What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 662: The romantic Sir Li

"Brother Yuan, no, we were discovered by the police."

The uniformed officers of the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station were performing martial arts downstairs, and soon alerted Chen Yiyuan and his group inside the building.

"Brother Chun, no, we were discovered by the police."

"Ah? No way, we haven't started taking action yet." Zhang Chun strangely opened the corner of the curtain and looked out the window.

At the same time, Chen Yiyuan was also standing in front of the window, looking at the uniformed police downstairs with a calm expression.

"Look at this posture, the police are going to seal the building and search." Wu Song said nervously.

"Not necessarily!" Chen Yiyuan glanced at the exits downstairs.

It's strange that the police were having such a big battle downstairs, but the ordinary citizens downstairs didn't panic at all. There were even a few idlers squatting on the cement fence to watch the excitement.

"Sir, what are you doing?"

"Catch the hawkers. From now on, you are not allowed to place the folding stools of the food stalls beyond the sidewalk." Li Xianying warned loudly, waving a baton.

"No way, Sir, when did you all do all the work of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department together?" An idle man laughed in disbelief.

"Hey! The environment is not good now, so I have to do everything!"

Li Xianying was also happy to brag with these boring guys. He waved over a few guys who were squatting on the stone pier to watch the excitement.

"Have you seen these people?" Li Xianying took out photos of Chen Yiyuan and others and asked.

Regardless of the fact that these idle men have little contribution to society, these bastards are very well-informed. They know exactly which family's men have mistresses and whose women have cheated on them.

"Hey——! It looks familiar. Do you live in our building?"

"Yes, think about it carefully. Let's all help think about it. If there are any clues, I'll treat you to the midnight snack tonight." Li Xianying was always so heroic.

"Haha, this is what you said, to make him poor."


"Sir Li, there are many reporters outside. They ask us why we are having such a big battle?" A female police officer from the intelligence team opened the car door and asked Li Er.

"It's none of their business, tell them to get out, otherwise they will be treated as obstructing official business."

Li Er is the only guy in the police force who is not used to the news media, and he is not afraid of being slandered by others.

In fact, those news magazines have already written about Li Er as a pretty boy being kept by a rich woman.

Some entertainment news also said that Li Er was a womanizer and would hang out with several women in one night. This made Li Er excited but also deeply stinging, and he used this as motivation.

Li Er has been blackballed by the news media. Originally, Bai Qianni wanted to help Li Er clarify, but people directly said that the two of them were having an affair, and that the bastard Li Er, mother and daughter, took it all.

The author can prove that this is absolutely slander. Even if Sir Li has such intention, he does not have the physical strength.

"Sir Li, the purpose of this battle is to restore the reputation of our police force. We cannot offend these journalists." Fang Jiexia quickly reminded.

"According to what you say, wouldn't it be better for me to give each prostitute a hundred yuan in red envelopes and let them praise our police?" Li Er cursed without raising his head.

"..." Fang Jiexia broke out in a cold sweat. She wanted to sing praises after being given a hundred yuan. Did this guy think too much?

"Don't be distracted. Just stare at the screen. There are many people coming out." Bai Anni said nervously.

In order to extend the battery life of the wireless camera as much as possible, Bai Anni lowered the image quality of the camera. Only by looking carefully can the outline of the facial features be recognized.


"The situation is indeed very wrong. Let's pack up our things and evacuate separately. We will meet again when we get outside. Ah Zhong and I will be in the same group."

Although Chen Yiyuan couldn't see what the police downstairs were doing, he intuitively felt that it was dangerous to stay here.

"Okay, Brother Yuan, then we will be divided into three groups, Ah Shen and I will be in one group." Wu Song quickly put on a shoulder bag, which was full of weapons.

Chen Yiyuan's room is two floors up.

"Old Hei, pack your bags and retreat before they form a circle—!"

Brother Chun discovered that the police had not blocked the entrance and exit, so he quickly packed up his things and prepared to run away.

"Master, there is a problem. The location of the Y11 camera in Building B on the 9th floor. These two people are not normal."

Zhang Chun and Lao Hei had just walked out of the room when they were stared at by Bai Anni.

