What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 738 We cherish each other

"City hunter? Is there such a profession in the world?" Li Er looked at Ma Guoying with a strange expression.

Bai Anni came over and glared at Ma Guoying angrily.

"Listen to her, she's just a private detective. The Japanese call her City Hunter." Bai Anni had already seen the coffee Ma Guoying poured for Li Er, and she couldn't help rolling her eyes.

'What the hell, my master is not as handsome as Li Ming, and he also likes to quarrel with others, so why is he so popular with women? The dog author is becoming less and less careful when writing stories. ’

"Hehe, I heard what Zhou Xingxing said." Ma Guoying said and pointed at Zhou Xingxing.

Zhou Xingxing was not here, and after checking in, this guy found an excuse to skip work in the field.

"Mark Zhou Xingxing's absence from work for one day." Sir Li was very unhappy. He hadn't skipped work yet, but Zhou Xingxing dared to walk in front of the leader.

"Sir Li, I know what Zhou Xingxing did." Ma Guoying immediately betrayed Zhou Xingxing.

"Tell me about it." Li Er nodded to Ma Guoying with great satisfaction.

"Two very powerful private detectives from Japan came to Hong Kong Island. One was named Meng Bo and the other was Keiko Nakamura. Zhou Xingxing ran to follow them." Ma Guoying said in a low voice.

"Meng Bo?" Li Er looked strange: "Do you have a photo of this person?"

"No!" Ma Guoying shook his head and nodded: "But I can log on to Japan's external network to find him now. Since the other party is a famous detective, it is not easy to find a photo of him."

"Go find him immediately." Li Er urged.


It only took Ma Guoying ten minutes to find hundreds of photos of Meng Bo.

Meng Bo is definitely a conspicuous person. He has a large number of personal photos on the Internet and is an Internet celebrity of this era.

"Oh! It turns out that this person named Huizi is Meng Bo's assistant, not a private detective."

Ma Guoying placed several printed photos of Meng Bo and Nakamura Keiko on the table.

Li Er and Bai Anni looked at each other in confusion after reading the photos.

Isn't this Chen Jiaju and his sister-in-law Wang Gangsheng? When did you become Japanese?

Li Er already understood what was going on, but he never expected that Meng Bo turned out to be a Japanese guy with a big nose.

"No, why did Zhou Xingxing follow these two people?" Bai Anni asked strangely.

"I know this." Ma Guoying wanted to show off her information again.

"There is a newspaper tycoon in Japan named Imamura Hiroshi. He has an only daughter named Imamura Kiyoko, who is eighteen years old this year."

"." Li Er and Bai Anni looked at Ma Guoying with murderous expressions.

"Can you tell me the important point?" Bai Anni wanted to strangle this nagging subordinate to death.

Ma Guoying said quickly: "Okay, let's get to the point right away. Imamura Kiyoko had a quarrel with her father and it has been two weeks since she ran away from home."

"There is reliable information that Imamura Kiyoko came to our Hong Kong Island from Japan. Imamura Hiroji offered a reward of one million US dollars to find his daughter."

"Ma Guoying, if you keep talking in circles like this, believe it or not, I will let you go downstairs and run to the playground." Bai Anni's menstruation was late for several days, and she was in a bad mood recently.

Li Er had already understood what Ma Guoying meant.

Sure enough, Ma Guoying did not dare to show off the information the next second. She hurriedly explained: "Meng Bo and his female assistant came to Hong Kong Island just to find Imamura Kiyoko. Zhou Xingxing felt that these two people should have information and planned to follow each other to intercept them. reward."

Bai Anni was amused: "Zhou Xingxing is really a bitch, and he actually wants to be paid for not doing anything to intercept Hu's Japanese boy."

"Yes, I also think he is cheap." Ma Guoying nodded in agreement.

"Isn't this kind of person-tracing commission usually an exclusive commission? Zhou Xingxing is not a private detective, so he won't get paid if he finds the person, right?" Bai Anni thought for a moment and asked.

Ma Guoying shook his head: "I don't know about that. Maybe he found someone and sold the information to other qualified private detectives."

Bai Anni was not interested in looking for Imamura Kiyoko, but she was very curious about Meng Bo and Nakamura Keiko who looked like Chen Jiaju and Wang Gangsheng.

"Master!" Bai Anni looked at Li Er.

Li Er nodded clearly: "Check the addresses of Meng Bo and Nakamura Keiko."

"I'll do it!" It seemed that Bai Anni was really interested.

The other side.

Zhou Xingxing followed Meng Bo and Nakamura Keiko very seriously.

Zhou Xingxing was in a very anxious and frightened mood at this time. He had seen something extraordinary.

‘Inform Li Er that Li Er will probably kill him to silence him and hide Li Er’s secrets. Li Er will definitely kill him again when he turns around. ’

Zhou Xingxing knew Wang Gangsheng. Not only did he know Wang Gangsheng, he also knew Chen Jiaju.

‘Chen Jiaju’s big nose turned Boss Yi off? ’

Zhou Xingxing is sure that if this matter is exposed, Li Xianying and Ma Jun will angrily tear Chen Jiaju to pieces without Li Yi and Li Er taking action.

"Hey! Ma Jun, oh! I called the wrong number." Zhou Xingxing planned to pull someone into trouble, but he suddenly remembered that even if he called Ma Jun, Ma Jun wouldn't be enough for Li Er, so he might as well not call him.

"Hey -! Brother La, pay back the money? What money for what? I don't even know what you are talking about. Good things are good for you!" Zhou Xingxing was very thick-skinned and ignored Chen Bailu's extremely "motherly" greetings. , all he wanted to do was drag Chen Bailu into the water.

"If this matter is settled by us, each of us will get at least one million Hong Kong dollars." Zhou Xingxing said, fearing that Chen Bailu would not take the bait, so he reluctantly made a big concession: "Not even one hundred, you take one hundred Five hundred thousand, just give me the remaining bits and pieces.”

"Really? You don't want me to kidnap Li Ka-shing, do you? That old guy was kidnapped just now, and there are many bodyguards with guns around him." Chen Bailu really dared to think that he actually I have done some research, I am afraid that I am not trying to steal Li Ka-shing before his return.

"Your uncle, we are the police. Don't always think about doing things that violate the law. I am a serious person. If you come or not, I will call Ma Jun." Zhou Xingxing pretended to hang up the phone.

Chen Bailu on the other end of the phone immediately scolded: "Don't call me Ma Jun, Zhou Xingxing, you are a bastard of the Yan family. We are not half-brothers anymore. If something good happens, don't look for your own brothers to look for outsiders."

After Zhou Xingxing gave Chen Bailu the address, he put away his phone with satisfaction. When something really happened, he would pass the blame to Chen Bailu.

"Uh-!" Zhou Xingxing raised his head.

'Oops, the tracking was discovered. ’

A big-nosed man was squatting face to face with me, and when he got closer, he kissed her.

This scene seems familiar.

Zhou Xingxing pouted inexplicably.


Zhou Xingxing and Meng Bo kissed each other, and Zhou Xingxing even sucked it subconsciously.

Meng Bo's face turned red visibly.

"Ugh—! Bah, bah, bah!" Zhou Xingxing reacted and quickly turned his head and spit.

"Ah this?" Nakamura Keiko looked at Meng Bo from the left and Zhou Xingxing from the right. She was stunned.

‘Is this sympathy between men? '(End of chapter)

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