What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 788 Conscience of Heaven and Earth

Latest website: "Flip-flops, I'm in a good mood today. After the family has finished eating, you can go to the police station and surrender yourself. You don't need me to handcuff you!" Li Er said with a cold face.

There is no way, this beautiful nurse hasn't won it yet, the glorious image that can get extra points needs to be maintained.

"Ah——! Thank you, Sir. Don't bother me, Sir. I will report to the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station as soon as I finish my meal." After being stunned for a moment, Flip-Flop quickly thanked loudly.

It's just that he looked at Li Er like a fool.

Li Er naturally knew that this bastard of a flip-flop would never surrender honestly. This guy was an old fool.

But the beautiful nurse was watching, and this group of old and young people looked pitiful. It was really hard for Li Er to beat them to death in front of them.

Save it first.

"Sir Li, walk slowly, you walk slowly!" Flip-Flop was worried that Li Er would regret it, so he waved with a smile.

Li Er was too lazy to listen to how the family would quarrel next. He pulled the beautiful nurse and walked to the corridor. He was worried that if he walked slower, he would not be able to help but beat the flip-flops.

"Hey——! This family is quite pitiful. They have such a good son. I see that the three debt collectors are very skilled. It must not be the first time they come to harass them." The beautiful nurse was in a bad mood. Touching a small stone in the corridor.

Naturally, Li Er would not remind the beautiful nurse that every family has a scripture that is difficult to recite, lest she think of the fact that he lied to her again.

'Why--! Picking up girls is so damn hard, but it’s more comfortable to lie down and be picked up. ’

Li Er took the beautiful nurse to see the house introduced by her colleague. The beautiful nurse was quite satisfied. There were a lot of old furniture that could be used in the room, but Li Er was not satisfied. The single-layer brick wall was not soundproof. good.

After eating together, Li Er sent the beautiful nurse home, in a proper gentlemanly manner.

On Li Xianying's side, the situation is not good.

"You really didn't do this?" Li Xianying squinted at Brother Ninth who had just been brought out from the police station.

Brother Jiu couldn't hold back the joy on his face when he saw Xie Zhitian's body. This Yan family shovel wanted to pay to kill him, but he died first.

"Sir Eagle, sirs, all consciences of heaven and earth, if this matter has anything to do with me, I will kill my entire family." Ninth Brother shouted loudly and pointedly.

"You are the only one in your fucking family. If the whole family is killed, you alone are not dead." Ma Jun directly exposed Brother Jiu's oath.

"Then it doesn't matter. If it's my instigation, I'll be hit by a car and die, I'll have sex, and I won't be able to get hard every time I meet a beautiful woman." Ninth Brother swore a strong oath.

Li Xianying, Ma Jun, and Miao Zhishun all took a breath of cold air. This is too damn poisonous. If you can't get hard when you see a beautiful woman, you might as well die.

"Miao Zhishun, what do you think?" Li Xianying looked at Miao Zhishun.

"It was done by a professional killer. Look at the bullet and bullet casing. They are specially made with obvious traces of handiwork. They are highly accurate and have low range. The key is low noise. He must have added a silencer." Miao Zhishun said very confidently. .

He is indeed more professional in this regard. Anyway, Li Xianying and Ma Jun couldn't understand it at all, so they could only let this guy brag.

"I see these idiots don't even have guns in their mouths. Are they using machetes to fight professional killers?"

Ma Jun searched and found that except for an old pistol that Xie Zhitian dropped on the floor, the other gangsters didn't have any guns.

Li Xianying shook his head. He knew when the killer union's reward list came out that unless Xie Zhitian took the initiative to seek police protection, he would be dead if he was found by the killer.

"Sir Li, one of Xie Zhitian's men is alive, and that's him. This guy went to take a dump, and he's fine." A CID police officer pulled the man who betrayed Xie Zhitian into the room.

"How about it? Be honest, let's give you a good beating to loosen your bones first." Ma Jun pulled a chair over and asked the other party to sit down and talk.

"Sirs, you'd better hit me. I really don't know anything."

"I did vaguely hear the sound of gunshots, so I didn't dare to show my face. I kept squatting in the toilet until your colleagues found me just now."

The guy who betrayed his boss was also a bachelor. He squatted on the ground, put his head in his hands, and was ready to be beaten.

Li Xianying and Miao Zhishun looked at each other. This guy didn't look like he was lying. Moreover, these bad guys, the young and Dangerous, were indeed good at eating and shouting in gangs. They were all weak when it came to using knives and guns.

"Besides you people, who else knows that Xie Zhitian is hiding here?" Li Xianying asked, staring into the other person's eyes.

The little gangster's eyes were confused.

"Fuck——! I almost made a mistake, Ma Jun, beat him up, someone must have betrayed Xie Zhitian's position." Li Xianying waved to Ma Jun very confidently.

Li Xianying is indeed experienced in this area, and it is difficult for ordinary bad guys to deceive him.

Ma Jun beat the little gangster who betrayed his boss for ten minutes, and he finally confessed that he betrayed his boss and received hundreds of thousands in intelligence fees.

"You bastard, you betrayed your boss for only a hundred thousand dollars." Brother Jiu pretended to be angry and pointed at the gangster and cursed, but in fact he was very happy.

"Sir, Xie Zhitian is already dead anyway. He asked the 'Dirty Rat' to kill me, so he had an abortion. I can go!" Ninth Brother asked carefully.

"Brother Ninth, you have a beautiful thought. We went out to the police and found nothing. It's all your good deeds. You have to take care of a few things yourself, otherwise I won't be balanced." Li Xianying patted Brother Ninth's hand. Shoulder laughed.

"Uh--! I'll let my younger brothers take over the fight." Ninth Brother said quickly.

"Believe it or not, we saved one of you, otherwise you would be the one lying on the ground now." Miao Zhishun pointed at Xie Zhitian's body and warned.

"Nana, I just heard it back. I can't guarantee whether it's accurate or not. There are some Indian guys who are new here. They brought a batch of goods to Hong Kong Island for distribution. It was in Mong Kok. It was at least a hundred kilograms. I only know So much, nothing else is known.”

Ninth Brother was about to run away after saying that, but Li Xianying didn't hold him back and let him go. This kind of person is often used when handling cases.

"Are you sure, Indian guy? The dark smell of curry is very noticeable." Ma Jun questioned Brother Ninth's intelligence.

"You said it's very conspicuous. Even if I'm idle, I'll be idle. Check it out and it turns out I'm about to be promoted recently." Miao Zhishun raised his hand and said.

"Check, check, call Zhou Xingxing, he lives in Mong Kok, he is familiar with the area." Li Xianying still did not forget to support Zhou Xingxing.

On the other side, after Yoshimura Notaro received his killer bounty, he went home and slept contentedly. He spent a lot of money recently. He went shopping and ate with a beautiful nurse and lost thousands. Finally, he got some blood back.

For Liang Qiqi, the most important thing is to increase the points for Yoshimura Notaro's trumpet "Ride a Pig on the Highway", so as to avoid encountering high-level killer missions in the future, and "Ride a Pig on the Highway" will not be able to accept the task.

Matilda has been addicted to video games recently and is playing games in the Electric City downstairs. She has not talked to Liang Qiqi for a long time. Liang Qiqi is very bored and wants to find a job to torture herself.

"Go shopping!"

Liang Qiqi just thought about it, she couldn't really be that mean, and the next second she went out with a smile on her face, carrying her small bag.

This long-legged little rich woman doesn't invest in any industry, she just buys and buys all day long. (End of chapter)

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