Latest website: "You two bastards, do you know who you stole?"

A middle-aged man with reading glasses glanced nervously out of the window, as if there were still people who lived on the tenth floor and were leaning against his window.

"We steal from dozens of houses a day. Who the hell knows who is who? Mr. Charterer, please cash in quickly. I've been dating a rich girl recently and I'm in a hurry to use the money."

The speaker was a dark-skinned guy, who poked at the alarm clock collection in the apartment in boredom.

"It can't be that I stole some gangster, right? But my hands and feet are clean, and I definitely don't leave any traces behind. If there is a problem, it's Baidu's fault." Big Nose said with great certainty.

"Hey, hey, flip-flops, it's not who has the big nose who makes the mistake. It's mine. I don't wear gloves when I work."

Baidu Tong picked up an iron alarm clock and was about to smash the flip-flops.

"Shut up, both of you, Baidu Tong, put it down quickly, that antique clock costs more than ten thousand." The charterer hurriedly took the alarm clock from Baidu Tong's hand.

"This is Li Er's notebook in Tsim Sha Tsui. Are you two bastards illiterate? You stole it from the Grim Reaper's house." The charterer cursed angrily.

"No way, these two bags of things were stolen in the housing estate. Li Er lives in the housing estate?" Bai Datong pointed to the two snakeskin bags and said.

The charterer looked a little embarrassed. Although their team worked on flip-flops and Baidutong, intelligence collection was his charterer's job.

"I just checked. Li Er's family did live in a housing estate in Tsim Sha Tsui a few years ago. They moved to Repulse Bay after they became prosperous."

The charterer said and quickly changed the subject: "These two bags of things cannot be sold for the time being."

"We cannot take action for the time being, at least not in Tsim Sha Tsui."

Baidu Tong jumped immediately: "How can that be done? I need money urgently. Don't delay my important event."

"Your big job is not to eat soft rice." Flip-flops directly exposed Baidu.

"What's wrong with eating soft rice? Now among the most famous big guys in Hong Kong Island, none of them got their position by eating soft rice." Bai Datong said with an inspirational expression, clenching his fists.

Flip Flop was too lazy to pay attention to Bai Datong. He turned to look at the charterer.

"Mr. Charterer, I really can't do it if I don't work. My usury loan will expire soon, otherwise we will think of a solution."

"Didn't you say before that there is a channel for selling medicines? We can go to the hospital to steal medicines."

The other side.

Li Xianying, Chen Jiaju, Yuan Haoyun and several scapegoats gathered at a food stall for dinner.

"Who the hell is this? We have such strict investigation, but you still dare to commit crimes?" Yuan Haoyun looked at Li Xianying and Chen Jiaju warily: "Don't you two have some information that you haven't shared with me?"

"Tsk—!" Li Xianying glanced at Yuan Haoyun with disdain: "You think we are you? Did you give us a shout during the robbery of the cash transport truck just now?"

"Ouch, you're eating alone! Take it away, take it all away, take it back to your home, close the door and eat it yourself." Chen Jiaju held up a plate of fried snails to Yuan Haoyun in an eccentric manner.

"I was wrong, okay, I was wrong!" Yuan Haoyun quickly begged for mercy.

"The information I received was that there were only three robbers, and I thought I could handle it. Who the hell knew that the three robbers were just forwards, and that unfortunate guy Cao Leon is still lying in the hospital."

"You deserve it. The route of the cash transport truck passes through Tsim Sha Tsui, and you didn't even say hello to me." Li Xianying glanced at Yuan Haoyun with disdain.

Yuan Haoyun lowered his head and chewed the conch in embarrassment.

"Forget it, let's get back to this case! This method was obviously done by the same person."

"And this guy specializes in catching people with dirty information. He can't be a thieves, right?" Chen Jiaju filled Li Xianying's wine glass.

"You're a thief. Sir Li's house was broken into by these guys." Li Xianying cursed angrily.


Chen Jiaju just took a sip of hot porridge and couldn't hold it back and spurted out all the porridge. Unfortunately, the person sitting opposite him was Yuan Haoyun.

Yuan Haoyun's face was covered with grains of rice.

"You bastard, did you do this on purpose?" After Yuan Haoyun wiped off the rice grains, there were still red spots on his face.

"Hey, there's no basis for it. Don't frame me falsely. I'm sure it wasn't intentional. If you want to blame it, blame it on Li Laoer." Naturally, Chen Jiaju refused to admit it.

