What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 698: Begging to be killed

Latest website: An abandoned driving practice venue.

"Where's the diamond?"

Li Zixiong has been waiting for a long time, so naturally he sent someone to rescue Zhang Dehua. Otherwise, Zhang Dehua would have fallen into the hands of the police and his diamond would have been wasted. This was illegal stuff.

"Give you my life?" Zhang Dehua sneered forcefully, but he felt his lower body was getting cold, so he had to change his mind.

"Can you find me a pair of pants first?"

Li Zixiong was also very surprised. What did this guy mean by wearing a pair of bright red underwear? What's more, it's the same brand as what I'm wearing.

"Stop talking nonsense, are you ready with your money?" Zhang Dehua quickly changed the subject.

"Of course, I am the most trustworthy person. Although I can rob you now, I still want to trade with you." Li Zixiong rubbed his bald head, his face full of admiration and admiration for himself.

Li Zixiong's men came over with two large suitcases and opened them, which were filled with cash.

"If you don't mind it, you can count the money first." Li Zixiong spread his hands magnanimously. After getting the diamond, he wanted to get the money back anyway.

"Of course, be careful." Zhang Dehua nodded casually. This guy probably also knew Li Zixiong's character.

Zhang Dehua squatted down and checked the banknotes carefully. They were genuine.

"Don't waste time. Where are the diamonds?" Li Zixiong stretched out his palm.

Zhang Dehua habitually put his hands into his trouser pockets, and then he remembered that he had no pants, but luckily, he always liked to prepare two sets of plans, and took out another diamond necklace from the lining of his coat and handed it to Li Zixiong.

"It can't be fake!" Li Zixiong weighed the diamond necklace in his hand.

"Don't worry, I'm different from you. I don't like to cheat." Zhang Dehua's face was full of sincerity, and his words made even himself believe in himself.

"Well——! Then you can go die."

Li Zixiong also felt that this could not be fake. After throwing the diamond necklace to the gem identification expert behind him, he couldn't wait to draw his pistol.

"Uh--! I'm just kidding, don't believe me so much, maybe it's a lie?" Zhang Dehua scratched the tip of his nose in embarrassment.

Sometimes the opponent is too real and may not be very good.

Zhang Dehua was pretending to be weak, so Li Zixiong directly pulled the safety of the pistol, determined to kill this guy first.

"Don't move, don't move at all!"

Zhang Dehua was about to make a move when a loud shout came from behind him.

It was Chen Jiaju and Yuan Haoyun. These two guys met Zhang Dehua's van halfway. They had a tacit understanding and followed here quietly without notifying the main force.

Li Zixiong was startled by Chen Jiaju's sudden voice. The next second he saw that only Chen Jiaju and Yuan Haoyun were there, and he almost died of anger.

"You two are sick, don't you think two guns can beat my dozens of guns?"

While Li Zixiong was speaking, more than a dozen of his men's guns were pointed at Chen Jiaju and Yuan Haoyun.

Chen Jiaju and Yuan Haoyun looked at each other and threw away the pistol in a sensible manner.

Li Zixiong was stunned for a moment. Naturally, he would not foolishly think that Chen Jiaju and Yuan Haoyun were here specifically to die.

"Don't move, or my gun goes off."

Li Zixiong's reaction was also very quick, but unfortunately Cao Leon had already sneaked behind him, and at this time, the gun was pointing at the back of Li Zixiong's head.

"Hey!" Yuan Haoyun and Chen Jiaju picked up the pistols thrown on the ground with smiles. These two guys have made progress now and are no longer blindly reckless.

"Don't fucking move." One of Li Zixiong's men yelled angrily.

These guys have turned their guns and pointed them at Cao Leon, but it was of no use. If they dared to shoot, Cao Leon would definitely send Li Zixiong away at the same time.

"No, I'm going to move around. If you don't like it, shoot me." Cao Leon said and twisted his butt to signal Li Zixiong's men to kill him quickly.

"Please send me away!"

"Come on, kill me."

Li Zixiong’s subordinates: “…”

"You bastards, put down your guns immediately, all of you." Li Zixiong saw that Cao Leon was not joking, and his face turned red with anger.

A gangster leader like him is not afraid of being caught. He can just hire a high-priced lawyer to deal with it. Only those with a weak brain will perish together with a weakling like Cao Leon.

Li Zixiong's men had been taken care of, but Zhang Dehua unzipped his coat at this moment.

"Sir, I'm sorry."


Zhang Dehua once again used bombs, and this time it was even more extraordinary. He tied bombs all over his body.

Chen Jiaju was quite speechless. Zhang Dehua had already deployed a bomb once when he robbed the financial company, and it was a fucking fake.

"I feel like his bomb was fake."

Chen Jiaju hugged Li Zixiong and encouraged Cao Leon in a low voice.

"I also think it's fake." Yuan Haoyun grabbed the diamond necklace and weighed it in his hand. It cost tens of millions, but it only weighed a few kilograms. However, his words gave Cao Leon the wrong message.

Cao Lian did not believe in Chen Jiaju, but he believed in his boss Yuan Haoyun.

This guy decisively raised his gun and pointed it at Zhang Dehua.

"How do I know if your bomb is real or fake? Explode it to prove it to us."


Zhang Dehua blinked twitchingly, and he saw that the rude man in front of him was not spying on him, but that he really wanted to make him perform a human body explosion.

"Two sirs, the explosive yield of these bombs on me can definitely send us all away at once. Are you sure you want to verify the authenticity of the bombs?"

Zhang Dehua tactfully ignored Cao Dahua and turned directly to look at Chen Jiaju and Yuan Haoyun.

"Ahem——!" Chen Jiaju blocked Li Zixiong in front of him and said nothing. Naturally, he also believed that the bomb on Zhang Dehua was fake. Who knew that the other party had a history of fraud?

In fact, even Li Zixiong felt that Zhang Dehua's bomb was fake. No normal person would tie a bomb to his body, so Li Zixiong looked calm at this time, and he had the air of a boss.

Zhang Dehua was stunned.

He had always cheated, but this time the bomb was real. He didn't have a long life in the first place, so he made the worst plan to die together with Li Zixiong.

It was also because he was exaggerating. This was an empty and abandoned driving training ground, and the explosive power of the bomb on his body was unlikely to kill Li Zixiong directly.

Zhang Dehua quietly wanted to move closer to Li Zixiong.

‘Peng—! ’

Yuan Haoyun fired decisively, hitting the grass at Zhang Dehua's feet.

Yuan Haoyun had done something crazy like tying a bomb to his body, so he was the only one among so many people present who was a little worried that Zhang Dehua would blow himself up and light up others.

This time it was Zhang Dehua's turn to be in a dilemma.

Who knows if the police force will be on their way, especially that guy Li Er who likes to shoot black guns.

Zhang Dehua became even more nervous when he thought that Li Er might be killed in a minute.

"You really want to die, don't you?" Zhang Dehua glared at Cao Lyon.

Li Zixiong was far away, and Zhang Dehua was not 100% sure that the bomb would kill him, but Cao Lyon was standing in the front row. If Zhang Dehua really wanted to detonate the bomb, Cao Lyon would be dead.

"Yes! Please kill me." Cao Leon looked confident as a son of his own plane.

"..." Zhang Dehua was so angry that his liver ached.

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