What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 758: Probably an accomplice

Latest website: "McDonald's, if you have the ability, you can always stay in the sea without resurfacing." Matilda couldn't help laughing when she saw McDonald's diving into the sea in vain.

That guy McDonald doesn't have an oxygen tank, so how long can he stay underwater?

Meng Bo took the opportunity to get on the boat. He grabbed a thin rope hanging from the edge of the yacht with both hands and slowly climbed onto the boat.


The hull of the yacht is tilted outward, and Meng Bo is hidden in Matilda's blind spot. Matilda cannot see Meng Bo.

However, she could see the expressions of other tourists swimming in the sea. Each of these people looked at her with gloating, obviously something was wrong.


"Release, release, release quickly."

As soon as Meng Bo's hands touched the edge of the yacht, Matilda stepped on the back of his hands.

Matilda stepped on her foot with all her strength, causing Meng Bo so much pain that his facial features were displaced.

"Loose your feet, you white kid, you are so bad at a young age." Meng Bo shouted loudly.

Matilda has a clever mind, and she can see through Meng Bo's intentions at a glance.

Meng Bo suddenly used strength to pull out his hands, trying to grab Matilda's ankles and drag her into the sea, but Matilda suddenly let go of her feet first. Meng Bo used too much force and fell backwards. nautical miles.

"Hey!" Matilda immediately walked to the other side of the boat after seeing Meng Bo fall into the sea.

McDonald really wanted to board the ship in a surprise attack. As soon as he exposed half of his head, he saw the sole of a women's size shoe coming into view.


McDonald was kicked into the sea by Matilda.

"Master, drive the boat in a circle and let me see how you can board the boat." Matilda said with a wicked smile without looking back.

Yoshimura Notaro did not answer Matilda.

Matilda hurried to the cabin of the yacht.

"Qiqi, where is my master?"

"He jumped into the sea. He said he would swim back!" Liang Qiqi's expression was very strange.

"Are you serious?" Matilda naturally didn't believe Liang Qiqi's words.

"What am I serious about? It's your master who is serious. Others have already jumped." Liang Qiqi scratched her forehead with a headache.


Matilda felt like she was hearing a fantasy, but she seemed to think of something the next second, and her expression became as weird as Liang Qiqi's.

"Ship the boat and get out of the way. An official rescue team should be here. We won't get any money. If we're not careful, we might be detained." Matilda decisively chose to retreat.

Unless they salvage the rich people from the sea and blackmail them, but Matilda obviously doesn't want to do this, it's too cumbersome.

"Huh?? Then I need to remind my dad quickly!" Liang Qiqi finally felt a little filial.


Meng Bo and McDonald once again sneaked back to the yacht. They were about to board the boat secretly for the second time when Matilda suddenly accelerated the yacht.

The two unfortunate ghosts were once again overturned by the waves caused by the yacht, and Meng Bo was almost hit by the propeller of the yacht.



McDonald suddenly found that someone was attacking him from behind. Everyone was about to drown, and they were still trying to kill each other. McDonald guessed that the most likely person who attacked him was that stupid guy Meng Bo.

"Who are you?"

McDonald didn't know Li Er and thought he was the second generation kidnapped by him. He was really brave to take revenge on him.

‘Don’t he know that he kills people without blinking an eye? ’


The murderous McDonald was punched in the eye by Li Eryi, and he was about to raise his fist to fight back.

It’s ‘Duang—— again! ’ a sound.

McDonald's other eye socket was also hit, and the two dark circles on his white skin looked particularly dazzling.

"Ah——! I'm going to kill you." McDonald roared to the sky, but unfortunately he forgot that he was in the sea.

Li Er put his palm on McDonald's shoulder and pressed it gently, and McDonald's open mouth was immediately filled with sweet sea water.

"\u0026*)%kkb——" McDonald chattered under the water. He finally surfaced and was about to take a breath.

Li Er once again stretched out his palm, held down McDonald's head and pushed it underwater.

"Uh...!" McDonald began to speak underwater again.

After repeating it several times, McDonald's rolled his eyes like a frog with a distended belly.


Meng Bo had noticed this side since Li Er started pouring seawater into McDonald's.

Now Li Er turned to look at him. He really wanted to escape.

"Well, I'm not a terrorist, I'm the famous Japanese detective Meng Bo." Meng Bo quickly raised his hand and said.

In this vast sea, he has no tools at his disposal.

"come over!"

Li Er hooked his fingers. This big-nosed apprentice just wanted to attack Li Sir. How could a person as petty as Li Sir forgive him?

"Hi——!" Meng Bo nodded.

Then he turned around and fled towards the lifeboat.

"Hmph——! Cunning and cunning Japanese."

Although Li Er was paddling in the sea with empty hands, he had everything in his mustard space. He raised his arm and a medium bottle of iced black tea appeared in Li Er's hand.

'call--! ’

Meng Bo paddled desperately. He heard the sound of breaking wind behind him and turned his head curiously.


A stick of iced black tea hit Meng Bo in the face. Meng Bo covered his bleeding nose while looking at the iced black tea in his hand in disbelief.

"Ah this——?"

"This man fell into the water and didn't he forget to bring a bottle of drink with him?"

Meng Bo subconsciously unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip.


It's a real tea drink, and it also has some ice.

This man was simply crazy. Meng Bo threw down his ice tea and turned around to swim even faster.

Oil bottles, soy sauce bottles, aged vinegar, cooking wine.

Meng Bo had fainted. He never thought that one day he would be knocked unconscious by a bunch of kitchen spices.

Li Er swam to Meng Bo's side, grabbed Meng Bo's hair and pushed it into the sea water.

"Give me a moment, is there any space for me?" Li Er patted the lifeboat vigorously.

‘I’m really a bitch. I don’t want to sit on a big sofa on a nice big yacht, but I choose to squeeze into a small and narrow lifeboat, and it’s very rocking. ’ Li Er cursed himself secretly.

"Ah! Sir Li, are you okay? We never found you and thought you had sunk into the water." Cao Dahua pretended to be surprised and shouted.

This soft rice king has excellent acting skills. If Li Er hadn't understood who he was, he would have been fooled by him.

"It's great that you're okay." Ren Yazi was the real surprise, and she immediately stretched out her hand for Li Er to catch her.

Li Er jumped into the lifeboat easily.

"Sir Li, what's going on with these two people?" Cao Dahua noticed McDonald and Meng Bo floating behind Li Er.

Both of them were floating on their backs in the water, their stomachs bloated.

"Oh! Isn't this the bandit leader? I caught him easily and used it for meritorious service. As for this one, there is a high probability that he is his accomplice." Li Er said perfunctorily.

Because Meng Bo's face was so swollen, Nakamura Keixiang on the lifeboat looked at it for a long time before recognizing Meng Bo.

"Ah——! Meng Bo, what's wrong with you! He's not a gangster!" Nakamura Keixiang jumped anxiously.

"Hey!" Cao Dahua quickly grabbed the other party: "The information on this lifeboat is not good. I'm worried that the boat will capsize."

"This is not a gangster!" Yazi rolled his eyes at Li Er angrily. Meng Bo just didn't know Li Er, and it's not like Li Er didn't know Meng Bo.

"Then I don't know. He ran away when he saw me. He must have something in his heart. If not, who will be caught?" Li Er said and quickly changed the subject: "By the way, when will the rescue ship arrive?"

"What rescue ship?" Cao Dahua asked.

Li Er was about to explode and there was no rescue ship. What was he planning by jumping off the yacht? (End of chapter)

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