong plug-in][]

‘What if I get fucked by you—! ’


Xu Zhengyang fell into a standard dog gnaw. If he hadn't moved quickly and protected his chin with his palm in time, all his teeth would have been knocked out.

'how so? ’

Xu Zhengyang quickly jumped up and took three or four steps back before he stopped cautiously.

"How about it? I said I'll knock you down in three moves. I'll knock you down in three moves. The floor is very cold in the morning!"

Li Er looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, showing off his master's style.

Zhu Wanfang and Li Shiya didn't know martial arts. They only thought that their second brother's posture of sweeping the hall's legs was very handsome, and they knocked Xu Zhengyang down at once.

Xu Zhengyang himself and the bodyguards downstairs were both skilled in fists and kicks. Li Er's sweeping kicks were just a showpiece, only useful but not useful.

Compared with the swiftness of Li Er's forward elbow in the Bajiquan move, his sweeping leg movement was even slower by two beats.

Several bodyguards downstairs glanced at each other. Who the hell said that Xu Zhengyang was a deadbeat? This was not flattering Mr. Li, it was a good shot.

"What? Not convinced?" Li Er looked at Xu Zhengyang with a smile.

Xu Zhengyang did not speak. He looked at Li Er very carefully to see if he was letting off steam. Xu Zhengyang knew better than anyone else that if given the chance, he would be very willing to beat Li Er, a scumbag, into a pig's head.

"Then come again!" Li Er waved his hands like a master: "What I like most is to persuade others with virtue."

"Okay -!" Xu Zhengyang responded and took the initiative.


Xu Zhengyang swayed to the right, deceiving Li Er's center of gravity, and suddenly changed direction and attacked from the left.

It has to be said that Xu Zhengyang's height and body shape are very suitable for this kind of close-up short game.

Li Er's focus was misplaced, and it was very uncomfortable to suddenly change direction at this time.

However, Xu Zhengyang's fist had already struck. Xu Zhengyang's gesture of clenching his fist was a little different from others. His middle finger and index finger protruded outward and stabbed Li Er's neck fiercely.

"It's your uncle's fault, just give me a mediocre kick."

Li Er couldn't break Xu Zhengyang's moves, so he used his sweeping kick very roughly.

Xu Zhengyang almost died laughing when he saw Li Er actually squatting down and sweeping his legs.

His body was now in the air, and Li Er's sweeping leg not only could not sweep him, but he also squatted down and put his hands on the ground, completely giving up on defense.

Xu Zhengyang saw that he was about to knock out Li Er with one punch.


After Xu Zhengyang's body rotated 360 degrees in mid-air, he fell heavily to the bluestone floor.

The fall was so heavy that Xu Zhengyang's eyes went dark for a full second before he recovered. He did not dare to get up and rolled two meters on the floor before quickly bouncing back up.

‘What, what’s going on? ’

Xu Zhengyang looked at Li Er in surprise.

Li Er patted the dust on his hands.

"Xiao Xu, you probably entered Zhongnanhai through the back door. This bodyguard's skills are not good either." Li Er teased with a smile.

"You...how did you knock me down just now?"

The corners of Xu Zhengyang's eyes twitched. In fact, he could see Li Er's movements clearly. He just couldn't figure out how he could fall for such a clumsy move like an idiot.

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[What to do if you open the wrong plug-in][]

"You want to learn! I'll teach you!"

Li Erniu continued to look up at the sky angrily.

Bastard, the direction is wrong. The direction Li Er raised his head was facing the sun. The sunlight stung his eyes. He quickly changed the direction and continued to look up at the sky.

Xu Zhengyang: "..."

"Sister Wanfang, it seems that my second brother is the most handsome." Li Shiya clapped her hands excitedly.

"Of course, the newspapers said that the second brother is the most powerful policeman in Hong Kong." Zhu Wanfang nodded matter-of-factly, but she hoped that Li Er would not be so powerful and busy.

The layman looks at the fun, the expert looks at the door.

Several bodyguards in the yard looked at each other. Xu Zhengyang's performance was very good. Li Sir just swept his legs and he fell down. He could also flip twice in the air. It would be a pity that this guy didn't go to film.

"I want to learn more about your sweeping kick just now." Xu Zhengyang clasped his fists at Li Er very solemnly.

Bodyguards: "..."

Bastard, this guy Xu Zhengyang will definitely win the Best Actor Award when he makes a movie. Look at how damn good he pretends to be.


As soon as Li Er finished speaking, the man had already rushed out. This time Li Er used all his strength to sweep the hall's legs.

Xu Zhengyang only saw an afterimage.

'----Snapped! ’

Xu Zhengyang flipped four or five times in the air before falling heavily to the floor.

Xu Zhengyang looked at the sky with dull eyes.

All the bodyguards clapped their hands, the best actor, Xu Zhengyang is definitely the hidden best actor.

After finishing convincing people with his virtue, Sir Li clapped his hands and walked into the villa building.

"Second brother, you are so bad." Li Shiya glared angrily at Li Er who went upstairs.

Sir Li shook his fist.

"If you dare to fall in love prematurely, if you don't study hard, you will be careful about your skin." Sir Li warned his biological sister seriously.

"Then Sister Wanfang fell in love early."

Oops, there is a ready-made list of people for Li Shiya to learn from.

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