What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 661: An act to alert the enemy.

"Sir Li, do you want to seal the building?" Fang Jiexia asked actively.

"What kind of building is closed? Isn't it for nucleic acid testing?" Li Er held the car door with a pale face.

"These two buildings are connected together, right? Give me the architectural drawings." Li Er vaguely remembered that Chen Yiyuan escaped through the pipe of the elevator shaft.

"More than that, the three unit buildings are all connected together, with more than 300 households." Bai Anni handed the drawing to Li Er. She had already obtained the drawing at the property management office.

"So many people?" Fang Jiexia secretly clicked her tongue.

It seemed like she had the bad idea of ​​closing the building just now.

"Is there no way to determine which floor the opponent is located on?" Li Er asked while looking at the drawings.

There are a total of twelve exits in the three unit buildings. It seems more reliable to guard the exits.

"It's unclear at the moment. The informant only knows that Chen Yiyuan and his gang evacuated here from Wan Chai and have never come out."

Bai Anni waved to a guy with a deer head and rat eyes in the distance.

"Hey! Mada, good evening, Sir Li!"

"He is the informant Mouse Ming. His job is as a paparazzi reporter for gossip magazines. He is the one who followed Chen Yiyuan from Wan Chai to here."

Li Er glanced at Shu Ming with admiration. This guy was definitely a thoughtful person.

"Are you sure that Chen Yiyuan and his gang are all in the building?" Li Er patted Shu Ming on the shoulder.

"I'm sure, although these unit buildings have several exits, there are only two roads leading outside, one is to the pier. There is no boat service at this time, so it is impossible for them to go to the pier."

"There's another way. I've been squatting at the intersection and didn't see them coming out." Mouse Ming smiled mischievously.

"Very good!" Li Er counted a thousand yuan and handed it to Shu Ming.

Although Li Er is very stingy, he is not stingy with these people who risk their lives to make money.

"Thank you Sir Li, Mada has given me this once."

Shu Ming said this, but quickly took Li Er's money with both hands.

"You followed Chen Yiyuan and his group all the way. You must have taken a lot of photos. Hand over the negatives." Li Er stared at Shu Ming coldly.

Sir Li's money is not easy to make.

"Hehe, my brother has already asked my brother to develop the negatives and sell them to magazines." Shu Ming chuckled: "I have a partner."

Li Er's face turned cold.

"But I developed dozens more, and here are the photos." Shu Ming quickly handed a brown paper bag to Li Er.

"The rumors in the world are true. Sir Li's money is not that easy to get."

"Okay, you can go away and don't take any fucking photos in my direction."

Li Er waved his hand to drive away the mouse Ming.

"Yes, I know the rules."

The mouse knew better and ran away, and of course he would not leave just like that.

Sir Li has already taken action in person. There will definitely be a shootout later. This is first-hand news. Shu Ming has been keeping a close eye on him. He was so sleepy at this time that he had no choice but to slap his face hard to wake himself up. Wait don't fucking fall asleep.

"Ah Tou!"

Li Er was looking at the photos when Li Xianying and Ma Jun arrived, followed by Miao Zhishun.

"Don't your team have a case to follow up on?" Li Er frowned and looked at Li Xianying.

"Hey, I'll work on that case during the day, so I'll have nothing to do at night." Li Xianying is well-informed. This is a big case. Who doesn't want a promotion and a salary increase?

Li Xianying nodded to Bo Anne sheepishly. If they come over, the credit of Bo Anne's team will naturally be diluted.

Bai Anni didn't care. Li Xianying had taken her with her to gain credit in the past. She generously gave Li Xianying a copy of the information.

On the contrary, Ma Guoying's face was not so good. She was now the deputy captain of the intelligence team. Her subordinates did not dare to complain about Bai Anni, but they would blame her that Ma Guoying was useless.

"Okay, it's easier to do things when there are more people. Let the guys from the CID department work in groups of three to guard

At all entrances and exits, report suspicious persons to the switchboard as soon as possible and do not act without authorization. "

Li Er quickly looked at the photos of Chen Yiyuan's criminal gang.

Mouse Ming is really awesome. He secretly took close-ups of the faces of criminal gangs. In comparison, the photo of Chen Yiyuan in the police information is seriously distorted.

"Sir Li, I'll make copies of the photos and distribute them to all the guys involved in the operation." Fang Jiexia volunteered.


"Let's discuss it. Now it is known that the seven suspects are in these three unit buildings. Is there any way to find them out?" Li Er clapped his hands.

"Seal the building and check them layer by layer. They can't fly." Ma Jun raised his hand and said rudely.

Li Er: "..."

"This workload is too much. There are too many residents in these apartment buildings. There are eight elevators and twelve stairs. When they run away, it's no different than catching a mouse in the building." Bai Anni kindly reminded Ma Jun. .

"Uh——! I listen to Ah Tou. I will do whatever Ah Tou says."

Everyone rolled their eyes, which was no different from not saying anything.

Ma Jun was kicked out of the group chat.

"Miao Zhishun, what do you think?" Li Er saw that Miao Zhishun was about to make a move and asked him directly.

"I propose to cut off the power to the entire building and force them out." Miao Zhishun said insidiously.

"You idiot, if you want me to be scolded to death, get out of the way with Ma Jun."

Li Er looked at Ma Guoying, and Ma Guoying quickly looked at Bai Anni.

The case itself was too difficult, and she didn't dare to give random answers. Fang Jiexia was smart enough to find an excuse to copy the photos early.

"Master, I think we still need to check the building. Our intelligence team can install wireless cameras. There is no need to consider the wiring in the building to draw power. The camera's own battery can maintain power for up to six hours."

Bai Anni looked at Li Er: "Six hours should be enough!"

"Okay, let's do it." Li Er immediately understood Bai Anni's intention.

Before others could quite understand Bai Anni's thoughts, Li Er had already taken out a pencil and divided the building on the drawing into six areas.

"Do you have enough manpower in your intelligence team?"

"Hehe, it must be enough. Even if each person only installs ten, we can quickly install a hundred cameras for you." Bai Anni smiled confidently.

Even though the intelligence team of the Serious Crime Unit was formed the latest, they have the largest number of people and the most advanced equipment.

If the micro camera does not need to draw power from the building's circuit, one can be installed in a few seconds. Coupled with the frequency binding and test signal, the whole process will not take more than a minute.


The intelligence team members quickly changed into power grid company employee uniforms and entered the building.

The intelligence team was indeed very efficient. When Li Er entered the command vehicle, all the cameras had been installed.

"Wow——! Sir Li, the equipment of your crime team is too advanced!"

Fang Jiexia looked at the high-tech equipment in the intelligence team's command car with envy.

Images from every corner of the building appeared on ten monitors on the command vehicle.

"Okay, Eagle, let the uniformed policemen in the playground downstairs patrol in unison. The more ostentatious the better." After Li Er finished speaking, he stared at the monitor intently.

Li Er obviously wanted to take the initiative to alert the enemy.

It's just that there are too many cameras, which is troublesome, and Li Er can't keep an eye on them.

"Annie, keep an eye on the sixteen cameras in Area A."

"Sir Li, I'm keeping an eye on Area B." Fang Jiexia said proactively, "I've seen Chen Yiyuan, and I can spot him as soon as he comes out of the corridor."

"Okay, then you are in Area C." Li Er patted Ma Guoying on the shoulder without looking back.

Hey, why is it so soft?

Damn, I took the photo in the wrong place.

Ma Guoying's face turned red

He glared at Li Er, but fortunately, Bai Anni and Fang Jiexia were all staring at the camera, so no one noticed.

She also quickly stared at the area she was responsible for.


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