Latest website: "Who the hell did this?" Sir Li's face looked as ugly as if he had eaten shit.

"Puch——!" Bai Anni couldn't hold it back and still laughed.

As the death police detective of Hong Kong Island, Sir Li's home was actually stolen, and it was very clean.

"Master, you're not hiding anything good, are you!" Bai Anni looked at her master with a wicked smile.

Zhu Wanfang shook her head desperately at Bai Anni, signaling her to stop talking.

In fact, most of Li Er's property is invested in the mainland. This guy has nothing of value, but as a police officer, it is not too embarrassing to have his home stolen.

"Did the whole house be stolen from just my family?" Sir Li rummaged under the bed.

You bastard, you stole Sir Li's trolley case.

There wasn't much in the trolley case, but the trolley case itself was worth hundreds of dollars and was given to Li Er by Zhu Wanfang.

"Of course not. I have stolen from several houses, including Xiaofang's house. He must have been squatting for a while. All the houses that rarely turn on the lights at night have been stolen." Bai Anni said with a secret smile.

She also felt that a stingy guy like her master had nothing of value to steal, and she even felt sorry for the thief.

Li Er then looked at Xiao Zhu Wanfang: "Xiao Fang, has anything valuable been stolen from you?"

Zhu Wanfang quickly shook her head: "No, when my parents moved, even the old furniture was moved to the new house for use, but the door lock was broken."

"It couldn't be those guys downstairs who did it, right?" Li Er asked with a frown.

Bai Anni: "Probably not. Those weirdos downstairs don't prey on the poor. At least they won't steal from the neighbors in public housing estates."

The people living downstairs in Li Er's old house were those weirdos, Partridge Cai.

"Catch all the bastards with criminal records and throw them into the detention cells. Aren't they asking for grades? I'll just go all out to catch these bastards in the recent period."

Sir Li took out the key and locked the door, only to find that his lock had been picked and the key was useless.

"Okay!" Bai Anni nodded.

"Master, did the Director tell you how long you will be on leave?"

What Li Er did on the desert island could not be concealed from anyone at all. In order to give the Japanese an explanation, the top management of Hong Kong Island had suspended Li Er from his duties.

Now Bai Anni of the Tsim Sha Tsui Crime Unit is temporarily acting as Li Er's work.

Unfortunately, Annie's level is not high enough to take Li Er's position. Many people in the police force are eyeing the position left vacant by Li Er.

Anyone with a little bit of ambition can see that all the subordinates of this bastard Li Laoer are fierce.

"Whatever, my job will still be paid during the suspension period. Isn't my white-collar salary bad?" Li Er shrugged and said indifferently.

"that is!"

Zhu Wanfang was worried that Li Er was pretending not to care, so she hurriedly said: "It is better not to be a policeman, but sister Keren has said it a long time ago. If the second brother is willing to work in her company to be responsible for security, his salary will be the same as that of sister Keren. "

"Is it so good? Why didn't Tong Keren tell me?" Li Er looked at Zhu Wanfang in surprise.

Naturally, Tong Keren told Li Er that she hoped that Li Er would serve as the security consultant of Tong Group, but she never told Li Er about salary and benefits. In Tong Keren's eyes, Li Er was not like that. A kind of layman who loves money.

Well--! Tong Keren most likely misjudged the wrong person. Money can really solve most problems.

Bai Anni rolled her eyes speechlessly: "Master, do you really want to be a security captain?"

"Who made me love labor? Hey! I have a hard life with no rest." Li Er sighed and went downstairs.

Bai Anni and Zhu Wanfang looked at each other feebly and hurried to follow.

"How is it? Li Laoer said so?" a sneaky guy asked in a low voice.

"It seems that they would rather kill the wrong person than let them go. All those with a history of theft should be arrested and put into the detention room."

Partridge holds a homemade plastic cup bug in his hand.

"Tsk——, I'm so scared. It's not like I've never been in a prison cell. I don't have a penny anyway. I just want to eat free royal meals for a few days."

American ginseng and dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water and lying down.

"It makes sense. I also want to report that I am mentally ill and go to Qingshan to stay for a while."

Dashengdi raised his hand to agree with the American ginseng food plan.

Partridge didn't want to be caught, so he opened the window and ran away.

Of course, the point is that this guy is different from the other unlucky guys. He has some money in his hands.

As soon as Meako came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, she was alarmed to find someone entering her room.


Meiko quickly picked up the pistol on the table and ducked to the corner behind the bookcase.

"Shouldn't you pretend that you don't know someone is coming in and find an opportunity to fight back before speaking out?"

Li Er shook his head and walked out of the kitchen, holding a piece of pizza from the refrigerator.

After Yazi breathed a sigh of relief, she glared at Li Er angrily.

"I locked it double, how could you still come in silently?"

"Also, stop pretending, you touched my computer."

Li Er curled his lips. He was indeed sitting at his desk checking Meiko's computer just now.

When Meazi opened the bathroom, he flashed to the kitchen. As for Meazi's so-called double lock, Li Laoer knew how to pick locks, so it was useless.

"I can't sleep at night. I want to find some Japanese movies to watch. Don't look at me like that. Men all look like that." Li Erqian walked towards Meazi with a smile.

Meiko was not afraid of Li Er. The two of them had exchanged body fluids for several rounds on the desert island, and they were not novices.

"You have suspected the wrong person. I am definitely not the one who harmed you. It is most likely that Cao Dahua leaked this matter to Ye Dexian, and Ye Dexian brought it to the police station. As for whether Cao Dahua did it intentionally or unintentionally, we don't know." Zi dried her hair in front of the mirror.

Anyway, it has been exposed.

Li Er openly checked Meiko's computer.

Meiko looked at Li Er in the mirror and smiled to herself. Her important information on the Interpol team was naturally not stored on the desktop computer.

However, the next second, Meiko couldn't laugh anymore.

Li Er opened a laptop on the desk.

"Huh?? My laptop is locked in the safe. How did you do that?" Meako hurriedly ran to the bedside. She pushed open the bedside table, revealing a safe behind the bedside table. She turned the combination lock to open the safe.

The laptop Li Er was looking at on the desk was indeed his.

"Don't look at it, it's all important confidential information from our Interpol." Meiko quickly ran to the desk and tried to snatch the laptop back.


Li Er restrained Meiko with one hand, pinned her down on her legs, and slapped her on the butt.

"Don't move, you can't beat me."

Li Er simply and rudely helped Yang Jianhua collect intelligence. Hong Kong Island is indeed the global intelligence distribution center, and Yazi's computer really contains a lot of important information that Yang Jianhua needs.

"Ouch! Don't look, you will kill me." Meiko said quickly.

"Bah! If I don't tell you, if you don't tell me, who knows. Besides, I'm all yours. You won't hide anything from me!" Li Er cast a cold sidelong glance at Meiko.

Meiko was dumbfounded.

What you said is contradictory!

"The information from our Interpol organization is of no use to your investigation." Meazi obviously seriously underestimated Li Er's identity.

"It's useless, but I'm a very nosy person. I just like to explore these secret information." Li Er naturally would not reveal his identity.

Li Er quickly found Interpol's evaluation of his information. Damn it, he was listed as an unstable element.

"Hey, hey, Meazi, what are you touching with your hands? I've been suffering from severe kidney failure recently, haven't you noticed?"


"Yazi, if you have something to say, please say it carefully, but don't move your mouth!"

"Yezi, I want to go home."

"Hmph——!" (End of chapter)

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