Zhang Chun and Lao Hei were far away from the camera, and Mrs. Bo Anne couldn't really see their faces, but Bo Anne judged from experience that these two people were not ordinary residents.

The killer's walking posture is indeed slightly different from ordinary people.

Most people walk in the middle of the corridor, but Zhang Chun and Lao Hei walked with their bodies close to the wall, and they would subconsciously slow down at every corridor intersection.

"There's nothing wrong with these two people. He's not in the photo."

Fang Jiexia has an excellent memory. She has memorized the photos of Chen Yiyuan and his group.

Zhang Chun and Lao Hei entered the shooting range of another camera and their faces were clearly photographed. Fang Jiexia recognized at a glance that this was not the target person.

"Who told you that such a big building belongs to Chen Yiyuan and his gang of gangsters?" Li Er glared at Fang Jiexia fiercely.

Li Er's job was to be a killer. He could tell at a glance that Zhang Chun and Lao Hei were in the same group.

"Ah——! No! Could such a coincidence happen?" Fang Jiexia made a fuss.

Li Er slapped her on the head: "Watch your own area. If you miss others, I will punish you."

Li Er's actions were a bit ambiguous, and Fang Jiexia was furious. Unfortunately, she didn't dare to refute Li Er, so she had to obediently turn her head to look at the scene in the area she was responsible for.

"Miao Zhishun, you are in the elevator of Block A on the first floor, right? Get to the elevator of Block B immediately. There are two suspects on the ninth floor, most likely the killers." Li Er picked up the walkie-talkie and informed Miao Zhishun.

"Got it, I'll rush over right away."

Miao Zhishun clenched his hands excitedly. There were not many opportunities for a master like Li Er to fight for him. Although he was working hard on the front line, Li Er was fighting three beauties in the RV.

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? ? ?

When the female police officer from the intelligence team opened the door of the command vehicle just now, several sharp-eyed reporters saw Li Er sitting in the car with Bai Anni, Ma Guoying and Fang Jiexia.

The next day's gossip magazine indeed described Li Er and three beautiful policemen playing car sex at the scene.

"Sir Li, I'm at the elevator entrance of Building B on the first floor. I'm holding the elevator down on the first floor. Do I want to go up?" Miao Zhishun reported.

Li Er took a look at the picture on the first floor. There were quite a lot of people, but only Zhang Chun and Lao Hei were waiting for the elevator in Building B on the 9th floor.

"Okay, you can press the elevator to go to the 9th floor, put on the headset, and don't talk on the walkie-talkie."


"Come out! Police!" Miao Zhishun kicked out several residents in the elevator and took the elevator upstairs.

"Sir Li, these two are really killers. You can see through the gun in the guy's hand." Fang Jiexia nervously reminded Li Er that she was distracted by looking at the scene in Bai Anni's area.

When Zhang Chun turned around and changed positions just now, he accidentally exposed a little of the pistol inside his jacket.

"Pah!" Li Eryi slapped Fang Jiexia on the head.

"Don't think that I won't hit you because you are a beauty. Watch your own area."

Fang Jiexia hurriedly turned to look at her Area B, but she couldn't help but peek nervously at Miao Zhishun's position.

Li Er: "..."

‘Malgobi, this woman just needs repairing. ’

"Miao Zhishun, I have to remind you that as soon as the elevator door opens, you will face two pistols."

"It's okay, I can handle it." Miao Zhishun confidently pulled out the pistol at his waist.

Whether he was calculating mentally or not, Miao Zhishun was 99% sure that he could kill his opponent.

"Well, I suggest you get out of the elevator as an ordinary citizen, turn around and shoot them again. I just suggest that you can make up your own mind."

Miao Zhishun hadn't done anything yet, but Fang Jiexia felt a chill in her heart when she heard Li Er's words. This guy was so bad, and she must not offend him.


The elevator door opens.

Miao Zhishun and Zhang Chun looked at each other.

Miao Zhishun raised his head and glanced at the numbers on the elevator display.

"Is this the ninth floor?"

"Yes!" Zhang Chun nodded and released the pistol in his pocket.

Miao Zhishun walked out of the elevator.

Zhang Chun and Lao Hei walked into the elevator.

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