What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 718 He wants to play tricks on Li 2


the next day.

Cheng Yijian's exploits of Wang Jianjun and his gang to attack the police station have had a very bad impact on the Hong Kong Island Police Force.

Fortunately, Li Er personally led the team to eliminate the criminal gang, which saved a lot of face for the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Department.

The police department neither praised nor criticized this incident. Zhou Xingxing's wish to take credit was in vain. However, Huang Bingyao was very satisfied with the performance of the heavy-duty team and received many practical rewards from within the police department. .

Li Er's office.

Li Er: "Zheng Yijian wanted to kidnap Shiya last night——!"

"Ah! Damn it, we fell into a trap. Zheng Yijian's target is Xiaoya. Is Xiaoya okay?" Before Li Er could finish speaking, Li Xianying hurriedly jumped to his feet.

Li Xianying is an only son. This guy often goes to Li Yi's house to eat. Li Shiya is sweet-mouthed. He really regards Li Shiya as his family. Now that Li Shiya is kidnapped, he is even more anxious than Li Er.

"He Shangsheng, He Shangsheng must know where Zheng Yijian may be hiding." Li Xianying said that he was going to kill He Shangsheng.

"I haven't finished my fucking words yet." Li Er glared at Li Xianying angrily: "Zheng Yijian didn't kidnap Shiya, but he kidnapped Little Stutter by mistake."

"Uh--! The one who was kidnapped was Little Stutter, so that's okay."

Li Xianying's face changed very quickly. He went from extremely nervous to extremely relaxed in an instant, which made Li Er a little stunned.

It seems that Little Stutter's character is really not very good.

"But you can go take care of He Shangsheng. Zheng Yijian made an appointment with me to take He Shangsheng to Wan Chai Pier to exchange hostages tonight. I don't want He Shangsheng to be fat and white by then."

Li Er is in a bad mood and doesn't want to make others feel better.

"Okay! I'll try my best to scrape Zheng Yijian out before dark."

Li Xianying nodded solemnly.

As soon as Li Er saw how serious Li Xianying was, he knew that He Shangsheng would definitely be miserable. Li Xianying's interrogation was far inferior to Lin Haiying's, but his beatings were very painful.

As soon as Li Xianying left, Bai Anni came over with an ugly expression.

"Huang Qifai just called and said that the 20 million ransom left at their police station was stolen by Zheng Yijian."

"That bastard also wrote a message on the wall mocking the incompetence of our police. The tracker we hid in the cracks of the cash box was also pried out." Bai Anni guessed what Li Er was going to ask and said directly.

Li Er shrugged calmly: "It's okay, it's expected."

"I think Zheng Yijian has already discovered that he kidnapped the wrong person, so naturally he needs to get an extra bargaining chip to be more secure."

Bai Anni was really surprised to see her master not caring.

"Master, Little Stutterer is Lao Er's girlfriend. We are doing this in a Buddhist way, so we really don't have to worry about Lao San complaining?" Bai Anni spent the whole day with Li Er, and naturally learned a lot of Li Lao Er's new terms. .

"If Li Shan refuses to obey, I will beat him up." Li Er snorted angrily.

Li Shan is not the boss. Li's attitude has always been to speak with his fists and hit him whenever he wants.

Bai Anni: "..."

"Then I'll go find He Shangsheng and see if I can ask for some information about Zheng Yijian."

The ransom of 20 million yuan was given to Bo Anne by Tong Keren. Now that the ransom has been stolen, it's strange that Bo Anne doesn't take it seriously.

"No, Eagle has already gone to the interrogation room to find He Shangsheng. You are responsible for planning the transaction with Zheng Yijian tonight." Li Er shook his head and smiled.

"Master, I want Instructor Hu and his team to help with this operation. Otherwise, if a fight breaks out, our intelligence team may not be able to hold on." Bai Anni said in a low voice.

Instructor Hu's group is indeed all capable of literary and military skills.

