What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 707: Zhou Xingxing has a clear idea

Zheng Yijian felt uncomfortable in his heart. He was just thinking about whether he was going to cause some trouble for Li Er and make him equally upset when a thin voice came over.

Zhou Xingxing: "Hey——! It's just a joke, don't kill that bird with one shot."

The bastard agreed very much: "That's right! It's fresh enough to bleed alive, but if it smells like gunpowder, it's too wasteful."

"Shut the hell up!" Zhou Xingxing and Chen Bailu both glared at the bastard.

"Zhou Xingxing, did you really see clearly that the white-headed bird flew into this factory?"

Chen Bailu carried a large fishing net on his shoulder. If the white-headed bird really flew into this abandoned factory, it would be much easier to catch it.

"More real than pearls."

Zhou Xingxing said as he glanced at the tire marks on the ground warily. The tire marks on the ground were obviously new. There was someone inside this abandoned factory.

Zhou Xingxing is not as reckless as Chen Bailu. This guy has already called to ask for help and found out that the real purpose of catching this bald eagle is to catch the thief who stole three national treasures from the exhibition hall.

This is a great achievement.

‘Bang——! ’

While Zhou Xingxing kicked open the iron door, he had already pulled out the pistol in the holster.


Zheng Yijian stood in a straight suit on a high platform in the middle of an abandoned factory. Perched on his shoulders was the bald eagle that Zhou Xingxing and his group were chasing.

"Don't fucking move!" Chen Bailu raised the net in his hand.

Three people, a police gun, a shotgun, and a fishing net.

Zheng Yijian snapped his fingers calmly. This guy did have the calm and calm demeanor of a magician.

"Are you Li Er's people?" Zheng Yijian frowned and looked at Zhou Xingxing and others.

These three guys each have a different look. They don't look like a team at all, especially not like the police.

"Did you raise the white-headed bird? Are you the gangster who stole the exhibition exhibits?" Zhou Xingxing glanced around him warily.

‘There is only one person on the other side? ’ Zhou Xingxing couldn’t help but wonder: ‘How dare you show off like this alone? ’

"You haven't answered my question yet? Police? Or do you want to take advantage of others?" Zheng Yijian spread his hands and asked with a relaxed smile.


Chen Bailu and Niu Zao were shocked by Zheng Yijian's bullish aura, and they turned to look at Zhou Xingxing.

Zhou Xingxing's face darkened. He was a man who had fought with a tough guy like Zhang Dehua. The gunshot wound on his thigh was still aching.

Zheng Yijian's cynical attitude reminded Zhou Xingxing of Zhang Dehua, and Zhou Xingxing became angry when he thought of Zhang Dehua.


Without any warning, Zhou Xingxing raised his hand and fired two shots.


Zheng Yijian groaned and took a step back. Zhou Xingxing's first shot missed, but his second shot hit Zheng Yijian's thigh.

"Whew!" Zhou Xingxing looked at Zheng Yijian's disbelieving and panic expression when he was shot, and felt so relieved.

‘Let you fucking show off, that’s how that bastard Zhang Dehua shot me when we disagreed. ’

"How is it? Do you want me to answer your question first?" Zhou Xingxing shook the pistol in his hand thoughtfully.

Zheng Yijian dared to stand blatantly on the high platform, so he was naturally confident in dealing with the guns in the hands of Zhou Xingxing and others. However, he never expected that Zhou Xingxing would suddenly shoot out of nowhere, which really turned the ship over in the gutter.

"It seems you are really the police."

Although Zheng Yijian was shot, he quickly adjusted his mentality.

"I think you should know that the three antique exhibits are still in my hands. If you kill me, you police will never be able to recover the exhibits." Zheng Yijian said and took a small step forward covertly.

Zhou Xingxing was overjoyed. He was not sure whether Zheng Yijian was the thief who stole the exhibits, but now he was convinced. Catching him was another great achievement.

