What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 740: Popular profession: private detective.

Tea restaurant.

"Hey! Mr. Gao, look at this inside news. Hiroshi Imamura's only daughter, Kiyoko Imamura, ran away from home. If you help find her, you can get a reward of one million U.S. dollars." Xiaofu took advantage of Mr. Gao not paying attention and ordered another one. Shrimp dumplings and a portion of siomai.

Mr. Gao took off his sunglasses and took a careful look at the inside information newspaper that he had obtained at a high price.

"With a reward of one million dollars, how can you get paid so quickly by being a private detective?"

Mr. Gao was a little moved. The work of a private detective does not conflict with that of a killer, but it is outrageous that such a big living person can get lost. This is not a fucking pet cat or dog.

"Eat quickly. After you finish, go and register for a private detective agency. I'll be the president if you want to, and I'll let you be the vice president."

Mr. Gao said and glared at Xiao Fu: "Stop fucking adding extra dishes, and pay for it yourself."

"Okay!" Xiaofu put down his raised right hand with a smile. He also wanted to add steamed chicken feet with black bean sauce.

"But we killers have done a good job, and suddenly we become private detectives. We are not professional in this business!" Xiao Fu was worried that the vice president would have to pay, so he was a little cautious.

"I don't know how professional you are when it comes to being a killer. This thing is all about doing something and loving something. If you don't do it first, how can you know if it's suitable?" Gao Lao said in a very inspiring voice.

Xiao Fu nodded in agreement.

However, he immediately declared: "It's okay to open a private detective agency, but I don't have the money to invest in it, so I only work part-time."

'Grass! Mainland boy, country bumpkin. ’ Mr. Gao secretly scolded Xiao Fu.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that opening a private detective agency was very reliable and could also cover his identity as a killer agent.

On the other side, Liang Qiqi and Matilda were also having the same topic.

The difference is that Liang Qiqi and Matilda are very wealthy. They do whatever comes to their mind. The next minute, they spend money to have a special middleman handle all the procedures, including finding the office of a private detective agency.

"Ahem——! Please call me President Liang from now on!"

Liang Qiqi got a pair of rimless myopia glasses from somewhere and put them on. She really looked like a strong business woman.

Matilda ignored Liang Qiqi. She was on the phone with Zhang Xiaomeng who was far away in Taiwan.

At the same time, Li Xianying and Meng Bo were squatting on the ground and staring.

Meng Bo learned the lesson this time. He tilted his head back slightly to prevent the other party from kissing him secretly. Who knows if Hong Kong Islanders have some kind of fetish?

"Big Nose Ju, are you crazy! Chasing a woman and making such a big fuss will definitely make you miserable this time." Li Xianying scolded with a dark face. He felt that the 'Chen Jiaju' in front of him was a bit weird.

Meng Bo just found the target person Imamura Kiyoko in Ocean Park. He was about to take Imamura Kiyoko back to Japan, but Imamura Kiyoko immediately ran away if she was willing.

Meng Bo naturally wanted to chase him, but he was inexplicably targeted by a group of skateboarding delinquents. The group of people chased him for several streets, destroying many public facilities along the way.

"Boss Ying, after checking, the woman is Japanese and has no criminal record. I will let her go." Ma Jun came over and said to Li Xianying.

"Can the Japanese be let go? Then I am Japanese too." Meng Bo said happily.

He didn't expect that his status would actually lead to preferential treatment. What bastard said that he should be careful about being targeted when going to China? Isn't this very friendly!

Meng Bo has forgotten the pain of being attacked twice by Zhou Xingxing.

"." Li Xianying and Ma Jun looked at each other in shock after hearing Meng Bo's words.

"Is your brain broken?" Ma Jun asked Li Xianying carefully.

"It's unlikely!" Li Xianying said uncertainly.

He also felt that the 'Chen Jiaju' in front of him was a bit silly, but Chen Jiaju usually fell down the stairs and so on, and he never saw Chen Jiaju break his brain.

"Oh! That's right, sirs, my name is Meng Bo, and this is my passport." Meng Bo reacted and hurriedly handed his ID to Li Xianying.

"Meng Bo?" Li Xianying and Ma Jun looked at each other, and they were about to look at Meng Bo's passport.

Nakamura Keiko ran over panting.

"Wait a minute, why are you running so fast? We have a car." Nakamura Keiko ignored Li Xianying and Ma Jun and held Meng Bo's arm very intimately.


