What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 697 Fierce fighting on the road

Latest website: "Master, are we really not going to help?" Bai Anni glanced at the injured police officer with a frown.

Zhang Dehua's bomb was obviously modified and was much more powerful than ordinary pineapple bombs.

Now that Zhang Dehua has hostages and bombs in his hands, Bai Anni doesn't think that this idiot Cao Dahua can do anything good.

Hey--! Bai Anni thought wrong, Cao Dahua really had a way, this guy directly called the Flying Tigers.

Even if Zhang Dehua can't be dealt with, Cao Dahua can't take the blame alone. At least he has to involve the Flying Tigers. Of course, it's best if he can deal with Zhang Dehua. In this way, he can take the credit and give some credit to the Flying Tigers. Everyone will be happy.

When Bai Anni saw Cao Dahua calling the Flying Tigers, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed for the police force. Dozens of people surrounded a gangster and still had the nerve to call him.

"Sir Cao, there is no need to call the Flying Tigers. We have the advantage now. The gangster is trapped in the car and can't escape. If he can't defeat us, he will eventually get out." Fang Jiexia also felt that her face was burning and embarrassing.

Lu Qichang nodded in agreement. He didn't know that there was no car key on the bus. In order to prevent Zhang Dehua from starting the vehicle, he had already shot and blown out a tire.

Zhang Dehua is almost in a dead end.

"You guys know nothing. What if the gangsters take the hostages and ask for a helicopter?" Cao Dahua glared at Lu Qichang and Fang Jiexia unhappily.

"Sir Cao is right, the gangsters have hostages in their hands, so we are very passive." Liu Jianming flattered Cao Dahua very discerningly.

Cao Dahua nodded to Liu Jianming with satisfaction, although he had no idea who this guy was.

Cao Dahua is obviously maliciously speculating on Zhang Dehua. Although Zhang Dehua is a gangster, his personal qualities are much better than Cao Dahua.

Among the hostages taken were a pregnant woman with a pregnant belly and two elderly men and women.

"come here!"

Zhang Dehua waved to Huang Mao, a gangster among the hostages, and replaced the quiet woman in his hand with Huang Mao.

"Go and help that big-bellied woman out of the car, and those two old guys in the fourth row also get out of the car." Zhang Dehua said to the quiet woman.

"Oh!" Although the quiet woman didn't know why Zhang Dehua let her go, she wouldn't stay in the car as a hostage if she could escape.

"Help me send a message to the commanders outside, telling them not to make small moves. I will kill the hostages at the first sign of trouble." Zhang Dehua glanced at his watch and warned perfunctorily.

"Okay." The quiet woman quickly helped the pregnant woman out of the car.

"If necessary, the gangsters let a few hostages get off the bus." Cao Dahua and others frowned.

Li Er and Bai Anni couldn't guess what Zhang Dehua meant.

As a robber, the more hostages the better, especially the old, weak, women and children.

"I'm Superintendent Cao Tat-wah of Wan Chai Police Station. What's going on inside?" Cao Tat-wah asked the quiet woman.

The pregnant woman and the old man and woman were taken to the other side to record their statements.

"Hello, officer, my name is Liang Wanting. There is a robber in the car. He has a gun. He told you not to make small moves, otherwise he will kill the hostages. By the way, there is also a policeman in the car. He has been shot twice. Gun." Liang Wanting honestly told all the information she knew.

Naturally, Cao Dahua would not completely believe Liang Wanting's words, but he would not continue to attack and anger Zhang Dehua. He only wanted to wait for the Flying Tigers to arrive.

Liang Wanting walked toward the back.

"Hello, beauty, I am a TV reporter." Le Huizhen excitedly handed the microphone to Liang Wanting.

Two vans suddenly rushed over from behind the bus, their doors wide open.


Li Er's heart trembled. He hugged Bai Anni and kicked Le Huizhen in the butt.

"Ah——!" Le Huizhen was about to scold her.

