What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 658 Li 2’s unwritten office rules

Latest website: "Brother Yuan, it should be safe here for the time being, but we'd better not go out in the near future." Wu Song quickly helped bandage the wound of the brother who was shot.

"Let's cover the wound like this for now. The police must have targeted those black market doctors now. The risk of looking for black market doctors at this time is too high." Another gangster said cautiously.

Chen Yiyuan nodded seriously.

If the warhead is not removed as soon as possible, their shot brother will be in danger.

"Brother Yuan, I know a dentist who can remove bullets." The speaker was a small guy.


Wu Song quickly waved his hand to object: "This is Tsim Sha Tsui. Those who seek out sideways are frightened by the police in Tsim Sha Tsui. They may report us immediately."

Wu Song obviously knows Hong Kong Island, and he is very aware of the deterrent effect of the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station on the underworld.

No one who wants to take advantage of others is willing to offend these people in Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station. Otherwise, Li Er would be in vain in connivance with Li Xianying and Ma Jun to violently enforce the law.

"Then why are we hiding here?" Chen Yiyuan asked questioningly.

"Brother Yuan, it's safe here!" Wu Song said with great certainty: "I rented this house half a year in advance. No one would think that we were hiding in Tsim Sha Tsui."

Wu Song took it for granted.

Not long after they hid in this housing estate building, Lu Qichang received the news.

Although Lu Qichang still doesn't know where the group of them is hiding, it is certain that they are in Tsim Sha Tsui.

"Sir Cao, I think it would be better for you to contact Li Er."

Lu Qichang's level is too low, and Li Er will most likely not give him face.

"Am I going to show up?"

Cao Dahua shook his head decisively. If he wanted to talk about who he was least willing to deal with in the entire police force, that person would undoubtedly be Li Er.

What's more, this time it's Li Er's territory again.

"Let Fang Jiexia contact Li Er, and the two parties will jointly organize the event." Cao Dahua immediately thought of a good way.

This guy himself is greedy for money and lustful, so he thinks that men all over the world are also greedy for money and lustful, especially Li Er, a bastard who has all the beauties taken away by him.

Cao Dahua would never reject a beautiful woman like Fang Jiexia if he saw Li Er to death.

"Yessir!" Lu Qichang immediately went to find Fang Jiexia.

"Ah -? I...I'm not sure I can convince Sir Li." Fang Jiexia said nervously. Li Er is notoriously difficult to deal with, especially when the levels are not equal.

"Then I don't know. I really want to go!" Lu Qichang shook his head regretfully: "But Sir Cao decides that you can do this."

Fang Jiexia: "..."

"Hello! Sir Li, please be free. I'm Fang Jiexia."


Fang Jiexia turned her ears away from the phone speaker in embarrassment. Li Er's "Go away" almost made her deaf.

"Hey, Sir Li, I want to treat you to dinner!" Fang Jiexia spoke as fast as she could as soon as she dialed the phone.


How could Li Er refuse such an invitation to dinner? He was currently having dinner in a restaurant.

"Tsim Sha Tsui, Chang De Xuan Cantonese Restaurant, come here quickly."

"Okay, Sir Li, I'll be there soon." Fang Jiexia breathed a long sigh of relief.

The other side.

Li Er put down the mobile phone in his hand.

"There is an enemy who is coming over to treat us. Do you want to add some food?" Li Er asked Bai Anni and Ma Guoying.

"Okay! I want to add a piece of baked lobster with matsutake mushrooms." Bai Anni smiled and added tea to Li Er.

This meal was invited by Ma Guoying. As Ma Guoying's direct boss, Bai Anni was too embarrassed to order too expensive dishes just now.

Li Er looked at Ma Guoying.

"I don't want it! I ordered a lot of dishes today." Ma Guoying quickly waved her hands. She was worried that she would become the one who was taken advantage of.

Ma Guoying didn't add any vegetables, and Li Er ignored her. The guy added a portion of sea cucumber roasted with green onions and a portion of steamed grouper. After that, he thoughtfully helped Fang Jiexia order an egg fried rice.

