Latest website: Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station.

He Shangsheng was probably a duck. This guy had a very tough mouth. Lin Haiying was already sweating. He Shangsheng still insisted that he had nothing to do with Zheng Yijian.

"Tou, what should I do? If there's another round, I'm worried that his body won't be able to hold on and he will faint." Lin Haiying wiped the hot sweat from his forehead.

"If he faints, just water him to wake him up. Our crime team is not short of money, so we use Coconut Brand mineral water to water him." Li Tuhao was a rare luxury.

‘Thank you so much! ’

He Shangsheng glanced weakly at Li Er. He wanted to scold Li Er, but unfortunately he was powerless. His stubbornness did not allow him to speak, mainly because he was worried that he would cry when he spoke.

"Tou, could we really have arrested the wrong person?" Ma Guoying asked worriedly.

He Shangsheng's black face was almost turning into that of a Caucasian one, and it didn't look like he was hiding anything.

"Hmm! It's possible." Sir Li nodded seriously.

He Shangsheng was overjoyed when he heard Li Sir's words.


Sir Li's "but" sentence made He Shangsheng feel cold again.

Sir Li "but" did not lose for a long time.

Ma Guoying couldn't help but ask: "Tou, but what?"

"But I haven't thought of anything yet. How about you help me come up with an excuse? Anyway, I just want to fix him." Sir Li patted Ma Guoying's shoulder seriously.

"Ah???" Ma Guoying was flattered and dumbfounded.

Bai Anni and Lin Haiying have long been accustomed to it, and they don't even bother to find excuses to fix people. This is very Sir Li.

Lin Haiying took out a twenty centimeter long steel needle from an old cloth bag.

He Shangsheng's fair face suddenly turned green. The steel needle that was just seven or eight centimeters long already caused him to urinate in pain. This twenty centimeter needle was probably not meant to send him away.

"Sir Li, although you can use torture to extract a confession, you will be in big trouble if you kill me." He Shangsheng shouted quickly. With his IQ, he had guessed that Lin Haiying's method was most likely to be Unable to detect injuries.

"Who knows, you're not dead yet! You die first before we talk." Li Sir looked at He Shangsheng who threatened him with death in a funny way.

Lin Haiying's 20-centimetre-long steel needle had already penetrated He Shangsheng's lower back.

"Ah——!" He Shangsheng howled miserably, tears and snot spurting out instantly. If he hadn't been locked in the interrogation chair, he would have rolled on the ground.



"The taste is bland, I asked you to sprinkle more salt."

"." Everyone in the interrogation room turned to look at the door.

Two guys, Zhou Xingxing and Chen Bailu, walked in, pushing and shoving. Chen Bailu was holding a large food bowl in his hand, and there was more than half a roast chicken in the food bowl.

"You two are crazy, don't you know what we are doing?" Bai Anni scolded with a cold face.

"No, where did you get such a big roast chicken? Is this a roast turkey?" Ma Guoying sniffed and asked.

"What turkey? This is that bird, the bald eagle!" Zhou Xingxing looked at Li Er nervously.

‘Sir Li said he baked it, he couldn’t be joking! It cost me a hundred yuan to get the chef in the cafeteria to lend me the oven and seasonings. ’

"Is this the bald eagle? It seems quite fat." Li Er bared his big white teeth noncommittally.

Zhou Xingxing felt nervous and quickly shied away the responsibility: "Sir Li, this is what Chen Bailu did. Before I could stop him, he had already cut the throat of the bald eagle and bled it out."

Chen Bailu: "."

‘Which bastard boiled the hot water and plucked the hair? ’

"Good job. When this case is settled, I will credit you with credit." Li Er gave Chen Bailu a thumbs up.

Zhou Xingxing was dumbfounded: "Ah——! Sir Li, actually I also helped——!"

"Did you really roast Zheng Yijian's bald eagle?"

Before Zhou Xingxing finished speaking, He Shangsheng's eyes widened in disbelief. Zheng Yijian, the bald eagle, regarded this bald eagle as more important than his own life. These inhumane guys not only killed it, but also roasted it. .

"Isn't this obvious?" Chen Bailu picked at his yellowed teeth with the leftover bone spurs in his hands.

"Hmm! This tastes really good. Sir Li, you can have a piece too." Lin Haiying tore off a carved leg and ate it.

Li Er shook his head. This guy cherishes his life very much, but he doesn't dare to try game easily. Who knows if there are parasites or something like that. He also needs to take care of his health and have more children.

"Tou, two commissioners from the Internal Investigation Division came outside. They said that someone reported that our crime team abused its power and lynched his associates without evidence." A female police officer from the intelligence team hurriedly walked in.

He Shangsheng was overjoyed. He gritted his teeth and persisted until now, just for this moment. Needless to say, the person who called the internal investigation department must be his good teammate Zheng Yijian.

"Master, I'm going to go out and deal with the people from the Internal Investigation Department. Uncle Ying, you just use the most severe methods and quickly implement the evidence."

Bai Anni frowned. There was no police station in the entire police force that did not use vigilante interrogation. Everyone knew this, but it would be bad to be caught and exposed.

"No need to bother."

Li Er took out a small handheld recording machine from his pocket and pressed the play button, which played the phone recording between He Shangsheng and Zheng Yijian.

"." He Shangsheng glared at Li Er angrily, trying to stare Li Er to death.

‘You already have direct evidence, is it fun to use such brutal torture to force a confession? ’

"I'm too forgetful. I just remembered that there was such a recording." Li Er said without sincerity.

Of course, none of the subordinates in the interrogation room dared to refute Li Er, but they were secretly afraid not to offend him.

Tong Group Building.

During the confrontation on the phone between Zheng Yijian and Li Er, he discovered that the three antique exhibits in his hand could not restrain Li Er at all, and he decisively decided to kidnap Tong Keren directly.

"Hello, my surname is Zheng. I have an appointment with Miss Tong." Zheng Yijian, a skilled artist, was so bold that he only put on a simple disguise of a mustache and dared to approach Tong Keren directly.

"Hello, Mr. Zheng! Please wait a moment while I check your information with someone from the president's office." The receptionist at the front desk lowered her head and dialed the phone.


The receptionist at the front desk contacted the president's assistant in the president's office. Naturally, she couldn't find that Zheng Yijian had an appointment. However, when she raised her head, Zheng Yijian had disappeared.

"Weird!" The receptionist at the front desk scratched her head. She didn't realize that the elevator next to her had just closed. She thought Zheng Yijian left through the door on his own.

Zheng Yijian in the elevator directly pressed the floor button for the senior management of Tong Group.

The elevator did not respond. The upper management floor had to have the elevator card to activate the button function. Zheng Yijian had to press down a few floors. However, he did not know that the security department of the Tong Group was now in a state of panic. People in the monitoring room saw Zheng Yijian pressing down several floors. Pressing the button immediately attracted attention.

"Hello! This is the main control room. There is a person in elevator No. 4 whose identity needs to be verified. He is heading to the 42nd floor. Send two people over." The security manager in the control room reported.

"This is the full-time bodyguard of the president's office. Don't just send two people, send four." Xu Zhengyang strictly replaced the security manager's order.


Naturally, the people in the security department did not dare to say anything about the orders from the president's office.

At this time, Zheng Yijian in the elevator didn't know that the crisis was coming. He was still calmly arranging his handsome suit.

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