"Bang - Bang -!" Zhou Xingxing shot again without saying a word. As long as he didn't kill the person, there was nothing wrong with making the opponent lose their combat effectiveness.

"Fuck——!" Zheng Yijian yelled angrily.

He was about to be pissed off by Zhou Xingxing. As a magician who was good at observing what was happening, Zheng Yijian knew that Zhou Xingxing was going to shoot him again when he was looking for murder. He quickly stepped on the hidden switch on the floor with his foot. The whole person fell into the secret passage under the high platform.

"Go to the street and chase him!"

Zhou Xingxing also never expected that in modern society, there would still be people playing tricks like mechanism. He was the first to rush to the high platform.

A stainless steel-colored metal ball flew out from the secret passage of the high platform.


Zhou Xingxing and the others were stunned for a moment.


"Ah——! It's a flash bomb, it hurts so much, I'm fucking blind." The screams of Chen Bailu and the bully.

After Zhou Xingxing heard the screams of these two guys, he also reacted and screamed loudly: "I fuck you for giving birth to a son without an asshole. I can't see anything anymore."

Zheng Yijian, who was hiding in the secret passage, was overjoyed and immediately took revenge.


Zhou Xingxing had been staring at the entrance of the secret passage for a long time. As soon as Zheng Yijian appeared, he fired fiercely. A bullet flew past Zheng Yijian's scalp and almost hit Zheng Yijian's head.

Zheng Yijian quickly retracted his head, but then Zhou Xingxing threw a grenade in.


Zhou Xingxing’s mood comfort value +10.

In fact, when the metal ball flash bomb thrown by Zheng Yijian just exploded, Zhou Xingxing had already covered his eyes alertly. The flash bomb did not flash into Zhou Xingxing's eyes at all. This guy was holding back his bad energy to plot against Zheng Yijian.

Two minutes later.

Zhou Xingxing jumped down the secret passage and Zheng Yijian had already escaped.

However, the bald eagle raised by Zheng Yijian was knocked unconscious by the bomb in the secret passage.

"Hehe, finally the hard work was not in vain, and it paid off." Chen Bailu said with red eyes.

"Boil it." The bully's eyes were also red. He was the most innocent person. He had promised to catch birds.

"You two idiots!"

Zhou Xingxing cursed and hurriedly called Li Er to report the case, especially emphasizing that he had shot Zheng Yijian.

Li Er quickly arrived at the abandoned factory with the policewomen from Bai Anni's team.

"Annie, yes, yes, that's the guy. He was the one I shot. He admitted that he raised the white-headed bird, and he also admitted that he had stolen the three antique exhibits." Zhou Xingxing looked at it. After taking the photo that Bai Anni handed over, he quickly expressed his gratitude to Li Er.

"Not bad! Well done this time." Li Er praised Zhou Xingxing hard this time.

"Sir Li, bird!" Zhou Xingxing held up the bald eagle, bird and cage, to Li Er as if offering a treasure.

The bald eagle has woken up at this time. This bald eagle does look quite majestic, especially the light yellow sharp beak, which is very ferocious at first glance.

Brianne carefully checked the bald eagle with instruments.

The 'didi-didi' alarm sounded.

Zhou Xingxing's face changed drastically.

"Master, it's a bug with positioning function." Bai Anni found a hidden micro bug under the bald eagle's belly feathers.

"This, I don't know about this at all." Zhou Xingxing hurriedly explained.

Li Er shook his head. He guessed that Zheng Yijian might have deliberately left the bald eagle to monitor him.

‘Okay! He is worthy of being a magician, his tricks are so high-end and high-end, and they are quite fantasy. ’

Li Er: "Zhou Xingxing, Chen Bailu, who else?"

"Sir Li, my name is Niu Geng." Niu Geng said quickly.

"Okay! I'll leave this white-headed bird to you, braise it."

Li Er guessed that Zheng Yijian was monitoring him now and deliberately turned up the volume.

"Ah——! Li Er, I'm going to kill you." Zheng Yijian vomited blood.

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