Latest website: "Hello, sir! Which department are you from?"

As soon as Zheng Yijian got off the elevator, he was stopped by four security guards from the security department.

"The Western District Crime Squad is here to investigate the theft of exhibits." Zheng Yijian took out a forged police officer's ID card.

"Hello Inspector Zheng, haven't you guys been here before?" The leading security guard glanced at Zheng Yijian's police officer ID. He couldn't quite understand it, so he had to pretend to look at it seriously.

Another security guard picked up the walkie-talkie and informed the control room: "It's a misunderstanding. The other party is a police officer from the Western District Crime Squad."

"I need to see Miss Tong to inquire about some relevant details of the theft of your company's exhibits."

As soon as Zheng Yijian finished speaking, he noticed that the expressions of several security guards changed. Although he didn't understand where he was wrong, it was obvious that the other party had discovered his identity as a fake police officer.

Strike first to gain the upper hand.

Zheng Yijian struck the security guard closest to him with a knife.

"Ah——! Hurry, slap him quickly."

These security guards were probably specially trained by Xu Zhengyang. The security guard who was hit in the neck by Zheng Yijian's hand knife tightly hugged Zheng Yijian's wrist before he fainted.

The other two security guards quickly pulled out the electric batons from their waists and stabbed Zheng Yijian, while another security guard nervously called for backup.

Zheng Yijian's face turned green. He had always been the only one to sneak attack on others. Today, he almost fell on a few low-level security guards. He didn't have time to laugh at himself. Zheng Yijian moved his body sideways and used the security guard he knocked unconscious as a human shield to stop the electric baton.

One security guard with a stick quickly put away the stick, and the other security guard with a stick was much more ruthless. This guy directly stabbed his unconscious partner in the waist with the electric baton.


The electric current traveled down the body of the fainted security guard to Zheng Yijian.


Zheng Yijian's hands went numb, and he quickly raised his foot and kicked the electric baton in the security guard's hand. The electric baton flew up, and Zheng Yijian quickly caught it with his quick eyes and stabbed it with his backhand.

‘Crack—! ’



These three guys were just ordinary security guards. Although Zheng Yijian spent a lot of time, he still succeeded in killing them.

It's just that Zheng Yijian's actions have attracted the attention of the Tong Group's security team.

Xu Zhengyang did not pursue Zheng Yijian with the Tong Group's security team. Instead, he immediately chose to call the police.

Tsim Sha Tsui Crime Squad.

"Tou, there are gangsters who broke into the management of Tong Group. This is the portrait of the gangster that they faxed over. We have confirmed that it is Zheng Yijian who stole three antique exhibits from Tong Group." Ma Guoying came over in a hurry.

Although the camera in the elevator of Tong's Building was not high-definition, Ma Guoying was able to quickly identify Zheng Yijian's appearance.

"I'll lead a team of people over there!" Bai Anni stood up.

"No! It's time to get off work. Let's go home for dinner."

Sir Li cleared his desk and got ready to get off work. This guy has no habit of working overtime for free to take advantage of the Hong Kong Island government.

It’s not even paid, and he’s not short of money.

Bai Anni thought about it for a moment and most likely guessed that Zheng Yijian had already run away when she led the team to the Tong Group Building.

She had no choice but to call Xu Zhengyang at Tong Keren's side.

"Hey -! Xu Zhengyang, don't go after Zheng Yijian. This person is very cunning. Just keep an eye on Miss Tong. Do you understand?"


In fact, Bai Anni didn't need to remind Xu Zhengyang at all. Xu Zhengyang was a senior professional bodyguard. His mission was to protect the life safety of his employer, so he would not bother to chase down any thieves.

At this time, Zheng Yijian had successfully diverted all the security guards and was standing in Tong Keren's office staring at Xu Zhengyang who was standing in the middle.

"Hey——!" Zheng Yijian retracted his hand behind his back, locked the door of the office, and waved to Xu Zhengyang in a gentlemanly manner.

Xu Zhengyang put his cell phone in his pocket and put it away, then took out his pistol in an ungentlemanly manner.

