Li Er soon learned about Li Xianying and Ma Jun's violent beating of Meng Bo.

In addition to applauding, this guy called Chen Jiaju and asked him to let him go immediately. If anything happened, Li Laoer would take care of it.

Chen Jiaju was just trying to find some reason to excuse Li Xianying and Ma Jun. Li Er's call came just in time and he could release them directly.

"You two can leave. Remember, not everyone who looks like a filthy man is a nymphomaniac. You can't arrest people without evidence, and you can't enforce the law violently. Please reflect on it!"

Chen Jiaju criticized Li Xianying and Ma Jun with a straight face.

'Huh--! How do I feel, am I scolding myself? ’ After Chen Jiaju said that, he felt something was wrong.

"I understand, Sir Chen!"

Li Xianying and Ma Jun nodded perfunctorily.

Big Nose Horse's police rank is not as high as theirs, look at this guy's pretense.

"Okay! Say a few words of apology to Mr. Meng Bo, and we will treat it as if you have reconciled." Chen Jiaju quickly said to Li Xianying and Ma Jun without giving Meng Bo a chance to react.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Meng Bo. It's because we were blind and judged people by their appearance. We thought you were the kind of irresponsible scumbag who plays with women's feelings and makes each other's belly fat." Li Xianying said bitterly.

"Cough cough cough——!" Chen Jiaju and Meng Bo coughed together as if they were connected.

Although Li Xianying knew that he had beaten the wrong person, he also saw the information on Meng Bo given by Dazui and knew that the other person was an extremely lustful private detective in Japan.

Li Xianying doesn't have a good impression of this guy, and it's not a good thing to even look at Chen Jiaju.

"Okay, okay, let's all go! So much talk." Chen Jiaju hurriedly asked both parties to sign and get out.

Meng Bo still wants to go after Imamura Kiyoko, so naturally he doesn't want to be troublesome, otherwise he will have to complain to Li Xianying and Ma Jun, and now he can only sign and agree to the settlement.

The luxury cruise ship "Fuki Maru".

Li Er was wearing a pair of big pants, lying on a beach chair and basking in the sun leisurely.

"Sir Li, you really won't help me bring some weapons on board, right?" Meazi sat on the chair next to Li Er and asked quietly.

This Japanese girl is wearing a sexy red bikini. Coupled with her hot figure, her charm is magnified several times. Almost all the men next to the swimming pool will glance here intentionally or unintentionally.

"I was just confused. Didn't you see there was a security check when you boarded the ship? I didn't even bring my own gun, so I brought you a weapon." Li Er is one of the very few men who can ignore Meiko's sexy offensive.

After all, this guy had already touched Haitang and Ding Yao. Even if Yao Zi stripped naked and stood in front of him, he would not blink an eye.

Well, definitely.

"It's just a security check, and there's nothing you can do about it?" Yazi looked at Li Er speechlessly.

"You're not serious!" Yazi looked into Li Er's eyes carefully.

Li Er's eyes were a little dull, and Meiko felt that this man looked like a fool.

"Do you think I'm a joker?" Li Er asked Meiko.

Meiko patted her forehead and said nothing.

"Which floor is your room on? Go to my room later and pick out two guns!" Meiko said through gritted teeth. Fortunately, she had made two preparations, otherwise she would have been badly hurt by Li Er.

"I live on the top floor, you have a gun?" Li Er pretended to be surprised.

"Of course, you think I'm as stupid as you and it's not easy to cheat the cruise ship's security check." Meiko puffed up her chest proudly.

"Wait! You live on the top floor?" Meiko looked at Li Er in disbelief: "You booked a luxury suite in the VIP cabin."

"Otherwise, it's the police force that reimburses operational expenses, so why should I have to live in economy class?" Li Er nodded matter-of-factly.

"You Hong Kong Island Police Force reimbursement is nothing. This money goes to our Interpol account."

Yazi couldn't help but curse. The budget was not big, but Li Er suddenly overspent. It's over, and he will be eating instant noodles in the next few days.

"Oh——! That's great." Li Er nodded with satisfaction: "I can't even save money for you."

Meiko: "."

"You don't want to default on your debt, do you?"

Li Er looked at Meazi with a chuckle. If Interpol dared to blame him, Li Er, he would make the other party cry rhythmically.

"Uh--! How is that possible!" Meiko forced a smile out of embarrassment, she really thought so just now.

The other side.

