What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 717 The quality is too low


Sir Li never uses fake products?

The next second.


Wang Jianjun was sent away by Li Er. He walked smoothly and felt no pain.

Wang Jianjun's two men were miserable.

Who knows if Li Er secretly used the 'explosion stacking technique'. This police grenade was so powerful that Wang Jianjun's two men were left wailing after being left with no arms or legs.

"Didn't you say you won't use bombs in your own territory?" Zhou Xingxing slandered Li Er speechlessly.

"Who threw the bomb?" Lin Haiying had already rushed out of the utility room holding a police shield.

Zhou Xingxing looked at Li Er.

Li Er glanced at Zhou Xingxing with a sneer.

"I, I accidentally threw the bomb." Zhou Xingxing said bravely.

"Hmm! The bomb was thrown well, but I still have to write a review report." Li Er nodded with satisfaction.


Zhou Xingxing saluted with joy. He knew that he was right. It was a mistake to use a bomb in the police station, but he also killed the bandit leader. This was his first achievement!

"Sir Li, I'll go over there to see if the Eagles want to help."

Zhou Xingxing has always been very active in making meritorious service. When he heard gunfire from the other side, he wanted to continue to compete with Li Xianying and Ma Jun for credit.

Without looking back, Li Er made a gesture telling Zhou Xingxing to get out.

Zhou Xingxing rolls quickly.

"Pry open the mouths of these two bastards. I want to know where Zheng Yijian went, and how they got in touch with Zheng Yijian." Li Er said to Lin Haiying while looking at Wang Jianjun's two half-dead men.

"Uh--! I think it's better to call an ambulance first!" Lin Haiying reminded in a low voice.

"Okay! Then you work overtime tonight, go to the hospital with them, and give me the results of your confession tomorrow." Li Er turned to look at Lin Haiying with an unkind expression.

"Ah——! Then I'd better record the confession now."

Lin Haiying's expression changed greatly. This guy wanted to maintain his health and didn't want to work overtime all night. He was afraid that Wang Jianjun's two men would faint from the pain, so he even pulled out a few silver needles and inserted them into each other's acupuncture points to relieve the pain.


The other side.

Little Stutter looked curiously at the handsome man who stopped him.

"You...who are you? Do we know each other?" Little Stutter asked strangely.

Li Shiya, who was with Little Stutter, changed her expression drastically.

The little stutterer has not been reading for a few years and cannot recognize many words. Naturally, she doesn't like to read newspapers or anything like that.

However, Li Shiya often paid attention to current affairs. The guy in front of her was not the wanted criminal listed in the newspaper, and the reward amount was even as high as one million.

"Oops! I left something at the tea restaurant and forgot to pick it up. Let's go back and take a look." Li Shiya winked at Little Stutter.

"Is it something very important? Call the store manager and ask the store manager to put it away for you before you pick it up tomorrow." The little stutterer didn't notice the difference in Li Shiya's expression.

"Yeah! It's very important!" Li Shiya nodded quickly.

"I also have something important that I need help with." Zheng Yijian said with a smile, his hands clasped in front of his chest.

"Who do you think you are? Are you going to help me if you ask me to?" Little Stutterer glared at Zheng Yijian angrily: "Don't think that you can get preferential treatment just because you have a pretty face."

"Do you know who my eldest brother is? I'll beat you to death." Before Zheng Yijian could speak, he stammered and warned fiercely.

"I'm sorry, she was drunk and what she said was nonsense." Li Shiya quickly shook her head and apologized.

"Uh-huh——!" The little stammerer wanted to say something more, but Li Shiya quickly covered her mouth.

Zheng Yijian originally wanted to ask who the biological sister of 'Detective Death Detective' Li Er was, but now he saw Xiao's stammering attitude.

It’s so obvious! The eldest lady with such a unruly temper is Li Shiya.

"Go back and give Li Er a message. If you want his sister to be okay, take He Shangsheng to Wan Chai Pier for business at nine o'clock tomorrow evening."

After Zheng Yijian finished his sentence, he kidnapped Little Stammer.


Li Shiya looked at the taillights of Zheng Yijian's car going away, feeling confused.

‘No, I’m still here? ’

Li Shiya looked around and saw that there were no other kidnappers!

She suddenly screamed, turned and ran behind her.

This little girl is not an idiot. She has already realized that Zheng Yijian mistook Little Stutter for herself. She is very familiar with Little Stutter's outspoken character. She can't keep this matter secret for long, and the other party might turn around and chase her in the next second.

Li Shiya ran away and called her second brother for help.

after an hour.

Li Er received Li Shiya.

"Second brother, that gangster took Little Stuttering for me and took him away. He also said that you should bring someone with you to trade with him." Li Shiya said quickly with an anxious look on her face.

"Ok, I know."

Li Er rubbed Li Shiya's hair out of habit and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Li Shiya was not injured. Otherwise, his elder brother and sister-in-law would have nagged him to death when he got home.

"Second brother, there's nothing wrong with me."

Li Shiya noticed that her second brother was looking at her and hurriedly urged: "Go and rescue Little Stutter. I've written down the gangster's license plate. It's a red BMW with license plate number 211."

"Don't worry, the other party won't embarrass a little girl. At most, he will take her to the top of the mountain and feed her barbecued pork buns."

Li Er seemed to want something, and the smile on his face was strange.

"Eating barbecued pork buns? What does this mean?" Li Shiya asked in confusion.

Li Er did not explain, but pulled Li Shiya into the car and took her home.

"You ask for leave from the school these days, stay at home and don't go anywhere for the time being. I will solve this trouble soon."

Li Er said and stuffed a micro tracker into Li Shiya's hand: "Take it with you."

"Oh! Isn't it really dangerous to stutter?" Li Shiya quickly put the micro tracker into her pocket.

Li Shiya is a little transparent, and few people outside know her existence. In the past, no one of Li Er's enemies had ever thought of kidnapping Li Shiya. Li Er suddenly became alarmed and should pay more attention to this fourth sister in the family in the future.

"There will be no danger. I promise to bring her back intact tomorrow." Li Er's answer was serious, but his tone was perfunctory.

Fortunately, Li Shiya was very nervous now and she didn't hear it.

The other side.

The little stutterer was in bad luck. Whoever made her so arrogant deserved to be stopped by Li Shiya.

Because Zheng Yijian didn't block the little stuttering mouth.

The little stutter has already scolded Zheng Yijian's ancestors for the twelfth generation.

"You idiot pretty boy, didn't your mother give you a brain when she gave birth to you? Let your aunt go immediately."

"You really blinded your whole family. You dared to kidnap my aunt and me."

"I give you one second to let me go, and I will offer you 200,000 yuan in compensation for tea, otherwise you will be dead." While stammering and cursing, the little boy did not forget to threaten Zheng Yijian.

Zheng Yijian frowned and looked at Xiao Stutter.

‘It’s true that one family does not want to enter the same house. This Li Shiya is just like Li Er, her quality is too low. ’

Li Er was innocently slandered.

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