
Huang Zhicheng looked at Han Chen's burned body with pain on his face. He and Han Chen were friends who grew up together in the same housing estate. Unfortunately, they took different paths.

Han Chen dropped out of school to join the underworld, and Huang Zhicheng entered the police academy.

"Hey——!" Huang Zhicheng looked at Han Chen's body and his expression suddenly changed.

There's something wrong with this body.

Huang Zhicheng put on a pair of gloves and reached out to touch Han Chen's body.

Although Han Chen unanimously insisted that he was 1.6 meters tall, Huang Zhicheng, who had played with Han Chen since childhood, knew that Han Chen, a three-inch tall boy, was only 1.53 meters tall.

The corpse on the morgue was burnt and must have shrunk, but even so, the corpse was still at least 1.55 meters tall.

"This is not Han Chen at all."

Huang Zhicheng's wretched little eyes rolled.

"Han Chen is cheating to death!"

Huang Zhicheng figured this out and calmly covered Han Chen's body with the white cloth again.

‘This damn short boy, what a great move! ’

In this round, Huang Zhicheng had to admire Han Chen for pretending to die with one move and perfectly avoiding the pursuit of the Killer Guild.

Now that Ni Yongxiao is dead, Han Chen's mission on the killer reward list has been automatically removed. Huang Zhicheng knows that Han Chen must be hiding in the dark now, planning how to deal with the Ni family.

I have to say that Huang Zhicheng understands Han Chen.

Wan Chai District Morgue.

Han Chen walked out from behind the door of the morgue, holding the pistol in his third uncle's lower back: "Don't move!"

The third uncle was shocked. All his men were outside the morgue.

"Song San, give me the account book and I'll spare your life." Han Chen snorted coldly.

"Han Hanchen?" The corner of the third uncle's eyes twitched. Han Chen has worked in the Ni family for so many years, and the third uncle is very familiar with the other party's voice.

"Hmph——! I'm not dead, you can't believe it!"

"I really didn't expect it, although I know you have always been cunning." The third uncle subconsciously glanced at the door. As long as there was a little movement, his men outside the door would rush in.

"Don't play with fire. If something happens, I'll shoot you first." Han Chen stretched out his hand and took out the pistol from his third uncle's waist, and then directly showed his cards: "Song San, your surname is not Ni, and the ledger is useless in your hands. "

"Also, let me tell you a secret. Ni Yongxiao has been wary of you. He doesn't believe you at all."

The third uncle's expression remained unchanged. He raised his hands and turned around slowly, looking at Han Chen with a mocking expression in his eyes. Han Chen's words could not hurt his feelings for the Ni family.

"It sounds like your surname is Ni, and the account book will be useful in your hands?" the third uncle sneered.

He knew that Han Chen was so anxious to get the Ni family's account books, so naturally he was not here to surrender to the police. Han Chen was obviously also here for the Ni family's underworld network.

"Song Laosan, stop pretending. I don't know you yet. You have the ability but not the courage. Even if I give you a chance, you won't be able to grasp it." Han Chen raised a finger and made an offer: "One thousand Wan, give me the account book, and you will leave Hong Kong Island and never come back."

Ni Yongxiao was dead, and Han Chen didn't believe that his third uncle would be so loyal and willingly handed over the Ni family's business to brothers Ni Yongzhong and Ni Yongyi.

"Okay -!" The third uncle nodded and agreed, "I can give you the account book, but I want 20 million."

"No problem, just 20 million." Han Chen agreed immediately. He would only really worry if the other party didn't counteroffer.

"The account book is not with me now. I will take you back to get it." Third Uncle suggested.

"You think I'm stupid!" Han Chen was laughed at by his third uncle.

Although he escaped with his life, all his capable men were killed by Peng Yixing.

Han Chen didn't dare to go to the other party's place to get the account book.

"If you don't have the seed yourself, then there's nothing I can do about it." The third uncle spread his hands and said with a smile.

Han Chen's face darkened, as if he had made some decision, and suddenly raised his pistol and pointed it at his third uncle's head.

