What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 719: Changing your address will make your face fatter.

"Sir Li, your sister must have told you that your future sister-in-law is in my hands, how about it? What do you want to say?" Zheng Yijian smiled in a good mood.

"No one can say for sure what will happen in the future, but one thing is for sure, your man is in my hands now."

Although it was impossible to trace the source of calls from people like Zheng Yijian, Li Er still gestured to Ma Guoying to get to work quickly.

"My man?" Zheng Yijian was stunned for a moment.

"Hmm, He Shangsheng, isn't he the love of your life? Don't tell me that you want to fall in love with someone else and don't want this little black guy anymore."

Li Er's mouth became venomous, and Ma Guoying next to him felt a chill. However, Zheng Yijian and He Shangsheng did have enough sympathy for each other, and they might actually have an affair.

Zheng Yijian's face turned green on the other end of the phone, and he was about to say harsh words.

Li Er took the first step and spoke for him: "Don't try to threaten me with hostages. If you want to hurt each other, I am willing to accompany you to the end. I promise to whiten He Shangsheng's skin for you."

"Okay! Then let's hurt each other." Zheng Yijian was sure that Li Er was playing psychological warfare with him: "I don't mind giving a cuckold to your biological brother."

"Tsk—! It's not easy to find a woman if you have money. If you have money, you can arrange for a few Hong Kong girls to play with you." Li Er said with a hint of truth.

He raised his hand and waved to a female police officer from the intelligence team not far away: "Ask Li Xianying to throw He Shangsheng out of the window of the interrogation room, and then write a report to me on the negligence of the guards that caused the prisoner to escape and break his leg." , I must criticize him several times.”

"Huh?? But the interrogation room is on the third floor. You may not break your leg if you fall downstairs." The female police officer in the intelligence team was also cute enough. She asked Li Er innocently.

"Then throw it a few more times. If it doesn't work, let Li Xianying break that little black guy's legs first, and then push him downstairs." Li Er snorted angrily.

"Oh! I understand. I'm going to inform Sir Ying now."

After the female police officer from the intelligence team left, Li Er said very seriously to Zheng Yijian on the other end of the phone: "During the hostage exchange tonight, if He Shangsheng's leg is not broken, or only one leg is broken, my name, Li Er, will be reversed. Write."

Zheng Yijian's face had turned cold to freezing point, and he turned to glare fiercely at Little Stutter.

Little Stutter shook his head quickly: "Don't scare me."

Only then did Little Stutter become nervous. The guy in front of him really dared to go against Li Er.

"Ah——! I understand, the one you want to tie up is Shiya." Little Stutter shrank back nervously: "You don't understand Shiya's second brother, even if you tie up Shiya, it will be useless , He won’t compromise, you should run for your life.”

Little Stutter actually understands Li Er surprisingly well. If Zheng Yijian really succeeds in kidnapping Li Shiya, Li Er may not compromise, but after compromising, he will definitely try his best to kill Zheng Yijian.

Zheng Yijian's face became even more ugly, but he had a 'good' habit, this guy didn't hit women.

So, He Shangsheng’s leg was broken in vain?

"Ah——!" Zheng Yijian scratched at the air helplessly and angrily.

Little Stutterer was scared to death. This guy must have a mental problem. He didn't dare to provoke him.

"Hey, um, Sir Li was probably just joking. They are the police, and it is unlikely that they would really break someone's legs." Little Stammer comforted Zheng Yijian in a low voice.

The other side.

He Shangsheng, who was being beaten by Li Xianying, was wondering why Zhou Xingxing was so kind and took him to the window to watch the scenery.

"Zhou Xingxing, what are you doing? Didn't you see that we were doing business?" Ma Jun would not spoil Zhou Xingxing, so he immediately stood up and shouted.

Zhou Xingxing ignored Ma Jun. The guy looked at He Shangsheng nervously: "He Shangsheng, what are you going to do? Are you going to attack the police and escape from prison?"

He Shangsheng: "."

Looking at He Shangsheng's confused eyes, Zhou Xingxing grabbed He Shangsheng's fist and stamped it on his own eye.

‘What does this guy want to do? Do you want to frame yourself? Then use a little more fucking force, you can't even detect the injury so lightly. ’ He Shangsheng was laughing at Zhou Xingxing in his heart.

Zhou Xingxing suddenly kicked He Shangsheng in the butt.


He Shangsheng tragically fell from the third floor of the police station building to the first floor.

