What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 757 The Battle to Seize the Ship

Latest website: "Wait, have we forgotten something?" Xiao Fu looked at Gao Lao nervously.

"Oops! Qiqi is still on the cruise ship." Gao Lao immediately panicked.

"No, it's that Japanese woman, Kiyoko, and we threw her in the cruise ship's room." Xiao Fu quickly reminded Gao Gao that this Japanese woman can be exchanged for one million US dollars.

"Fuck Japanese women, find Qiqi first."

Gao Lao jumped anxiously. Normally, Qiqi and Matilda should not be in danger together, but McDonald's sinking the entire cruise ship was too unexpected.

at the same time.

Zhou Xingxing and Chen Bailu were hurriedly looking for the lifeboat. The cruise ship suddenly increased its tilt angle. Zhou Xingxing and Chen Bailu both fell down and rolled into a room.


Chen Bailu just got up, and belatedly realized that he seemed to have caught two small steamed buns, and he even pinched them.

"I'm going to be a walking millionaire." Chen Bailu said happily.

Zhou Xingxing was also overjoyed.

Imamura Kiyoko had her hands tied behind her back and was thrown to the floor, with a rag stuffed in her mouth.

"Who did this?"

"It doesn't matter who did it, we have to save her, otherwise she will drown in the sea water." Chen Bailu looked upright and looked up to Kiyoko Imamura on his shoulders.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" Imamura Kiyoko struggled hard.

"Hey, hey, you don't care whether you understand Chinese or not, you are moving around, I'm throwing you away." Chen Bailu didn't like Imamura Kiyoko, so she wanted to throw her away.

Imamura Kiyoko didn't dare to move anymore.

At this time, she had been carried off the deck by Chen Bailu. She knew that the cruise ship was about to sink, and being left behind now would really be a dead end.

"Quick, there's the last lifeboat there." Chen Bailu pointed to the half-lowered lifeboat.

Most of the cruise ship's hull has sunk below the surface.

Boarding the lifeboat does not mean it is safe. When the cruise ship sinks completely into the sea, a vortex will inevitably be set off. If you don't row the lifeboat away quickly, you may be dragged into the seabed by the whirlpool.

"We can't get on, this lifeboat is full."

A Japanese tourist stopped Zhou Xingxing.

Zhou Xingxing took out his police ID and showed it.

"I am the Royal Hong Kong Police, and I want to commandeer this ship now."

Several Japanese tourists could not understand Zhou Xingxing's Cantonese, but they could probably guess from Zhou Xingxing's body language what he wanted to do. Just tell Zhou Xingxing to get lost. At this time, who cares whether you are a police officer or not.


Chen Bailu took out his gun and fired a clean shot into the sky.


Several Japanese rolled away quickly, and Zhou Xingxing and Chen Bailu hurriedly squeezed into the lifeboat.

Other guys who couldn't squeeze into the lifeboat also put on life jackets and clung to the edge of the lifeboat.

Meng Bo also grabbed a lifeboat, and he was lucky enough to find Nakamura Keixiang, who was huddled with Meiko at this time.

"Sir Cao, have you seen Sir Li?"

Meazi finally thought of Li Er. This foreign woman was so ruthless. Fortunately, Li Er was not a good guy either, so that was no loss.

"I didn't notice it, but with Sir Li's skills there should be no danger." Cao Dahua said innocently.

This guy had long since discovered that Li Er was missing, but he deliberately kept silent. It would be best if Li Er was sleeping in a room and forgot to get up.

In this way, he, Cao Tat-wah, is the strongest in the Hong Kong police force.

"You can't use your good skills at times like this." Yazi glared at Cao Dahua, stood up from the lifeboat and looked outside.

Their lifeboat was already far away from the capsized cruise ship. If Li Er really fell into the water, it would be impossible for Meiko to see it.

Meazi only saw Gao Lao and Xiao Fu standing on a lifeboat from a distance, very friendly 'rescuing' tourists who fell into the water. However, these two guys seemed to be a bit picky, and not every tourist accepted them. On the lifeboat.

"Honey, my dad must have lost his mind! They didn't quickly row the lifeboat away from the cruise ship, but they were still saving people nearby." Liang Qiqi put down the telescope, with a look of disbelief on her face.