"Sister-in-law, you, you, you"

The anger levels of Li Xianying and Ma Jun soared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Meng Bo could even faintly see smoke coming out of their heads.

"Fuck your mother's big-nosed colt, the horse army will beat him to death."

Li Xianying was the first to attack, punching Meng Bo's big nose.

Meng Bo had already started to be wary when Li Xianying and Ma Jun's faces turned red.

When he saw Li Xianying's fist coming, he immediately raised his hand and grabbed Li Xianying's wrist.

But Li Xianying was so angry that he slammed his head into Meng Bo's chest. This kind of unorganized attack naturally couldn't stop Meng Bo.

Meng Bo quickly let go of Li Xianying's wrist, put his hands together, and firmly held Li Xianying's head.

But the next second.


Meng Bo's screams were tragic and sharp. Li Xianying bit Meng Bo's breast. Meng Bo's eyes were so painful that stars were popping up in his eyes. When he kicked Li Xianying away, a large piece of clothes on his left chest was already missing. cloth.

"Ahhhh, it hurts...!" Meng Bo covered his breasts and jumped on the spot. In his decades of detective career, he had seen all kinds of opponents, but he had never encountered anyone who made his breasts hurt.

"Baga, the Chinese are all crazy."

The Ma Jun's fists have already arrived.

'Whirring whirring--'

The speed of Ma Jun's fists increased. Meng Bo's face turned green when he heard Ma Jun's intensive punches. He was not willing to confront Ma Jun head-on. Fortunately, this guy's dodge skills were also at full level. He shook his body left and right. Akira, just don't let Ma Jun's fist touch him.

It's a pity that Meng Bo forgot about Li Xianying again and fought alone. Li Xianying's skill was naturally inferior to Meng Bo's, but now Li Xianying was risking his life with him.

Li Xianying suddenly pounced from behind Meng Bo. Meng Bo heard the sound of wind behind him and hurried forward to dodge.

Li Xianying did not pounce on Meng Bo, but instead fell miserably. However, he successfully hugged Meng Bo's feet.

"Ah——! You shameless bastard."

When Meng Bo struggled with his feet angrily, Ma Jun's fist had already arrived.

Meng Bo had no choice but to punch Ma Jun.

‘Bang——! ’

After the successful blow, Ma Jun's fists never stopped.

‘Bang bang bang bang.’

Meng Bo and Ma Jun exchanged fists wildly. In just one minute, both sides received dozens of punches from each other.

Meng Bo was worse, his whole face had turned into a pig's head, but Ma Jun was also bruised and swollen.

"Get down!" Li Xianying took the opportunity to trip up Meng Bo.

"You're dead." Ma Jun was overjoyed and immediately rushed to lock Meng Bo's hands with one hand. Ma Jun's best fighting skill was the locking technique.

“Bang bang bang”

After Ma Jun locked Meng Bo's hands, he raised his fist and attacked Meng Bo's face.

"Suck—! This is too miserable!" Zhou Xingxing and Chen Bailu, who were hiding in the dark, felt a toothache.

"This guy deserves it. Second sister-in-law Gou is going to have three swords and six holes, let alone sister-in-law Gou." Chen Bailu gave Zhou Xingxing a meaningful sideways glance, but he knew that Zhou Xingxing had some interest in He Min.

Zhou Xingxing felt a chill in his heart. Li Laoer's punching power was not comparable to Ma Jun's. If the opponent punched with all his strength, he might be disabled.

"Boss Ying and Ma Jun are in trouble this time. These people are really Japanese." Zhou Xingxing mourned for Li Xianying and Ma Jun. At this time, Zhou Xingxing had confirmed Meng Bo's identity. He was really a native of Japan. A native of Tokyo, he is a famous local detective.

Since Meng Bo is a misunderstanding, there is no doubt that Nakamura Keiko is 99% Japanese.

Central District Crime Unit.

Chen Jiaju looked at Li Xianying and Ma Jun speechlessly, then turned to look at Meng Bo.

This is the jurisdiction of the Central District Police Station, so the three people who fought each other were naturally taken to the Central District Police Station.

"You two have to wait until nightfall if you want to beat him up, and this is such a lame excuse. How does this guy look like me." Chen Jiaju didn't feel that Meng Bo's pig-headed face was even remotely similar to his own.

"Look at his passport photo, you idiot." Li Xianying scolded him.

Chen Jiaju opened Meng Bo's passport and took a look.

"Holy shit, I've been to Japan before on a boat trip?" (End of Chapter)

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