What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 696: Luring him to shoot

Latest website: "I am Superintendent Cao Tat-wah of the Wan Chai Crime Unit. You have been surrounded by us. You have three minutes to surrender."

Cao Dahua used a loudspeaker to spread rumors.

Fang Jiexia glanced at Cao Dahua speechlessly, and quietly retreated to Li Er.

"Sir Li, can you help with fire support?" Fang Jiexia said shamelessly.

Although Fang Jiexia is not completely clear about the specific circumstances of the case, the gangsters have hostages in their hands. Cao Dahua's strong threat to the gangsters may be counterproductive.

Before Li Er could say anything, Bai Anni's face turned cold. Is this woman blind? How dare you pretend that she doesn't exist and hook up with your man.


Fang Jiexia, a woman with no discerning ability at all, Li Er refused directly.

Being pretty is useless. For Li Er, as long as my kidneys are not good, beauty will not seduce me, not to mention that this guy has already made up his mind to watch a show.

Seeing that her master decisively rejected Fang Jiexia, Bai Anni gave her master a big smile with great satisfaction.


Fang Jiexia wanted to say to Li Er, don't stand so far back. With Li Er's "Death Detective" intimidation, even if he stood still and didn't fire, he could put huge pressure on the gangsters.

It's a pity that Li Er can't listen to Fang Jiexia. In fact, Fang Jiexia also knows it in her heart. She just doesn't give up and wants to give it a try. There is nothing to lose anyway.

‘Bang——! ’

After Cao Dahua finished speaking, Cao Dahua was responded to by a gunshot.

"Everyone, step back fifty meters, otherwise don't blame me for not having bullets."

Zhang Dehua warned Cao Dahua loudly, and he cautiously held the quiet woman as a hostage and moved to the front of the car.

"Hem home shovel."

Zhang Dehua couldn't help cursing the bus driver. You just jumped out of the bus and ran away. He even took the car keys away.

Zhang Dehua's plan to escape by car failed, but this guy didn't give up. He had other plans and immediately dialed a phone number.

"Sir Cao, what should we do now? The other party has hostages, why don't we call the negotiation experts!" Lu Qichang made a reasonable suggestion.

"No, prepare to attack. I have already investigated clearly. There is only one gangster in the car." Cao Dahua confidently gave a gesture to his men.

Wu Feifei realized that people from the Wan Chai Crime Unit were about to forcefully attack the bus, so she hurriedly ran over.

"Sir Cao, I am Wu Feifei, the sergeant of the Central District Crime Squad, and there are our guys on the bus." Wu Feifei said anxiously.

Li Er and Bai Anni were standing in the audience. Wu Feifei didn't see them, but Zhou Xingxing didn't respond for so long, and now he might be in danger.

"Without your help, everything from the intersection of Gold Street to here falls under the jurisdiction of our Wan Chai Police Station."

Cao Dahua thought Wu Feifei wanted to take credit from him, so he just told Wu Feifei to get out.

"No, our guys chased them all the way from Gouda Street. And this diamond robbery case belongs to our Central District Major Crime Team."

Before Wu Feifei finished speaking, he was stopped by Cao Dahua with a gesture.

"You can leave on your own."

The people from the Wan Chai Crime Unit attacked the bus from three sides without concealment. Naturally, this could not be hidden from Zhang Dehua's eyes, but Zhang Dehua first glanced at Li Er's position just now.

He found that Li Er had retreated to the audience watching the excitement, and then he let go of his worries. The main reason was that Li Er's bastard had perfect shots at close range, and Zhang Dehua was worried that he would be shot in the head by Li Er.

"Pay attention to the safety of the hostage and lure him to shoot first."

There was Liu Jianming in the Wan Chai Crime Squad's operations team. This guy hid behind a teammate and encouraged his teammate to induce Zhang Dehua to shoot. Anyway, everyone was wearing body armor, so as long as they didn't get shot in the head, they wouldn't die.