'puff--! ’

The third uncle was shot in the temple, half of his body was lying on Ni Yongxiao's body.

Han Chen looked relaxed on the surface, but in fact he was quite afraid of his third uncle. Since he didn't want to take the risk, he simply sent him away.

"Hey! Ah Huang, this is Han Chen. Yes, I'm not dead. Come out and have a chat. I'll give you a big reward." After sneaking out of the morgue from the window, Han Chen dialed Huang Zhicheng's number.

A building parking lot somewhere.

Han Chen revealed to Huang Zhicheng the news that the Ni family's account book was in the hands of his third uncle.

"As long as you get this account book, the entire Ni family will be completely destroyed. This credit will at least allow you to be promoted to three levels in a row." Han Chen paid me a brotherly pat on Huang Zhicheng's chest.

Huang Zhicheng was speechless.

"I know, the account book is already in my hand." Huang Zhicheng took out a brown paper bag from behind and waved it in his hand.

"How is that possible?" Han Chen looked at Huang Zhicheng in disbelief: "How did you get the Ni family's account book?"

Huang Zhicheng curled his lips pretending to be mysterious. His account book was naturally given to him by Chen Yongren.

"This is childish. Unfortunately, Ni Yongxiao has already moved all his brother, sister and family to Hawaii. It is impossible to catch them all in one go." Huang Zhicheng smiled contentedly.

Han Chen's eyes followed the brown paper bag in Huang Zhicheng's hand.

"I know where their family is on Hawaii Island." When Han Chen heard that Ni Yongxiao's family was safe and sound, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Old Huang, let me check the account book for you. If you get a fake account book, it will be a mistake." Han Chen said unintentionally.

Huang Zhicheng shook his head. This account book was given to him by Chen Yongren himself, so there was no way it was false.

"Achen, forget it!"

"This matter is over now, don't force us to be friends." Huang Zhicheng said and turned to leave. He had already guessed what Han Chen wanted to do.

Han Chen looked at Huang Zhicheng's back with complicated eyes. He tightened his grip on the pistol in his hand, and finally sighed and put the pistol back into the lining pocket of his suit.

The next day, the Ni family's power was uprooted by the Wan Chai police, and the tiger of Wan Chai Crime Squad, Cao Tat-wah, once again became famous. This time, standing behind Cao Tat-wah was Huang Zhicheng. Huang Zhicheng was promoted two levels in a row and became Cao Tat-wah's right-hand man.

Li Er felt very unhappy when he saw Cao Dahua talking and bragging on TV. In other words, he, Li, had not been on TV for a long time.

Especially when he saw Huang Zhicheng standing behind Cao Dahua, Li Sir's mood became even worse. For some reason, when Li Er saw Huang Zhicheng's bumpy and acne-prone face, he couldn't help but want to kick him hard with the sole of his shoe. Face.

"To be able to accurately attack the entire Ni family's underworld forces so quickly must have been through the use of undercover agents." Ma Guoying diligently made coffee for Li Er. She was not afraid of Bai Anni's misunderstanding and would give her some shoes when the time came.

"." Li Er's expression changed when he heard Ma Guoying's words, and he immediately thought of Chen Yongren, the young man who betrayed his family. That guy was so obsessed with becoming a policeman.

It's a pity that he wasn't even given a single shot at the celebration party. I hope he won't be so overwhelmed that he goes to see a psychiatrist.

The ambiguity between Li Laoer and Li Xin'er is now rising sharply.

"Ma Guoying, does your intelligence team have any plans to train undercover agents?" Li Er suddenly asked with interest.

Ma Guoying glanced around and whispered with an embarrassed face: "Sir Li, most of our intelligence team are female police officers. We girls will suffer a lot when we are undercover agents."

Li Er thought it was right. All the policewomen under his command were beauties, and he would take advantage of them. Why should he benefit from those young and Dangerous men?

"Okay, I understand. Our Tsim Sha Tsui Crime Team does not engage in inhumane undercover plans. If there is any suspicion, we will directly beat him up."

"Hehe, thank you Sir Li." (End of chapter)

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