What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 756: Having cheap hands is a disease.

What to do if you open the wrong plug-in Chapter 756 of the text volume: Cheeky hands are a disease. "Hey, hey, hey, Chinese rules, one on one!"

Seeing that all his men had been knocked down, McDonald quickly proposed a fair one-on-one fight.

"Okay! That's fair."

Zhou Xingxing immediately agreed to McDonald's 'reasonable' request and pulled Chen Bailu back, leaving the position for Meng Bo.


Meng Bo glared at Zhou Xingxing fiercely. He naturally recognized Zhou Xingxing, the guy who kissed him and almost cut off his descendants.

"I'm sorry, I'm not Chinese, and Chinese rules don't apply to me." Meng Bo rejected McDonald's unceremoniously. He was not afraid that he wouldn't be able to beat McDonald's, but there was no need to challenge him to a duel.

"Hey, that's even more embarrassing. We are all Chinese and we don't like to bully the minority."

Chen Bailu smiled coquettishly and pulled Cao Dahua back. This guy usually loves to bully those who are in power, but the current situation is obviously not suitable.

McDonald pretended to be impressed and gave a thumbs up to Zhou Xingxing, Chen Bailu and Cao Dahua.

Zhou Xingxing, Chen Bailu and Cao Dahua looked at each other and almost couldn't help but rush forward to beat up this damn guy McDonald.

‘What a fuck, you dare to show off such a low-level provocation in front of ancestor Yongji. ’

Fortunately, these three people finally maintained the demeanor of Chinese gentlemen in front of Meng Bo, a Japanese devil.

Meng Bo looked at Meazi, who had a gun in his hand.

"I'm going to fight with a woman for help. If I were you, I'd die." Chen Bailu taunted Meng Bo loudly.

Meiko didn't take Chen Bailu's words to heart. She put the overall situation first and pointed her gun at McDonald.

"McDonald, you are under arrest. There is no need to resist in vain. Hand over the remote control of the bomb."

Meazi approached McDonald carefully and winked at Meng Bo desperately.

"Knowing that I have a bomb, why don't you just put down the gun?" McDonald snorted with a roll of his eyes.

Everyone else in the restaurant was shocked.

"There can't really be a bomb!" Cao Dahua whispered. When this guy was in the captain's cabin, he heard McDonald's men clamoring to blow up the entire cruise ship.

"Diao, this place is so spacious, there's no way we can't be bombed." Chen Bailu sneered, "If you had the ability, you could sink the entire ship."

Cao Dahua: "."

Meiko: "."

"You can't be serious!"

Zhou Xingxing knew that the bastard Chen Bailu was a crow's mouth, and he was very sensitive to the fact that there was something wrong with the expressions on Cao Dahua and Meazi's faces.

"Ugh——!" McDonald cut off Hu Zhouxing's signature laugh and took out a silver-gray remote control from his lower back.


McDonald's arrogance only lasted three seconds when Meng Bo noticed that he was distracted and had already pounced on him.

"Try to scare me with the air conditioner remote control." Meng Bo said, his fist already reaching McDonald's eyes.


"Ah——!" McDonald roared in pain: "You stupid pig, this bomb remote control is real, do you want to drag the entire ship with you to bury it with you?"

Meiko was frightened to death by Meng Bo's recklessness, but now she could only bite the bullet and rush to snatch the remote control from McDonald's hand.

Even McDonald was not a match for Meng Bo alone, and now that Meazi was added to the mix, he was even more confused.

Cao Dahua's IQ is sufficient. Regardless of whether the bomb is real or fake, it is the right thing to grab the remote control from McDonald's first.

"Quick, Zhou Xingxing, grab the remote control in his hand." Cao Dahua and Zhou Xingxing have already pounced on him.

Only Chen Bailu still kept his hands upright and insisted that Chinese men should not bully the minority.

"Ah——! I'm so angry that you're all going to die."

How could McDonald's withstand the siege of so many people? He was hit by seven or eight punches at once, especially Meng Bo. He didn't care about any bombs at all and attacked McDonald's vitals with both fists. When the slave's eyes shine with gold.

McDonald was about to press the instant detonator of the remote control angrily, and Meiko was so frightened that her legs weakened.

Cao Dahua used the "old tree rooting" move used against Ye Dexian to lock McDonald's lower body and waist. Zhou Xingxing hugged one of McDonald's arms with both hands and kicked McDonald's leg with a high kick. wrist.