Zheng Yijian: "."

"Hey, hey! Do you dare to have a battle between men?" Zheng Yijian looked at Xu Zhengyang with a smile.

‘You idiot! ’

Xu Zhengyang shot decisively.

"Bang——! Bang——!"


The bullet hit Zheng Yijian's chest. Zheng Yijian looked down at his shot chest in disbelief, then raised his head and pointed angrily at Xu Zhengyang. The next second he fell down.

"Did you kill him?" Tong Keren behind the desk looked at Xu Zhengyang with a frown.

Xu Zhengyang put away his pistol and replied firmly: "Yes! I am a bodyguard, not a policeman. Finding stolen items is not within the scope of my job."

Xu Zhengyang thought that Tong Keren was blaming herself for killing Zheng Yijian, which would make several of her stolen exhibits extremely difficult to recover.

In fact, Tong Keren didn't care about her exhibits at all. She was just uncomfortable that someone died in her office.

"Get him away quickly."

Tong Keren waved his hands in disgust and picked up the phone to ask his assistant to find a new office for him.

Xu Zhengyang walked towards Zheng Yijian.

Zheng Yijian's eyes suddenly widened.

Xu Zhengyang retreated and drew his gun without hesitation.

Zheng Yijian was speechless. A normal person would be distracted for a while when he saw someone come back from the dead. But the guy opposite him was going to kill himself again immediately.

Zheng Yijian didn't dare to show off anymore. He jumped up from the floor and approached Xu Zhengyang while waving his hand as if throwing something towards Tong Keren.

Xu Zhengyang had no time to draw his gun, so he quickly pushed Zheng Yijian's arm with both hands.


Zheng Yijian laughed mischievously, attracted Xu Zhengyang's hands with one arm, and reached for Xu Zhengyang's gun holster with the other hand. He was very confident in his hand speed, and his success rate in seizing the gun was 100%.


Zheng Yijian obviously overestimated himself, or seriously underestimated Xu Zhengyang. As soon as Xu Zhengyang grabbed Zheng Yijian's arm with both hands, he immediately stepped sideways, turned around, and threw him cleanly over his shoulder.

Zheng Yijian was lying on the floor again. He vomited blood. Xu Zhengyang threw him very hard. He felt a little wet in his buttocks.

"Squat down!" Xu Zhengyang reminded Tong Keren.

He retreated quickly and drew his gun again. It was obvious that he would not stop until Zheng Yijian was shot.

Zheng Yijian stood up bitterly. He knew that the other party had seen through the trick of wearing a bulletproof vest, and the next shot would definitely be aimed at his head.

"Look at my lime powder." Zheng Yijian shouted.

Xu Zhengyang's face darkened. No matter what Zheng Yijian said was true or false, he did not dare to take any risks and quickly raised his palm to block his eyes.

A cloud of white ash rose up.

Zheng Yijian actually carried lime powder with him. After Xu Zhengyang protected his eyes, he quickly took a few steps back to avoid getting lime powder in his eyes.

"Kick me!" Zheng Yijian shouted.

Xu Zhengyang put one hand in front of his eyes and bent his elbow sideways to protect Zheng Yijian's feet.

As a result, Zheng Yijian, the cheater, didn't make any moves at all. He found a golf club from nowhere and swung it hard at Xu Zhengyang's neck.

Xu Zhengyang already felt something was wrong when he heard the wind, and instinctively raised his arms to protect his head.

"Pah - pah -"

Zheng Yijian hit Xu Zhengyang with two sticks. Just as he was triumphant, Xu Zhengyang had already grasped the golf club and launched a counter punch straight into Zheng Yijian's face.


Xu Zhengyang not only had strong defense, but also had very heavy fists. He beat Zheng Yijian to a bloody nose with one punch.


Xu Zhengyang would not stop after a successful blow. He kept punching with all his strength, vowing to knock the opponent unconscious.

But Zheng Yijian is also tenacious enough. His nose bone has been broken, but he still doesn't faint.

As long as Zheng Yijian didn't faint, Xu Zhengyang didn't dare to stop, and he kept punching.


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