Imamura Kiyoko didn't know where to get a ticket and had already boarded the Fukimaru cruise ship.

It's a pity that this Japanese girl's disguise skills are really low-level. Not long after she got on the cruise ship, she was discovered by the local paparazzi in Hong Kong Island. These guys immediately sold the information about Imamura Kiyoko at a high price.

"We made an agreement first. I'll pay for the boat ticket, and you'll pay for everything on the boat." Xiao Fu didn't forget to mutter to Gao Lao when he boarded the boat.

"I know, this ticket includes food and accommodation. I don't believe you can spend anything else besides food and accommodation." For the first time, Mr. Gao felt that it was embarrassing to take Xiaofu with him.

"Meal and accommodation are included?" Xiao Fu looked at the ferry ticket in his hand distressedly and whispered: "No wonder the ferry ticket is so expensive."

Xiaofu really has no desire to consume except eating.

This guy is one of the very few people in Hong Kong who makes money in mainland China and sends every penny back home. Especially since the last time he went back to the mainland to build a house, he brought a big bag of salted fish and dried sweet potatoes. It has been several months since he returned home. Shopping for groceries.

Not long after Xiao Fu and Gao Lao boarded the ship, Liang Qiqi and Matilda also boarded the cruise ship.

Naturally, the two of them came here for Imamura Kiyoko. Of course, if they couldn't find anyone, they would treat it as a vacation.

The two young rich women are not very poor in money now. Being greedy for money is just instinct, just like men who are lustful.

"Qiqi, look at the short guy in front and the even shorter guy. They are probably killers and killer agents like us." Matilda pointed at the backs of the rich guy and the tall guy and whispered. .

Liang Qiqi shook her head with a sneer: "They are just two idiots. They are doing tasks on the cruise ship and there is no place to run after they succeed."

Matilda did not refute Liang Qiqi, but secretly laughed at Liang Qiqi's naivety. As long as she killed someone without leaving any evidence, there was no need to run away.

"Hello sir, please show me your ticket."

Meng Bo was stopped at the security gate.

"Oh——! Boat ticket."

Meng Bo shook his bangs out of habit to make himself look more elegant and handsome, but he didn't know that his face was now swollen like a pig's head, which made the two crew members in charge of security check feel chills.

"Haha! Come on, let me treat you to some chewing gum." Meng Bo conjured up two pieces of chewing gum with his bare hands as if by magic.

"Thank you. You're welcome. Please show me your boarding pass."

Meng Bo failed to fish in troubled waters and was grabbed by the collar and pulled back by the crew member responsible for security inspection.

"Haha, yes, yes, I forgot to take the boarding card, here it is!" Meng Bo took out a card from his jacket pocket and stuffed it into the security inspector's hand, and immediately walked forward with his legs up.

"Wait!" The security crew glanced at the 'boarding card' handed over by Meng Bo.

"Membership card of "Jiushu Mahjong Hall"? Shallow water and fast checkout?" The security inspector looked at Meng Bo strangely: "Is this your boarding card?"

"Uh--! Haha, I actually jumped off the boat to swim. My documents, tickets, and so on are all on the boat. Do you believe it?" Meng Bo said with a smile.

Meng Bo was grabbed by his hands and feet by four or five crew members and thrown out in a coffin-carrying position.

"Hey——! Zhou Xingxing, a boat ticket costs tens of thousands of yuan, but I don't have the money."

After seeing Meng Bo's tragic situation, Chen Bailu turned to look at Zhou Xingxing. Just now he had boasted that it was easy to trick a few security inspectors into sneaking onto the ship.

"Don't worry! We don't have to pay. We can definitely get in with that guy." Zhou Xingxing pointed at Meng Bo's back.

"The important thing is whether you asked for leave for me or not. Don't look back and I will fire you from the police station."

"Don't worry, I've asked Jian Huizhen to help me issue a leave request." Chen Bailu curled his lips: "Besides, you are also an idiot. The reward is one million US dollars. If I get such a large sum of money, I will still be a fool." What a bastard policeman, and remember, the pay is 50-50."

Zhou Xingxing nodded: "I know, follow me quickly, Meng Bo is heading to the baggage check-in side."

Meng Bo got into the passengers' checked luggage and got on the cruise ship.

Zhou Xingxing and Chen Bailu also hid in passengers' suitcases, saving tens of thousands in ferry tickets.

The feeling of having sex for free is really good. (End of chapter)

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