"It's not good, the prisoner jumped off the building and escaped, everyone, catch him quickly." Zhou Xingxing shouted nervously at the top of his voice.

He Shangsheng, who was lying on the ground and was knocked unconscious, was confused again. He was obviously pushed down. He Shangsheng felt that his whole body was about to fall apart.

"Zhou Xingxing, you are sick! Why did you push Xiao Heizi down for no reason?" Ma Jun grabbed Zhou Xingxing by the collar and challenged him to a duel. Except for Li Er, he had not climbed over anyone.

"This is Sir Li's order." Zhou Xingxing said in a low voice. This guy heard Li Er's phone call with Zheng Yijian and rushed to the interrogation room to flatter Li Er.

"Are you serious?" Ma Jun naturally didn't believe Zhou Xingxing.

"Of course it's true, otherwise I have no grievances with that little black guy, so why would I cause trouble for myself." Zhou Xingxing said angrily.

Ma Jun then let go of his hand. This guy still understands Zhou Xingxing. Zhou Xingxing can do it in order to flatter Zhou Xingbo and gain a position.

Li Xianying also came over.

Zhou Xingxing hurriedly said loudly: "Boss Ying, I didn't think highly of He Shangsheng and made him jump off the building. I did this. Let me write a letter of apology to Sir Li."

"Ah???" Countless questions floated in Li Xianying's head: "Zhou Xingxing, did you fall on your head?"

It was the female police officer from the intelligence team who walked in. She heard Zhou Xingxing's words and glared at Zhou Xingxing angrily. She cursed in her heart, no wonder this guy ran past her just now. He ran so fast. It turned out he was In order to express himself in front of the Eagle Boss.

"Sister, let me go down and see if He Shangsheng's leg was broken." Zhou Xingxing was overjoyed to see the policewoman from the intelligence team. He deliberately raised his voice and shouted: "Oh, I was so careless. Why didn't I think of the prisoner?" I’m going to jump off the building and escape.”

The female police officer from the intelligence team rolled her eyes at Zhou Xingxing: "I know, I will go back and tell Sir Li, but I am a junior sister, not a senior sister."

"Oh! Yes, yes, junior sister is young, beautiful, and smart. She is not that old-fashioned senior sister."

Zhou Xingxing is now flattering anyone he catches, but he is not exaggerating. The junior sister of this intelligence team is indeed very beautiful. In addition, Zhou Xingxing knows that Li Er is an old pervert. Junior sister is already on top and can't be offended.

Li Er soon learned that Zhou Xingxing was trying to express himself before Li Xianying, but he didn't care too much. Zhou Xingxing liked flattering, which was always a driving force.

At 8:50 in the evening, Zheng Yijian called and told Li Er that he would not meet at the Wan Chai Pier and that he would change his address to the Central Ferry Pier.

"Okay, you can change it if you want." Li Er responded casually and informed Zhou Xingxing that he had changed his address.

Zhou Xingxing glanced at He Shangsheng, who was already in a wheelchair.

"Why do I feel like your brother is playing tricks on us?" Zhou Xingxing said maliciously.

He was now very sure that He Shangsheng and Zheng Yijian had made Li Er very angry, so the worse he made these two guys miserable, the more satisfied Li Er would be with him.

I have to say that Zhou Xingxing understands people's hearts.

As long as his luck is not too bad, his official luck will not be too bad.

Central Ferry Pier.

Zheng Yijian called again and wanted to change the address again, this time to Clock Tower Plaza in Tsim Sha Tsui.

Li Er didn't care. Anyway, he and Bai Anni were sitting at home eating hot pot. This guy had already guessed that Zheng Yijian was going to play tricks and didn't pay attention to him at all.

"Pfft!" Zhou Xingxing punched He Shangsheng hard in the eye: "Push on the street, you shovel, are you really kidding me?"

The people from the Tsim Sha Tsui Crime Unit were tortured by Zheng Yijian for more than an hour, and everyone was a little angry. The key was that they had already thought that if they rushed to the Clock Tower Square in Tsim Sha Tsui this time, they would be in vain.

Zheng Yijian: "Change address, Times Square, Causeway Bay."

Zhou Xingxing’s fist: “Pfft——!”

Zheng Yijian: "Change address, Peninsula Hotel."

Zhou Xingxing’s fist plus Ma Jun’s fist: “Puff—puff—!”

He Shangsheng: "Ah - ah -!"

Twelve o'clock in the evening.

He Shangsheng's face was swollen like a pig's head, and it was difficult to find a place to start.

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