Li Er thought with his toes, knowing that Fang Jiexia must have something to ask of him.

Fang Jiexia's speed can almost catch up with Li Er. It only took her 20 minutes to get from Wan Chai to Tsim Sha Tsui.

"Sir Li, Anne, good evening!"

Fang Jiexia naturally knew Bai Anni.

"So it's you who wants to treat us!" Bai Anni gave Fang Jiexia a strange look.

"This is Ma Guoying, Inspector Ma, Bell, who has recently joined our heavy duty team. She is Fang Jiexia from Wan Chai Police Station, also with the title of Inspector."

Bai Anni introduced Fang Jiexia to Ma Guoying.



Fang Jiexia and Ma Guoying shook hands with each other. In fact, they had met when Li Jiacheng ambushed Taro Yoshimura at Li Jiacheng's villa, but they just didn't know each other at the time.

"Sir Li, didn't you say that your heavy duty team won't be recruiting people?" Fang Jiexia looked at Li Er angrily.

Fang Jiexia has wanted to escape from the clutches of Joseph Tsao for a long time, and the Tsim Sha Tsui Heavy Duty Team is naturally her first choice. Unfortunately, Li Er said that the Heavy Duty Team is already full.

"Our heavy-duty team only recruits beauties."

Li Er's words made Fang Jiexia so angry that she turned to look at Ma Guoying.

It’s not as beautiful as it is!

Ma Guoying's face lit up, she didn't expect that in Li Sir's eyes, she was so beautiful.

"Oh! By the way, I ordered an egg fried rice for you, no need to thank me." Li Er quickly changed the subject.

Fang Jiexia glanced at the dining table. With such a large table of delicious dishes, she actually ordered a piece of egg fried rice for herself?

How shameless, this is very Li Er.

"Sir Li, I have something to ask you for help?"

She was about to bleed heavily, so Fang Jiexia got straight to the point.

"Let's eat first! The egg fried rice in this restaurant is very authentic. It's cooked overnight. If it's not enough, I'll order another one for you." Li Er pulled Fang Jiexia to sit down attentively.

Fang Jiexia forced out a smile bitterly.

"Thank you, Sir Li. Well, I'm not very hungry."

Li Er shrugged his shoulders: "Then there's nothing I can do to help!"

Fang Jiexia hurriedly lowered her head to eat the rice. She glanced at Li Er in surprise. The egg fried rice was really delicious. At least she had never eaten such delicious fried rice.

"How about it, the introduction is correct!" Li Er grinned: "You don't think I want to harm you, do you?"

"Hmm!" Fang Jiexia shook her head desperately: "No, absolutely not."

"Sir Li, I believe you."

Li Er very kindly helped Fang Jiexia pour a cup of Longjing tea.

"Slow down, be careful of the burn."

Fang Jiexia was busy making Yiyuan's eucalyptus and didn't eat all day. In fact, she was very hungry.

"Thank you, Sir Li!" Fang Jiexia said with a smile.

I hope she will be so happy when she sees the bill later!

Li Er and Bai Anni often come to this restaurant and have been paying for it for half a month.

Originally, today was to let Ma Guoying experience Li's unspoken office rules. Since Fang Jiexia volunteered, she naturally had to trick her as an outsider first.

With Ma Guoying by my side, I can experience the dangers of society again at any time.

"Sir Li, I am following a robbery order. The robber leader is called Chen Yiyuan. I have been following this person for more than two months." Fang Jiexia was really serious about her work. She got down to business as soon as she finished her meal.

"I know, it's Chen Yiyuan who asked you Wan Chai Police Station guys to raise their hands and surrender!" Li Er said with a sarcastic smile.

The Wan Chai patrol police surrendering to the gangsters has caused a sensation throughout Hong Kong. This is even more explosive than the news that Yoshimura Notaro slept with Li Kacheng's daughter-in-law.

"Sir Li, we have received very reliable information. Chen Yiyuan is now hiding in Tsim Sha Tsui. I want to cooperate with your Tsim Sha Tsui Heavy Duty Group." Fang Jiexia ignored Li Er's sarcasm.

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