What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 728 I am a principled killer

After all, Yoshimura Notaro’s experience in grabbing orders is still too young.

He had just brushed up on a few orders on the killer reward list, and found that he had already received orders more than a dozen times.

‘I’m going to take the two million bounty list, and I’ll come back after receiving ten of my 20 million. ’

Ni Yongxiao issued a reward that was not limited to this time. Although Yoshimura Notaro was a little slow, he still successfully took the four killer orders.

‘No, you can be slow in taking orders, but you can’t be slow in taking orders. ’ When Yoshimura Notaro thought of this, he immediately contacted Liang Qiqi to get the intelligence information of the four bosses.

"You couldn't have taken the wrong medicine, right? You are suddenly so motivated and seem to be addicted to work." Liang Qiqi was really frightened by Yoshimura Notaro.

"Hey, it's not the first day you've met me. I've always been like this." Yoshimura Notaro said shamelessly.

And he warned very righteously: "Hurry up and pass the information to me, don't delay me in saving money to support my family."

"Uh--! Matilda, do you think that guy is someone outside? Suddenly so obsessed with saving money?" Liang Qiqi put away the phone and turned to look at Matilda.

"How do I know this, but how can you be so sure that you are not from outside?" Matilda's little mouth is not too vicious.

Liang Qiqi was immediately furious with her.

Originally, maybe she, Liang Qiqi, was the mistress.

"You can shut up if you can't speak."

Liang Qiqi turned her grief and anger into workload, and quickly found the intelligence information of the four bosses.

"The bounties for these four targets are the same. Since they were put on the shelves at such similar times, it is obvious that the bounties were placed by the same employer." Liang Qiqi murmured: "One order is two million, four orders is eight million."

Although Guohua, Nigui, Gandhi, and Wen Zheng are the bosses of the underworld, Liang Qiqi's vision is not generally high now. In her eyes, these four people are already four people, and she has even thought about which ones to buy. The bag is ready.

"Sister Qiqi, please help me take the order. Anyway, the registration fee is only 10,000 yuan." Matilda said suddenly.

"Here's the money, registration fee plus handling fee, 15,000." Liang Qiqi reached out to Matilda angrily, because this damn child had just been venomous at her.

Matilda was delighted.

"Sister Qiqi, have you forgotten that you still owe me money, and I haven't even calculated your interest yet."

Liang Qiqi: "."

Han Chen's study room.

After receiving a mysterious phone call, Mary quickly turned on her computer and logged into the official website of the Killers' Guild.

The bounties offered to Guohua, Gandhi, Niggi, and Wen Zheng were conspicuously placed in the first row.

Mary immediately thought that Ni Yongxiao did it.

She was relieved when she didn't see her husband Han Chen's name on the reward list.

‘Isn’t it Ni Yongxiao? ’

'But who could it be if it wasn't him? ’

Mary never minded speculating on Ni Yongxiao with the utmost malice.

With Ni Yongxiao's sinister and pitiful character, it was impossible for him to let his husband alone.

Mary is undoubtedly an ambitious woman. She sent people to kill Ni Kun just to put her husband in power.

Who would have thought that Ni Yongxiao, who was usually quiet, would come out of nowhere and stabilize the Ni family that was about to fall apart.

‘We can’t let anything happen to those four guys. ’

Mary shook her hands anxiously. She was very afraid of Ni Yongxiao, especially Han Chen who believed in Ni Yongxiao extremely and had no defense against Ni Yongxiao.

Mary immediately registered a user account, planning to strike first and put Ni Yongxiao on the reward list.

"Honey, I'm back and bought your favorite Scalloped Rice Chicken."

Han Chen opened the door and walked in.

Mary quickly shut down the computer.

"What? You turned off the computer as soon as I came in and were watching movies behind my back?" Han Chen looked at Mary with a wicked smile: "Together, together, I also want to study."

"Damn it, there's only glutinous rice chicken. I won't die of thirst. Add a cup of lemon tea. Go downstairs and buy it for me." Mary rolled her eyes deliberately to lose her temper and tried to push Han Chen away so that she could put a reward on Ni Yongxiao's list.