As soon as McDonald's thumb touched the button of the remote control, the remote control was kicked away by Zhou Xingxing.

Meako was overjoyed and was about to jump up to catch the bomb remote control.

But Meng Bo was one step ahead. He kicked McDonald's abdomen, jumped up in the air and caught the bomb remote control.

"Quick, Meng Bo, give me the bomb remote control." Meiko shouted nervously.

Meng Bo curled his lips disdainfully.

"I don't believe this stuff is real."

Meng Bo pressed several buttons on the bomb's remote control with Meazi's eyes widening.


The entire restaurant was immediately audible.

"Looking at how scared you are, I already told you that this thing is an air conditioner remote control." Meng Bo sneered and threw away the remote control.

It just fell into Chen Bailu's hands.

Chen Bailu was about to brag that he was the only one who had not been fooled, so he pressed a button in a learned manner.



Violent explosions sounded, and the entire cruise ship was shaking violently.


Chen Bailu was dumbfounded. It was okay for the Japanese guy to press the button, but he exploded after pressing only one button?


"Run—run, the ship is sinking."

No one needs to be reminded at this time, everyone can feel that the cruise ship sank more than ten meters in an instant.

People in the restaurant ran outside one after another, and people hiding in the room also rushed out in panic.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Fu looked at Gao Lao strangely.

"Take off your clothes!" Mr. Gao had already taken off his clothes quickly.

"It's not necessary! Wearing some clothes won't affect your swimming. I'm very good at swimming. I'll carry you when the time comes." Xiao Fu shook his head, mainly because this guy had a lot of valuable jewelry in his arms and threw away the jewelry. , might as well throw away his own life.

"Use your brain. We are wearing villain clothes. Do you want to be beaten by a group?" Mr. Gao cursed in a low voice.

Xiao Fu then remembered that he and Gao Lao were wearing red minions' clothes. Before, McDonald's had the upper hand, so it was natural to wear these clothes. If they still wear them now, they are looking for a beating.

"What should we do now?" Xiao Fu quickly took off his red clothes.

"When we boarded the ship, did you notice that there were a row of lifeboats on both sides of the cruise ship. One of the larger lifeboats has a power system." Gao Lao said as he ran.

"What is a power system?" Xiao Fu asked in confusion.

"Engine! There is a lifeboat with an engine at the back."

As Gao Lao was talking, he suddenly fell and hit his head hard. The cruise ship exploded again, and the entire hull began to tip to the right.

"Oh shit, the ship is about to sink. Run fast and get the lifeboat before the others." Gao Lao urged Xiao Fu while covering his bleeding forehead.

"Okay—! I'll go back and save you."

Xiao Fu had already run up to the deck and saw the lifeboat with the engine, but Meng Bo and Zhou Xingxing were also fighting for the lifeboat.

“Bang bang bang—!”

"Get out of the way-!"

Xiao Fu shot Meng Bo and Zhou Xingxing.

Meng Bo and Zhou Xingxing were not paying attention. Meng Bo was shot in the butt by Xiao Fu, and Zhou Xingxing was also shot in the back. Fortunately, he was wearing a bulletproof vest and immediately threw himself behind the obstacle on the rolling track.

Xiao Fu worked hard at full speed and was the first to rush onto the lifeboat. He didn't know how to put the lifeboat down from the cruise ship and hurriedly shot to break the cable connecting the lifeboat to the cruise ship.

Lifeboat ‘Boom—! ’ He fell into the sea with a sound.

Gao Lao, who arrived later, saw Xiao Fu successfully grabbing the lifeboat and jumped into the sea with excitement. At this time, whoever had the lifeboat would die. Gao Lao, this sinister guy, had already thought of selling a 'life-saving boat ticket' at a high price later.

"Hey——! Look, I told you a long time ago that people are old and smart, and ghosts are old." Li Er handed the binoculars to Liang Qiqi: "There is nothing wrong with you, Xiao Fu has already grabbed a lifeboat. "

Liang Qiqi hurriedly picked up the binoculars and looked. Although Gao Lao was short-handed and short-legged, he swam quite fast. He swam to Xiao Fu's lifeboat in no time. Xiao Fu pulled Gao Lao onto the lifeboat before Meng Bo fired back.

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