'Bang bang bang bang.'

‘Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-! ’

Rows of bullets were fired from the van.

The police officers closest to the van were shot first, followed by many spectators watching the scene.

Le Huizhen lay on the ground inelegantly and turned to glare at Li Er. Although this bastard just saved her, why couldn't he help her instead of kicking him.

Damn it, my aunt’s breasts are flat.

"Get down—! Everyone get down."

Although he was caught off guard by the sudden attack, Lu Qichang quickly organized his men to fire back.

‘Bang bang bang’

‘Bang bang bang—! ’

There was a fierce exchange of fire between the two sides, and Wu Feifei's Central District Crime Squad also joined the fray. After all, there were still more police officers, and the gunman in the van was quickly suppressed.

"Ah——! I've been shot, I've been shot." Cao Dahua howled loudly. He had already turned around and ran away, but he was still hit by a bullet in his butt. The police team did not have defensive underwear. Cao Dahua was in pain and had tears and snot flowing across his nose.

"Save me first, save me quickly." Cao Dahua burrowed into the audience.

The police officers of the Wan Chai Crime Unit broke out in a cold sweat.

Bai Anni couldn't stand Cao Dahua, so she kicked him out.

"Master, help." Bai Anni shot the van driver. She saw Wu Feifei charging, so she naturally wanted to help.


Li Er thought Bai Anni said she wanted to help kick Cao Dahua, but at this time Cao Dahua took advantage of the chaos and got into the crowd again.

"Which grandson just kicked--!" Cao Dahua didn't finish his words.

'puff--! ’

Cao Dahua had a shoe mark on his face and was kicked out.

‘Bang bang——! ’

Bai Anni successfully shot and killed the driver of a van.

"Get in the car," a gunman in the van shouted.

‘Bang—bang—! ’

After Zhang Dehua threw two smoke bombs outside the car, he immediately jumped from the bus to the van.

The gangsters in the van drove quickly.

Zhou Xingxing, who was almost forgotten, suddenly jumped out and pounced on Zhang Dehua.

"Let it go, bastard, let it go."

Zhou Xingxing was slow for a moment, but he grabbed Zhang Dehua's trousers tightly, and Zhang Dehua couldn't close the car door.

"Drive quickly." Zhang Dehua grabbed the car door with both hands and kicked Zhou Xingxing several times, but failed to kick Zhou Xingxing away.

The van dragged Zhou Xingxing out and rushed out.

Zhou Xingxing landed on his butt, but he also dragged half of Zhang Dehua's body out of the car.

Zhang Dehua didn't want to be targeted by the police, so he took off his pants directly.

Zhou Xingxing pulled Zhang Dehua's pants and rolled over on the road.

Although Zhang Dehua was naked, he successfully got into the van and closed the door.

‘Bang bang bang bang—! ’

The police failed to keep the van and watched helplessly as the van drove away.

"Damn it, chase—!"

Wu Feifei was shot several times, but she was wearing a bulletproof vest and was not hit in any vital parts. She turned around and drove a car and chased the van. Other police officers from the Central District Crime Unit also got in the car and chased the van. These guys They are all from Chen Jiaju's group, and they all dare to fight and fight hard.

"Master, it's that unlucky guy Zhou Xingxing!" Bai Anni recognized Zhou Xingxing at a glance because his butt was bruised and bleeding from the road.

Zhou Xingxing looked at Li Er and Bai Anni who were walking over with a wry smile. A conspicuous diamond necklace suddenly fell out of the pants pocket he was holding.

"Ha——! It's that diamond necklace. I got the stolen diamond necklace back." Zhou Xingxing picked up the diamond necklace with great joy.

"." The police officers at the scene looked at each other.

Le Huizhen rushed over to interview Zhou Xingxing.

Cao Dahua looked at the complacent Zhou Xingxing and almost died of anger. At this time, many reporters from various radio stations had taken photos of him in a state of embarrassment.

The Flying Tigers also arrived at this time.

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