"Dang Dang Dang——!" Han Chen took out a cup of frozen lemon tea that he had hidden in advance from behind his back.

"It has been prepared for you a long time ago. Turn on the computer quickly, and we, husband and wife, will learn some trendy postures together." Han Chen smiled obscenely.

Seeing that she couldn't put Han Chen away, Mary unplugged the computer directly.

Han Chen glanced at Mary with a frown.

"Honey, you don't really want to hook up with a pretty guy on the Internet. Is he taller than me?" Han Chen looked at Mary playfully, not worried at all that he would be cheated on.

"Not only tall, but also long." Mary glared at Han Chen angrily.

Han Chen didn't care and continued to talk: "That's definitely not as handsome as me."

Mary: "."

Who gave this dwarf the confidence, the screenwriter?

The other side.

Wen Zheng is the youngest of the four bosses and the most fashionable, specifically because he knows how to surf the Internet.

This guy found out that he was on the assassin's guild's bounty list the first time, and he almost peed in fear.

Wen Zheng neither alerted the other three bosses nor informed his family. After taking his passport and bank card, this guy disguised himself and ran away as quickly as possible.

"Hey -! Snake King Biao, is there a boat leaving the port tonight? I want to use the boat." Wen Zheng walked with his head down and called in a low voice.

"Yes, your brother Wen wants to use a boat. If there is no boat, I will arrange one for you." Snake King Biao replied matter-of-factly.

"Okay! See you at Sai Kung Pier at twelve o'clock tonight."

Wen Zheng hung up the phone with a sneer. This guy didn't believe Snake King Biao at all. He was just setting off smoke bombs. After making several more phone calls, he quickened his pace and fled to Yau Ma Tei.

He planned to find Sister Feng to hide for a while to see what happened. He was afraid that no one would think that he would still go whoring at such a time.

Wen Zheng had a good idea, but unfortunately before he could get out of the alley, he encountered a yellow-haired killer with two swords.

"Do you want to keep a whole corpse or a half corpse? If it's a full corpse, take the initiative to take out the valuables on your body." The yellow-haired killer chose the topic for Wen Zheng fairly.

"Full corpse, whole corpse, keep the whole corpse and I'll pay you." Wen Zheng quickly glanced at the alley and saw that there was only one yellow-haired killer, and he couldn't help but feel overjoyed.

"I'll pay you right now." Wen Zheng smiled and put his hand into the lining of his suit, and soon found his pistol.

"You know the truth." The yellow-haired killer shook his flowing yellow hair.

'puff--! ’

A dull gunshot sounded.

"Ah——!" Wen Zheng screamed and looked at his palm. Two fingers were missing, and the pistol flew away.

"Who——!" The yellow-haired killer turned around nervously and looked behind him.

"Get out of here!" A masked man in black walked into the alley.

It was Yoshimura Notaro, uh, now he should be called ‘Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin’.

"Get out of here, mother."

The yellow-haired killer was obviously a novice. This guy couldn't see the situation at all, so he turned around and gave Yoshimura Notaro a flying knife.

Yoshimura Notaro dodged to avoid the flying knife, raised his hand and fired again.

'puff--! ’

The yellow-haired killer lay down.

Killers kill killers, that's what happens.

"Money, money, I'll give you money. I know you're all here for the bounty. The bounty is two million. I'll give you four million. No, five million. I'll give you five million. Let me go." A way out." Wen Zheng shouted loudly.

"Hmph——! Don't try to bribe me, I am a principled killer." Yoshimura Notaro looked up at the stars at a 45-degree angle and said a harsh word in a high-handed manner.

'puff--! ’ After Yoshimura Notaro finished speaking, he raised his hand and shot Wen Zheng away.

The next second, Yoshimura Notaro searched his body in a very shameless manner.

This guy wanted to cry. Wen Zheng didn't have anything of value with him. He did have a bank card, but he had already sent the other person away so cheaply. Unless he was a psychic, there was no way he could guess the password.

Sure enough, a profession like an assassin shouldn't have any fucking principles. (End of chapter)

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