What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 682 Why am I so unlucky?

"Immediately seal all entrances and exits on the first floor. No one is allowed to enter or leave without my order."

Li Wenbin decisively blocked Zhang Dehua's escape route. No matter how the other party ran around in the building, as long as he could not escape from the building, it was only a matter of time before he was arrested.

"Sir Chen, please notify us of your location immediately and I will send someone to support you."

Li Wenbin picked up the walkie-talkie and asked Chen Jiaju for information.


There was a gunshot from Chen Jiaju's side.

Chen Jiaju and Li Wenbin were both shocked.

‘Didn’t you say the gun was fake? ’

Li Wenbin looked at Li Er in surprise. He knew Chen Jiaju's character well. As long as the other party didn't shoot, Chen Jiaju would not take the initiative to shoot, so the gunshot just now must have been fired by Zhang Dehua.

"I have already said that Zhang Dehua's body may not be full of parallel imports."

Li Er said and snatched the walkie-talkie from Li Wenbin's hand.

"Big Nosed Horse, you're not fucking dead, are you?"

"I almost got shot in the head. I'm on the sixteenth floor now. Come over and help." Chen Jiaju shouted angrily.

Zhang Dehua's unexpected shot really stunned Chen Jiaju, who asked him to pretend not to wear a bulletproof vest.

"Do you need help?" Li Er turned to Li Wenbin and asked.

Thanks to Chen Jiaju's frequent driving in reverse, he is now one level lower than Li Wenbin, his former subordinate. Li Er naturally wanted to ask Li Wenbin for his opinion.

It's just that Li Er, the senior superintendent, is many levels higher than Li Wenbin. Li Wenbin didn't dare to say anything in front of Li Er, so he could only nodded with an embarrassed look.

After Li Er went downstairs with satisfaction, Li Wenbin quickly asked his men to block the financial company that was robbed by Zhang Dehua. He intuitively felt that Zhang Dehua's robbery of the financial company was problematic.

There are companies on the same floor, including mortgage companies and jewelry companies. It is more cost-effective to rob these companies than to rob the financial company.

The other side.

Zhang Dehua paid the price for his pretense. He was shot by Li Er and his mobility was reduced by half. He couldn't get rid of the dog-skin plaster-like Chen Jiaju.


Zhang Dehua fired a shot behind him, slightly stopping Chen Jiaju's footsteps.

‘You can’t go downstairs, the police should be able to judge your intention to go downstairs. ’

Zhang Dehua deliberately opened a fire door as far as possible, let go, and quickly ran to the next floor.

Chen Jiaju chased Zhang Dehua to his original floor and found that the fire door at the entrance of the stairs was still swinging. He thought Zhang Dehua had run into the corridor, so he immediately pushed open the fire door and ran into the corridor.

Zhang Dehua hurriedly returned the same way and continued upstairs.


After Chen Jiaju chased him into the corridor, he quickly discovered something was wrong. There was no one in such a long corridor. Zhang Dehua was not very fast and ran to the other end in a flash.

Chen Jiaju immediately turned back to the fire stairs, but Chen Jiaju's head was too straight. He thought Zhang Dehua was going downstairs, so he chased downstairs desperately, but the distance between him and Zhang Dehua became farther and farther.

"Jiaju, report your location." Li Er took the elevator down to the sixteenth floor and saw no trace of Chen Jiaju.

"I ran to the fifth floor, and I lost the gangster." Chen Jiaju said breathlessly.

This guy is indeed an expert at jumping off buildings. He descended the stairs as if he were jumping from the fire stairway, and in one fell swoop he went down to the eleventh floor.

"What? You rushed to the fifth floor?"

After Li Er was stunned for a moment, he immediately reacted: "You idiot, you were fooled. Zhang Dehua escaped upstairs."

"Wait for me, I'll be up right away." Chen Jiaju screamed miserably. Going upstairs was not as pleasant as going downstairs.

Two minutes later.

Li Er looked at Chen Jiaju speechlessly: "Why can't you take the elevator up?"

