Latest website: ‘Bang——Bang Bang——’

"Boom boom boom"

"Protect me, come and protect me, don't fight with him." Gandhi's roar broke.

The wages of avarice is death.

After the Asian Killer Union broke away from the European Killer Association, it lowered the threshold for killer certification. Although the quality of the killers under the Asian Killer Union varied, the number of them was so large that it used the sea of ​​​​people tactic to crush powerful gang bosses like Gandhi. .

"Brother, our car was blown up by them." Gandhi's younger brother squatted in the corner and said nervously, bullets flying past him.

"Xie Jia Shoun, it must be a nigger who wants to kill me. The street is full of cars. If you have to get someone else's car to come over and pick me up." Gandhi kicked his younger brother out of the corner.

"Bang bang——!"

The boy with half of his body exposed from the corner was immediately shot in the head.

Gandhi shrank back in fear.

"Hey! Ah Xiao, that nigger bastard is going to kill me. Send someone over to help me quickly."

"???" Ni Yongxiao frowned and looked at the caller number on his phone. This was indeed Gandhi's voice.

Is it because his acting skills are so good, or is it because Gandhi's mind is really not very bright that he actually called himself for help?

"Okay, I understand. I'll ask my fourth uncle to take someone over right away." Ni Yongxiao quickly hung up the phone after speaking.

"Hey -! Hey, Xiao, I haven't even given you my damn address yet. Where are you sending people to?" Gandhi threw his phone angrily and hurriedly picked it up.

He jumped onto the street and the battery flew out.

"You guys hold on, I'll run away first."

As he spoke, Gandhi took off his coquettish coat, put it on a younger brother, and ran away.

"Ah! Boss, how can I hold up more than a dozen guns?" Gandhi's men were stunned.

"Hardtop, you don't need me to teach you how to fucking play with women." Gandhi ran away without looking back.

Gandhi's men cried. In fact, he liked to be passive and rarely stood up to others.

"Hehehe, don't move, don't move, my bullets don't have eyes!" A man blocked Gandhi's path.

Gandhi raised his pistol and fired forward.

‘Bang bang bang—! ’

The shadow fell to the ground.


Gandhi breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly ran forward. After he ran in, his expression suddenly changed. The black shadow on the ground was a human-shaped cardboard.

"Hey! It's not that you are stupid, it's that I am too smart."

A pistol stretched out from the corner of the alley, pointed directly at Gandhi's temple.

Gandhi's feet were nailed to the ground and he did not dare to move.

"I know your bullets are empty. Turn around and let me see what you look like."

"Don't kill me. I'll give you money and promise not to retaliate against you." Gandhi slowly turned his head and was shocked to find that the person holding the gun pointed at him was a little white girl.

"Hehe, the target check is correct."

Matilda smiled so toothily that her gums were exposed.


Matilda shot Gandhi through the head.

Two million bounty received.

After Matilda killed Gandhi, she quickly took out a pair of white gloves from her back pocket and put them on, then squatted down and searched Gandhi's body.

Looking at the proficiency of this action, you can tell that this is not the first time she has done this.

Matilda was lucky. The thick gold chain around Gandhi's neck weighed less than half a kilogram. This guy also had a shiny Rolex watch on his hand. You could tell it was worth a lot of money at a glance.

Matilda was very satisfied with her gains tonight, but as soon as she stood up and turned around, she saw the gloomy face of her master.

"Everyone who sees it has a share, Master, we have a 50-50 share."

Matilda handed the small cloth bag to Yoshimura Notaro without hesitation.

Yoshimura Notaro glared at the tricking Matilda angrily.

"What I want is the reward."

"Master, this is not good! I also accepted this task, but you came late." Matilda protested in a low voice.

"And my killer mission completion rate is 100%. You won't bear to look at me."

Before Matilda finished speaking, Notaro Yoshimura said with a smile: "The mission belongs to you, and the bounty belongs to me."

"Ah——! Is this still possible?" Matilda suddenly collapsed.

"Yes! You said, 50-50!" Yoshimura Notaro sensed someone coming this way, and immediately reached out and pulled Matilda away.

the next day.

News headlines carried the news of the murders of Gandhi and Wen Zheng.

Ni Yongxiao subconsciously clasped his knuckles. He was also shocked by the efficiency of the Killer Guild.

He had just placed the reward last night, but only a few hours later, Gandhi and Wen Zheng had already been killed.

"Second sister, I want you to take your elder brother and younger brother to Hawaii to see your mother. You haven't seen her for a long time." Ni Yongxiao suddenly spoke to his second sister.

Sister Ni Yongxiao's face changed slightly. She walked to the door of the study and took a look outside, then closed the door tightly.

"Axiao, was it you who placed the bounty on Gandhi's killers?"

Although the second sister Ni Yongxiao's tone was questioning, her face was full of determination. She knew Ni Yongxiao better than other brothers in the family.

"Well——!" Ni Yongxiao didn't mean to hide it.

"Ah Xiao, didn't I tell you to be patient? Why are you suddenly so impatient and aggressive?" Second sister Ni Yongxiao was very disappointed with Ni Yongxiao.

Ni Yongxiao wanted to send his family to Hawaii. It was obvious that he was uneasy about this action.

"The situation has changed. I'm worried that Guohua and the others will take advantage of me. You have now seen the strength of the Killer Guild. If Guohua and the others offer a bounty to me first, I have no confidence that I will survive." Ni Yongxiao actually wanted to temporarily Leave, but the Ni family cannot stay in Hong Kong Island alone.

Second Sister Ni Yongxiao nodded heavily.

She took out a card from her clutch and handed it to Ni Yongxiao.

"This is the contact information of a foreign mercenary force. If necessary, you can ask them to come to Hong Kong to protect your safety."

"Thank you, second sister!" Ni Yongxiao smiled pretending to be relaxed: "You don't have to worry too much about me. In fact, I also have a response plan."

Sister Ni Yongxiao patted Ni Yongxiao on the shoulder.

"Okay, you have been smart since you were a child. If things go wrong, you will expose some small mistakes and go into the detention room of the police station to temporarily avoid the spotlight. It is best to be in the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station. That Li Er is really capable."

"." Li Er turned over speechlessly. This guy stayed up late last night doing tasks, so naturally he wouldn't get up too early during the day.

No one in the entire Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station dared to record his attendance.

The other side.

Mary has been paying attention to Ni Yongxiao. She originally suspected that Ni Yongxiao wanted to kill the four bosses. After learning that Ni Yongxiao sent his family away from Hong Kong Island.

Mary immediately determined that this was the reward offered by Ni Yongxiao.

"Honey, I told you a long time ago! Ni Yongxiao is going to attack Guohua and the others." Mary was about to belittle Ni Yongxiao with Han Chen.

Han Chen's expression changed drastically.

"No, Ah Xiao made a bad move this time. I have to remind him immediately."

Han Chen casually put on a coat and hurried out to find Ni Yongxiao.

Han Chen knew Ni Yongxiao's character of taking revenge very well. From the moment the four bosses planned to betray the Ni family, Ni Yongxiao would not let them go, but he was too anxious to do it now.

"Hey, hubby, you haven't even taken a sip of your porridge yet, wait a minute! You little bastard." Mary angrily threw the paper towels on the dining table at Han Chen.

Han Chen was hit on the back of the head by a tissue and laughed. He turned to Mary and grinned: "It doesn't matter if I'm short, as long as my wife is beautiful." (End of Chapter)

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