Gao Lao's sudden "noble" attitude made it difficult for Liang Qiqi to accept it.

"Have I always misunderstood my dad? In fact, he is a good person." Liang Qiqi suddenly felt a little happy.

"???" Yoshimura Notaro and Matilda looked at each other.

"I'm 90% sure that you and Xiao Fu are extorting those rich people." Matilda said confidently.

"I don't believe it!" Liang Qiqi looked at Notaro Yoshimura for help.

"Ten percent!" Yoshimura Notaro was even more ruthless.

"Shall we go there?" asked Matilda.

Yoshimura Notaro knew that Matilda wanted to share the pie with Gao Lao. After all, there were so many rich men who fell into the water, and Gao Lao couldn't be saved by a small lifeboat.

"Go! But be careful about those guys who fall into the water." Yoshimura Notaro reminded.

He had already seen Gao Lao holding a wooden stick in his hand and beating several guys who wanted to rebel.

Matilda's big yacht approached, and everyone except the rich man and the rich man were overjoyed.

The high man and the rich man naturally knew that the business-stealers were coming, and they were afraid that they would lower their quotations and make a lot less money.

But after seeing clearly the people on the yacht, Mr. Gao immediately became excited.

This big yacht actually belongs to his daughter.

"Where does this big yacht come from in this vast ocean?"

A wise man on Meng Bo's lifeboat asked.

"But don't be one of the robber McDonald's men." This is also a smart man, and he also has the attribute of a crow's mouth.

Meiko turned her head and glanced at the speaker. She had seen this yacht on the cruise ship before it sank. Isn't it the yacht sent by McDonald's to pick up the ship?

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you can easily figure out that since McDonald's chose to bomb and sink the cruise ship, he naturally arranged for a backup ship.

"Everyone, be careful, there are bad intentions." Meiko tightened the pistol in her hand.

"Hmm! Meazi, you wait and cover me. I'll find an opportunity to board the ship. The lifeboat is too small. A big wave can overturn us." Meng Bo said with a serious face.

"Ah——! You want to seize the ship?"

Cao Dahua's heart tightened. The distress signal had been sent out. This guy just wanted to wait for rescue. Who knows if Meng Bo failed to seize the ship and could not even save the current lifeboat? He was not good at water.

"Hey! Big Nose, there are so many of us working together on the same boat. Let's respect everyone's opinions and don't lose our lifeboat if we can't grab the boat." Cao Dahua said and immediately raised his hand: "I don't agree with the rescue boat. Coming soon."

"Yes, yes, there is no need to risk our lives. We are already on board."

"I don't know how many people are on the other party's yacht. I also think it's quite dangerous."

Cao Dahua's opinion is still supported by many people.

Meng Bo took out his pistol and stared at everyone coldly: "I also grabbed this lifeboat. If you are not satisfied, you can leave on your own. I will never stop you."

Cao Dahua also had a gun, but he did not dare to confront Meng Bo.

I could only curse in my heart: 'Damn it, if Zhou Xingxing and Chen Bailu were on my ship, I would have thrown you, a Japanese boy, into the sea. ’

"We're close, hey -! The people on the boat are not McDonald's, they are the two women they met in the casino." Meiko was deeply impressed by Matilda. It is difficult to let such an awesome child People don’t remember.

"Meng Bo, you must be careful about that child." Yazi reminded.

"It's just a child, how much harm can it do."

Meng Bo was not in the casino at the time, and did not know Matilda's toughness. He destroyed both of McDonald's ears without saying a word.

McDonald, who was paddling in the sea, also saw Matilda on the deck of the yacht.

McDonald's men have all rushed to the street, and he is the only one left. This guy just hopes that Matilda will not recognize him, but he does not have the courage to actively provoke Matilda.

McDonald kept his head down as much as possible while paddling.

It's just a pity that his head is bandaged like an Indian Asan, and the white cloth on both sides of his ears is still bleeding. Matilda is so condescending that it is difficult not to notice him.

"Hey——! McDonald's, do you have a reward on your back?" Matilda asked loudly.

McDonald pretended not to hear and continued paddling. Anyway, the person calling was not his name.

"good chance!"

Meng Bo's lifeboat kept approaching Matilda's yacht, and he was even more happy when he realized that the other party was distracted. (End of chapter)

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