Liu Jianming's teammates gave Liu Jianming a middle finger without looking back.

‘Thank you so much, you bastard, why don’t you do it yourself? ’

Of course, he was neither angry nor resentful. The pistol in Zhang Dehua's hand was pointing at the back of the hostage's head. To ensure the safety of the hostages, it was indeed the best way to induce Zhang Dehua to shoot himself.

"Don't fucking push me, I'm already targeting him."

Liu Jianming's teammate is also a good person. He deliberately made his voice neither loud nor quiet so that Zhang Dehua could hear it.

As expected, Zhang Dehua turned his head.

Unfortunately, Zhang Dehua did not remove the pistol, but used his other hand to take out a pineapple bullet from his pocket.

"Suck-! Run-!"

Liu Jianming's reaction was the fastest, and he also ran the fastest.

This guy tumbled into the gutter behind the curb.


There was an explosion.

Everyone was shocked. Only then did they realize that the gangsters not only had guns, but also bombs.

Zhang Dehua wanted to shock the police outside, so naturally he couldn't just throw one bomb. Before the other party could react after being bombed, Zhang Dehua threw another bomb in each of the other two directions.




Not everyone in the Wan Chai Crime Unit is as alert as Liu Jianming. The three bombs thrown by Zhang Dehua injured more than a dozen policemen at once, and one unlucky man was directly blown away.

"Quickly, save your own buddy first and pull the injured guy back."

Cao Dahua was so panicked when he saw so many people injured that Fang Jiexia had to remind Lu Qichang.

Of course, Lu Qichang didn't need Fang Jiexia's reminder. He had already led a team of people and rushed to rescue the injured man with shields.

Zhang Dehua had no intention of taking the opportunity to drop a bomb again, and let Lu Qichang successfully drag away the wounded soldiers.

Fang Jiexia had already called the ambulance.

But the first one to arrive was the TV station’s live news truck.

"Oh, you damn fat man, I told you to drive faster. We just heard the explosion of a bomb and we missed a wonderful scene."

Before the live news van stopped, Le Huizhen hurriedly ran out carrying a small camera.

"Give me a moment, handsome guy. I'm a news reporter from ATV. You have a good view from this position, can you give it to me?" Le Huizhen knew how to use her advantages, her voice was very cooing.

Li Er: "????"

"Sir Li, why is it you? No, why are you here?"

Le Huizhen was also confused when she saw Li Er. Didn't the whistleblower say that the gangsters had hijacked a car full of hostages and were confronting the police? Why was Li Er standing behind as if watching a show?

"Why can't I be here? And don't hit me with your headlights, we can't fit in here."

Li Er intentionally pulled away and refused, but Le Huizhen didn't mind and pressed against Li Er's body desperately.

Suddenly a murderous aura came from Le Huizhen's right rear side.

Le Huizhen turned her head instinctively.

"Annie An, your master took advantage of me." Le Huizhen immediately slapped her down.

"Why do I feel that you took advantage of my master?" Bai Anni stared at Le Huizhen coldly.

"I don't."

"None of my business."

"You must have seen it wrong."

After Le Huizhen finished speaking, she quickly turned to take pictures on the bus. She then remembered that she couldn't argue with Bai Anni. She would suffer the consequences of winning or losing. She couldn't beat Bo Anni.

"Why are so many police officers injured? How many gangsters are there?" Le Huizhen asked Li Er actively.

Her small camera couldn't capture what was going on inside the bus, but it did capture the injured police officer lying on the ground.

Naturally, it was impossible for Li Er to answer Le Huizhen's question.

Le Huizhen was a difficult woman to deal with, so Li Er took the initiative to take a step back and gave up his best viewing position to Le Huizhen.

Le Huizhen was filming the scene urgently and did not continue to ask questions. She could not afford to offend Li Er. Li Er would really kick her ass if he got angry.

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