What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 683 Blue Diamond Worth 80 Million

Chen Jiaju and Li Wenbin looked awkward.

Who would have thought that Zhang Dehua was caught by a security team.

Zhang Dehua was also embarrassed, his butt was bleeding.

"Sir, can you take me to the hospital first? I've been shot."

"take away!"

Chen Jiaju ordered his men to handcuff Zhang Dehua.

Zhang Dehua glanced at Li Er angrily, it was this bastard who disrupted his plan.

"Hey! Be more open-minded! Life is only 20 to 30 years old. If you don't get one or two shots, you will have regrets in your life." Li Er patted Zhang Dehua on the shoulder and consoled him.

Zhang Dehua looked at Li Er as if he was seeing a ghost.

‘How could this bastard know that my life is only twenty or thirty years? ’

Li Er didn't care about Zhang Dehua's panic. After verbally praising Tong Keren's bodyguards for their good work, Li Er went back to the police station to check in.


Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station.

Fang Jiexia was lucky to have passed by Li Er. Otherwise, she would not have expected Ma Guoying to cooperate with her.

"Madam, was that Sir Li just now? It doesn't seem to be that good. It's not as famous as meeting him." Liu Jianming behind Fang Jiexia said in a low voice.

Li Er is usually unkempt, and he does look a little decadent.

Fang Jiexia quickened her pace nervously.

"Come on, Ma Guoying is waiting for us in the parking lot, don't get caught by Li Er."

Liu Jianming didn't quite understand. Wan Chai Police Department came to seek cooperation with this idea. It was obvious that Tsim Sha Tsui Police Department took advantage of it. Could Li Er still refuse to agree?

Fang Jiexia didn't bother to explain to Liu Jianming, so she stayed away first.

Li Er returned to the heavy duty team, and Bai Anni immediately reported to him that Fang Jiexia asked her to cooperate with them to investigate the murder of the taxi driver.

"Just make up your own mind." Li Er delegated 100% power to Bai Anni.

"Hehe, I have asked Ma Guoying to lead the team to cooperate with them." Bai Anni had already guessed that Li Er would let him make the decision.

"Master, would you like to take a look at this scroll?" Bai Anni handed the scroll to Li Er.

She had already studied the trap. Although the murderer used a pistol to kill, his technique was very unfamiliar and he did not look like a professional killer. The trap should be easy to break.

"Okay -!" Li Er flipped through a few pages and pretended to be serious.

"Well——! I'm relieved to leave this piece of eucalyptus to you."

Bai Anni covered her face with a headache: "Master, you took the book upside down."


While Li Er was fishing in the police station, a short man with a bruised face escorted a guy with a bruised face into the heavy duty team.

"Hello, sir, my name is Wang Zuzai, and I'm here to see Sir Li." Wang Zuzai said loudly, raising his head and holding his chest high.

There was a small Feng Shui screen on Lin Haiying's desk. Due to Wang's height problem, Lin Haiying only saw a scalp.

"..." Lin Haiying stood up: "What's the matter?"

Naturally, not everyone can find Li Er.

"Brother Hai, let the two of them come over." Li Er was bored when he happened to see Wang Zufu and Zhang Jicong standing at the door of the heavy eucalyptus group.

"Sir Li!" Wang was overjoyed to see Li Er and hurriedly took Zhang Jicong, whose hands were handcuffed, and walked over.

"Sir Li, this guy is indeed dishonest. He did not follow your order to surrender at the police station, but went to Sister Feng's nest."

Wang Duzuo immediately complained: "Also, when I reported your name, he attacked the policeman and punched me several times. He didn't take you seriously at all."

"You damn short boy, don't accuse me wrongly. I wanted to go to Sister Feng's house to collect an old debt first, and then come to the police station to surrender to Sir Li. And how could I have imagined that you, less than one meter tall, are so tall? It's really a policeman." Zhang Jicong quickly explained: "I am not more disabled by you."

"You're less than a fucking meter tall, and I'm 1.7 meters tall." Wang Zuru stood up on tiptoes angrily.

Li Er and Bai Anni: "..."

As long as you are not blind, you can see that Wang Zaifan is definitely not 1.6 meters tall.

"Master, is this short guy really a policeman?" Bai Anni glanced at Wang Dufan with disbelief.

"Ah! Look, this beautiful madam has said that you don't look like a policeman at all." Zhang Jicong said excitedly.

"Wang is trying to stop him, keep beating him up." Li Er glanced at Zhang Jicong unhappily.

"Yes sir!" Wang Duzhu immediately punched Zhang Jicong.

"Ah! You dwarf, I rely on my face for a living, and you hit me in the face again." Zhang Jicong did not dare to resist, so he had to hold his head while being beaten.

"Master, do you want to use this short one?" Bai Anni asked in a low voice.

Li Er smiled, his precious apprentice really understood him.

"Don't you think he's a good undercover agent?" Li Er said with a wicked smile.


Bo Anne's intelligence team has always had undercover courses, but the intelligence team is all female police officers. Being an undercover agent is not only hard work, but also extremely dangerous. Bo Anne has never been willing to let her men work as undercover agents.

"Wang Zhi, you will follow me from now on."

"Yes madam!" Wang Zuzui replied excitedly.

Bai Anni is Sir Li's most precious disciple. When he works with her, he is undoubtedly on Sir Li's lap.

"Madam, I can also do things with you." Zhang Jicong said seriously.

Bai Anni: "Get out——!"

"Yes madam!" Zhang Jicong was about to leave, but Wang stopped him and grabbed his waistband and pulled him back.

"Sue him for assaulting a police officer." Bo Anne frowned as she said this, thinking about what else to sue Zhang Jicong.

Wang Tubo was very discerning and immediately added: "There is also robbery."

"I just grabbed grandma's handbag."

"That's even more disgusting. If you have the guts, go and rob Li Jiacheng, you piece of trash." Wang Dufu said with disdain.

Thanks to the efforts of Yoshimura Notaro and Zhang Zihao, grabbing Li Jiacheng has become a hot topic in Hong Kong.

Li Er returned to his desk, and he suddenly came on a mission.

"Ding——! You have a new task order."

"Mission goal: steal the 'Ocean Star'."

Then, and then nothing.

There are no time limits and no rewards for completing tasks.

Li Er looked at the 'Ocean Star' picture displayed on the taskbar. It was just a relatively large blue diamond.

Just buy one yourself, it’s not like you have no money.

Sir Li does have this condition.

Li Er turned on the computer and checked the information on the so-called 'Ocean Star'.

‘Here I go, this blue diamond is worth 80 million? ’ Li Er’s eyes widened.

Love it, love it. For a hard-working person like Sir Li, he has to take on this task.

Blue Diamond? Zhang Dehua? Secret war?

Li Er immediately realized where the 'Ocean Star' blue diamond was hidden.

On the other side, after the doctor removed the bullet from his buttocks, Zhang Dehua also began to think of ways to escape from police custody.

He doesn't have much time, and he can't waste his limited life here.

But it is a pity that Chen Jiaju is looking at Zhang Dehua with his hands crossed and wide eyes.

Zhang Dehua knew very well that he could never beat the muscular man in front of him with his bare hands, not to mention his hands were still handcuffed to the head of the hospital bed.

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