"Li Er is usually so picky, he must have hidden a lot of good things, and he must have suffered heavy losses!" Yuan Haoyun said gloatingly.

"Hey, I bet those stupid thieves returned empty-handed. I don't know who Li Er is. He wears a pair of underwear for three years. It's not too difficult to find a valuable thing in his house." Chen Jiaju was taking another sip of hot water. Porridge, Yuan Haoyun quickly took away his bowl.

"Eagle, do you know how long Li Er will be suspended this time? I heard it's quite serious?" Chen Jiaju was still more concerned about this issue.

"I don't know that, but Sir Li returned his gun and police officer's certificate to the police station. I'm afraid he's really in trouble." Li Xianying's face looked a little ugly, and he couldn't help at all with this matter.

"No way!" Yuan Haoyun was happy in his heart, but he tried his best to show a worried expression on his face.

If Li Er were not here, most of the major cases in the police station would be assigned to his hands, Yuan Haoyun, or the hands of the big-nosed person in front of him.

Chen Jiaju also happened to think of this. The two of them raised their heads at the same time, their eyes intertwined.

‘This guy is brainless and impulsive, so he’s nothing to be afraid of. ’

‘This guy is brainless and impulsive, so he’s nothing to be afraid of. ’

The two scapegoats are slandering each other in their hearts.

At the same time,

A man in black is walking between tall buildings.

This guy has a very clear goal. He sneaks into every room and steals every time. He has obviously done his homework in advance and has a strong intelligence network behind him.

"Boss, should we deposit our money in the bank? I heard that thieves have been rampant recently, and the accounting rooms of several societies have been stolen."

"Save it for your ancestors. Can you use your brain when you talk like a pig? Don't you know where our money comes from? It's still in the fucking bank. You two don't sleep tonight and look at the safe all night long."

"Ah——!" The guy who spoke screamed: "Boss, it's very painful for two people to stay up all night. Let's add one more person. Three people are just enough to fight the landlord."

"Do you want to add two more people so that you can hoe the earth?" Boss Hei asked in a bad tone.

"That's fine!"

"Well, ancestors, if the club's money is lost, I'll skin you two idiots."

While the guys in the room were still talking, the man in black lying outside the window had sneaked in brazenly.

The man in black is very skilled in identifying the position by listening to the sound and opening the combination lock with one hand.

There was a 'click' and the safe was opened.

In fact, the man in black doesn't need to open the safe at all. He can empty the contents of the safe, but this will not reflect his strong character.

You must show off your skills.

Of course, it's also possible that this guy was too idle and had no choice but to be suspended.

Haha, he is worthy of being a young and Dangerous kid who fishes out of side ways. Apart from the cash stuffed inside the safe, the rest are big gold bars and big gold chains.

After the man in black emptied the safe, he skillfully stuffed a flashbang into it and set up a pull-tab detonator to ensure that the safe would be blinded when he opened it again.

"Wait, I'll blow you up."

When the man in black exited the room, two gangsters at the door were squatting on the ground playing a game of landlords.

"Charterer, let's go."

"Remember to cash out as soon as possible. I'll wait for the money to pay back the loan shark."

"I'm also waiting to use my money to pick up rich girls."

"Get out of here!" The charterer waved his hand in disgust.

After Flip Flop and Baidatong walked out of the charterer's room, the charterer carefully checked the double lock on the window, then closed the curtains and went back to the bedroom to sleep peacefully.

As soon as the charterer left, a figure appeared in the room.

‘Block B, 8th floor, Quancheng Apartment Building, the location is right. ’

The man in black indeed had a list in his hand.

The charterer was a master at hiding things, but unfortunately the man in black was also a master at finding things. He quickly found the charterer's safe in the refrigerator.

‘It’s another rotary mechanical combination lock, it’s quite sentimental! ’

The man in black put his ear against the safe and easily turned the combination lock with his right hand.

‘Click—! ’

The charterer who was sleeping in the bedroom was upset for no reason. His eyes were highly short-sighted, but his ears were very good, and he heard faint sounds.

"Probably not. I have to bargain for the price of two vegetables. No one knows that I am rich." The landlord turned over and continued to sleep.

"Did I close the window just now?" The charterer rolled his eyes. This guy was getting older and his memory was not very good.

The charterer put on a pair of slippers and hurried to the small room just now. (End of chapter)

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