What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 657: My husband believes in you.

Latest website: "Liang Jiaren, what do you mean? Your men came to my territory to arrest people, and they even caused two of our guys to get injured." Cao Dahua cursed in anger.

"Sir Cao, calm down, three of our officers from the Kowloon Police Station also died." Liang Jiaren said in a low voice.

"Those of your thugs deserve to be thumped. Now it's my people who are on the news. How to solve this matter?" Cao Dahua was so angry that his stomach swelled.

While Chen Yiyuan was escaping, he encountered two Wan Chai patrol officers who blocked him. As soon as Chen Yiyuan drew his pistol, the two patrol officers were so frightened that they raised their hands and surrendered.

This was nothing at first, but as a matter of fact, this scene was captured by the following news reporters, and they even reported it with added detail.

Cao Dahua had just been in the public eye for one day, and he was severely slapped in the face.

Liang Jiaren didn't want to take the blame with Cao Dahua, so he hung up the phone with Cao Dahua decisively.

Cao Dahua: "..."

Cao Dahua turned to glare at Fang Jiexia.

Fang Jiexia hurriedly waved her hand and explained: "Sir Cao, those two patrol policemen are not from our team. They are not even from our heavy duty team."

Cao Dahua also learned from Li Er and divided the heavy eucalyptus group he was responsible for into two groups. One group was led by Lu Qichang, and the other group was managed by Fang Jiexia.

"Have you found the hiding place of that group of gangsters? Fight a beautiful counterattack as soon as possible to give the public an explanation." Cao Dahua looked at Fang Jiexia coldly.

The patrol policemen naturally do not belong to the heavy duty group, but Cao Dahua is greedy for credit, and he is also responsible for managing the patrol group.

"Achang, your team has put down all the tricks on hand for the time being. We will try our best to catch this group of gangsters headed by Chen Yiyuan first." Cao Dahua turned to Lu Qichang and said.

"Yessir!" Lu Qichang quickly agreed.

Lu Qichang is still very aware of current affairs. If Chen Yiyuan's criminal gang is not solved as soon as possible, the negative impact on the police force will only become greater and greater.

"You send a hidden message on the road and offer a reward of 100,000 yuan for the whereabouts of Chen Yiyuan and his gang. I will pay for it myself to make it more concealed." Cao Dahua whispered to Lu Qichang after taking Fang Jiexia out.

Lu Qichang is good at adapting to things, and Cao Dahua knows that he will understand what to do.

"Okay! I'll go down and make arrangements right away." Lu Qichang nodded clearly.

The police buying information from the underworld is naturally not allowed to be exposed to the public, but for some information, the idle gangsters in the underworld are indeed better informed than the police.


"Ah Hugh——!" Cao Dahua sneezed heavily.

Lu Qichang waited seriously for Cao Dahua's instructions.

Cao Dahua rubbed his nose, damn, I forgot what he was going to say.

"Okay, that's it!" Cao Dahua waved Lu Qichang out.

"Ah Hugh——!"

Fang Jiexia suddenly sneezed.

"Madam, the weather has turned cold recently, be careful of catching a cold." A handsome police officer said with concern.

"It's okay, just do your own thing. We must find Chen Yiyuan's hiding place before Sir Lu's group." Fang Jiexia said with a serious face.

Although she has the same face as Li Xin'er, Li Xin'er loves to smile, while Fang Jiexia likes to keep a straight face, as if everyone owes her hundreds of thousands, and her temperament is a bit inferior to Li Xin'er.

"Yes Madam!" The handsome police officer hurriedly pretended to be busy.

Although Fang Jiexia is very strict, she is beautiful, and many male police officers in Wan Chai Police Station want to chase her.


Kowloon Police Station.

"Zhang Zhiheng, you bastard, you don't say hello to the Wan Chai Police Station when you are working across districts. Do you believe it or not that I will kill you with a tiger and a crane?"

Liang Jiaren was extremely angry and put on a Kung Fu posture that was very scary at first sight.

"I believe it, Sir Liang. Put away your lethal and terrifying tiger-crane twin shapes. If you kill me with a crane, who can help you save the credit? You can find a newbie. He can take the blame even though I am not skilled at it."

Zhang Zhiheng was not afraid of boiling water and ate instant noodles. He didn't eat anything all day because of Chen Yiyuan's eucalyptus.

"Old rules, this is my fault. I will take the blame alone, but I will wait until I catch Chen Yiyuan before punishing him." Zhang Zhiheng said skillfully.

Liang Jiaren took a deep breath and finally took back his special skill, 'Tiger and Crane'.

"Okay, then I don't know anything. Go away, you haven't returned to the police station today." Liang Jiaren admired Zhang Zhiheng's awareness of giving credit and taking the blame.

Zhang Zhiheng immediately rolled away, his skill was pitiful.

"Ah Hugh——!"

Liang Jiaren sneezed.

"Strange, that little slut is thinking about me." Liang Jiaren muttered to himself.


Tsim Sha Tsui, Bai Anni's villa.

Li Er, this bastard, in order to test his new skill of 'sneeze curse', he tested it on all the people he knew.

On this day, at least a hundred people in Hong Kong sneezed, and some unlucky ones were even given special attention by Li Er ten or eight times.

‘It’s time to try the distance. ’

Li Er dialed Haitang's phone number in Taiwan.

"Hey, Haitang, I heard that you are very proud of the spring breeze recently!" Li Er glanced out the window into the yard.

Annie was learning gardening from her mother. Li Er knew that Annie wouldn't be able to keep up her hobby for three days.

"Hehe, it's okay." Haitang on the other end of the phone smiled happily.

"Matilda is really powerful. I have eliminated all the Sanlian Gang's strongholds in Tainan. From now on, I have the final say in all of Tainan." Haitang smiled very domineeringly.

"Husband, why don't you accept me as your good apprentice? You teach me my skills and I will sleep with you."

Li Er: "..."

Li Er could feel Haitang's excitement through the signal.

If it were before, Li Er would really have no way to deal with Haitang.



‘The sneeze curse. ’

"Ah Hugh——!"

Haitang on the other end of the phone sneezed heavily.

Li Er almost laughed out loud when he heard Haitang's sneezing.

"You have a cold?" Li Er asked with concern.

"Ah?" Haitang was stunned for a moment.

"Don't pretend to care about me. Qiqi told me that you have many lovers in Hong Kong Island. Take it easy!"

Haitang was obviously deceiving Li Er, and Liang Qiqi would never say such a thing.

Haitang made Sir Li feel unhappy, and the consequences were serious.

"Ah Hugh——!"

Haitang sneezed heavily again.

Haitang rubbed her nose. Could it be that she really caught a cold?

"Let's get down to business, how much money did Li Jiacheng receive?"

Maybe Haitang was really good at serving others. Li Er didn't want to tease his lover too much, so he immediately changed the subject.

When Haitang heard Li Er mention this, she immediately felt good.

"Half of the money has been received. Husband, it will take a lot of time to erase all the records for such a large amount of money. Don't be in a hurry for money!"

Haitang didn't want other experts to earn too much handling fees, so she planned to wash it slowly.

Of course, this premise is that Li Er must trust her 100%, otherwise she may transfer all the money to herself if she has enough time.

"There's no rush, just take your time." Li Er replied magnanimously: "My husband trusts you."

Haitang was immediately moved. If it were in other time periods, she would not believe a word Li Er said this, but this is seven billion!

Hehe, before the 'sneeze curse', Li Er would never have believed in Haitang. Who the hell would be stupid enough to use money to test people's hearts.


If you dare to blackmail my money, I will sneeze and kill you.

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