"Uh——!" Chen Jiaju, who was sweating profusely, was stopped by Li Er.

"It's okay, I have good physical strength!" Chen Jiaju said stiffly.

"Okay, then you continue to climb the stairs. I'll take the elevator up and follow you up and down." Li Er patted Chen Jiaju's shoulder encouragingly.

"Ah——!" Chen Jiaju was immediately embarrassed.

"Report, the suspect appeared in elevator No. 3 on the 21st floor."

There are surveillance cameras in the elevators and corridors of this kind of commercial building. As soon as Zhang Dehua walked out of the fire staircase, he was immediately seen by the management office's surveillance footage.

Li Er and Chen Jiaju immediately walked to the No. 3 elevator shaft and tried to intercept the elevator, but the elevator was rising.

"Why did this guy escape upstairs? Could he still be flying?" Chen Jiaju said strangely.

Li Er's eyes flashed, and he immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and asked the police officer at the management office.

"Is the suspect in the elevator carrying a backpack?"

"Yes, the suspect is carrying a black backpack." The police officer guarding the management office's monitor responded immediately.

The police intercoms in the entire building were on the same channel. Li Wenbin's face changed drastically after hearing the conversation on the intercom.

"No, the other party wanted to escape by parachuting, so he immediately locked the No. 3 elevator and trapped him in the elevator shaft." Li Wenbin responded quickly and issued the order.

Zhang Dehua, who was smiling confidently, froze.

Elevator No. 3 is locked by the main switch of the building management office. It is now difficult for Zhang Dehua to open the elevator door.

Zhang Dehua looked up, and he finally realized that there was a surveillance camera in the elevator.

"Bang!" Zhang Dehua shot the surveillance camera, but it was too late to shoot now.

"Report, the suspect is trapped in the No. 3 elevator on the 24th floor."

"Great!" Chen Jiaju rushed forward bravely towards the fire stairs, fearing that Li Er would beat him to it.

Li Er: "..."

Li Er casually pressed the up button of elevator No. 4 next to elevator No. 3.

‘It seems like this big nose really likes climbing stairs. ’ Li Er maliciously slandered Chen Jiaju.

Li Er took the elevator to the 24th floor, and Chen Jiaju also arrived sweating profusely.

"Huh??" Chen Jiaju looked sadly at Li Er coming out of the elevator.

"Open the elevator door No. 3. I have arrived at the elevator door." Chen Jiaju pointed the gun at the closed elevator door with both hands.


Elevator No. 3 opened slowly, but there was no one inside.

"what happened?"

"On top of the elevator."

Without Li Er's reminder, Chen Jiaju also discovered that the ceiling above the elevator had been moved, but if he pushed the elevator ceiling open, he would definitely be attacked by Zhang Dehua who was hiding above.

"Li Er, cover me."

"Cover your head and shoot directly." Li Er cursed angrily.

There is no hiding place in the elevator, just a woolen cover.

"Peng Peng——!" Li and Li were outside the elevator, reaching for the elevator ceiling and firing two shots.


Zhang Dehua, who was climbing up in the elevator shaft holding on to the steel cable, was unfortunately shot.

‘Am I so lucky? ’

Li Er was stunned for a moment, and continued to blindly shoot up through the elevator ceiling.


"Bang bang bang..."

Chen Jiaju also raised his gun and shot indiscriminately at the ceiling of the elevator.

Thirty floor.

Zhang Dehua was disgraced and finally opened the elevator door.

He saw six bodyguards in black suits and ties looking at him with wide eyes.


Zhang Dehua raised the pistol in his hand unhappily. He was so unlucky today that he was shot in the butt randomly in the elevator shaft.

The six bodyguards all pulled out their pistols and pointed them at Zhang Dehua's head.

"Huh?? What's going on?"

Zhang Dehua was dumbfounded.

How could he have imagined that all of Tong Keren's bodyguards had gun licenses.

Fortunately, he didn't run into the company, otherwise he would be served by Xu Zhengyang, the Zhongnanhai bodyguard.

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