"It's not necessary. I'm going to the scene, and Yingying and Ma Jun will also go to help. There are definitely enough manpower." Li Er decisively rejected Bai Anni's proposal.

"Oh! Then I'll go get busy." Bai Anni turned and left in a depressed mood.

Li Er didn't care either. Bai Anni wasn't used to being on her own yet, so it was normal for her to habitually ask instructor Hu for help.


The other side.

A small wooden house in a deserted mountain.

Zheng Yijian has indeed discovered that he has kidnapped the wrong person. This sharp-tongued little stutterer is not Li Shiya, Li Laoer's sister at all.

Little stutter: "Uh-huh--!"

Zheng Yijian looked at Little Stutter with a headache. He couldn't stand Little Stutter's constant insults and had long blocked Little Stutter's mouth with stinky socks.

"Don't stare at me with such hatred. Who told you not to make it clear earlier that you are not Li Shiya."

Zheng Yijian was so angry when he talked about this. He could obviously tie up Li Shiya easily, but in the end, he allowed her to escape easily.

Little stutter: "Uh-huh——!"

Zheng Yijian looked at Little Stutter's face and his heart moved inexplicably. He reached out and pulled out the smelly socks from Little Stutter's mouth.

"Let me remind you first, if you scold me again, I will put the smelly socks back on you."

"Bah——! Bah——!" The little stutterer spat wildly.

"Ah——! You...you are dead, I will let my big brother chop you to death." The little stutterer didn't hear Zheng Yijian's warning, and immediately made harsh words to chop Zheng Yijian to death.

Zheng Yijian kindly placed a lunch box in front of the little stutterer.

"Who is your elder brother?"

Zheng Yijian was also curious about how awesome this little stammering elder brother was, and he would kill himself at every turn, as if he was so weak.

"My eldest brother is a Feihong of Ciyun Mountain, so be afraid!" Little Stutterer spat out the stench in his mouth while threatening Zheng Yijian arrogantly.

"I've heard of Huang Feihong, but I've never heard of Ciyun Mountain Feihong." Zheng Yijian answered seriously.

This is indeed making things difficult for Zheng Yijian. Not to mention little losers like Ciyunshan Feihong, even Jiang Tianyang, the new boss of Hongxing Society, is so famous that Zheng Yijian looks down on him.

"You idiot, you know about my boyfriend's second brother, right?" Little Stutter glared angrily at Zheng Yijian.

"Tsim Sha Tsui's 'Detective Death Detective' Li Er, everyone who offends him is already dead." Little Stutter proudly helped Li Er sell advertisements, but this may be suspected of attracting enemies for Li Er.

"Uh-!" Zheng Yijian felt happy: "So it doesn't mean that I kidnapped the wrong person."

If you didn’t kidnap Li Er’s biological sister, it would be good if you kidnapped his sister-in-law!

Little Stutter was dumbfounded when he heard Zheng Yijian's words.

"You...you are crazy! If you dare to go against 'Detective Death', he will blow your head off with one shot." Little Stutter said nervously: "Let me go now, and I will help you to plead for mercy." Your life is saved."

Zheng Yijian was speechless. Li Er could definitely be ranked as one of the people Zheng Yijian hated the most. Little Stutter even used him to threaten him.

Zheng Yijian took a deep breath to prevent himself from getting too angry.

"No, my life is a piece of cake anyway, so I might as well play with the so-called 'Death Detective'." Zheng Yijian quickly adjusted his mood and looked at the little stutterer with a smile.

"You...are you kidding!" Little Stutter finally started to feel uneasy, but she still didn't quite believe that someone dared to mess with Li Er.

"I'm not kidding, I'm going to call Li Er and show you a trick." Zheng Yijian said and already took out his mobile phone.

Regardless of whether he can play with Li Er, Zheng Yijian found it quite interesting to play with this little stutter.

"Hello! Sir Li, good morning!"

With little stutter's shocked eyes, Zheng Yijian answered Li Er's call.

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