Latest website: "Did you really bury him?"


"Buried alive?"


Xiaofu, Laifu, and Dandan nodded in unison.

Gao Lao rubbed his temples with a headache.

"Hey——! Just bury it! One less salty man on earth can reduce some of the burden."

Gao Lao said and looked at Laifu and Dandan.

"What are you two doing here, get out of here?"

"I can't come, I have fucking money, and you won't let me spend it!" Mr. Gao took out several thousand yuan and slapped Dandan in the face.

"Boss, you can make a reservation first. My aunt will be the first to take over your business after she leaves."

Dandan hurriedly held Gao Lao's hand, fearing that the other party would take the money back. As for being slapped in the face with money, it was a trivial matter. She was also hit in the face with a stick. Where is this? Money is important. .

"Well, I let that salty guy go, just now." Xiao Fu confessed.

"What? You are sick! Quick, quick, pick up your things and run away!" Mr. Gao said quickly: "Damn it, it's better to bury him."

"What are you afraid of? With that kind of thing, if you call dozens of people over, you will end up lying down."

Xiaofu is full of self-confidence, and he also wants to show his ability in front of his little brother Laifu.

"You have a lot of ideas. What if he calls the police? You can tell at a glance that these two are unchecked." Gao Lao pointed at Laifu and Dandan.

Laifu and Dandan heard the alarm and ran out of the door.

Xiao Fu did not expect this. His and Gao Lao's new identities were American citizenships obtained by Gao Lao at a high price. Even if the police sent people to fly to the United States to check personal information, they were all serious businessmen.

As soon as Mr. Gao and his group left, the unshaven man who was beaten into a pig's head led the police to the downstairs of the small hotel.

"Sir, this is where they beat me. Three men and one woman. The woman is a chicken. Room 203."

"Why do people beat you for no reason? Is it because you want to eat chicken without paying for it?"

Zhou Xingxing glanced sideways at the unshaven man. This is very common in Hong Kong. When Zhou Xingxing was in the CID department, he had to deal with a lot of chicken eaters.

"No, those men seem to be killers. They have guns."

"What? There's a gun, why the hell didn't you tell me earlier?"

The listless Miao Zhishun woke up instantly. He drew his gun and said to the CID police officer beside him: "Hand him up."

"No, Sir, have you made a mistake? Why are you beating me?" The unshaven man panicked.

"Shut up! You answer whatever I ask." Ma Jun slapped the unshaven man roughly.

"There are four people, three men and one woman, right? How many guns are there? Does everyone have a gun?"

Time for Ma Jun to ask questions.

Zhou Xingxing has already taken the lead in rushing forward. Whenever Sir Zhou has a chance to make meritorious deeds, he is usually very aggressive.

Miao Zhishun knew people like Zhou Xingxing well, so he deliberately slowed down for a moment. After Zhou Xingxing rushed up, he followed Zhou Xingxing's footsteps and walked up, intending to use Zhou Xingxing as a beacon.

Bullets don't have fucking eyes. He has a house and a car, so there's no need to rush to death.

Zhou Xingxing quickly found room 203. After occupying the position on the left side diagonally opposite the door, he waved to Miao Zhishun who was coming up.

Miao Zhishun rolled his eyes angrily.

"Waiting for the main force, I didn't hear that wretched guy say there were four people inside!"

Miao Zhishun was standing at the top of the stairs. He could see the door of Room 203 from this position. He could advance, attack, retreat or defend. He would not listen to Zhou Xingxing.

Damn it, he was two levels higher than Zhou Xingxing in the Crime Unit, and Zhou Xingxing, a bastard, dared to instruct him because of his familiarity with Li Xianying.

"When asked, there were three men and one woman. He only saw one person with a gun on his waist, but he did not rule out that all four of them had guns." Li Xianying and Ma Jun each walked up carrying a police shield.

"Who wants to knock on the door?" Li Xianying asked.

Li Xianying could usually do this job by himself, but he knew that Zhou Xingxing was in urgent need of credit now, otherwise Zhou Xingxing would most likely be kicked out of the crime squad.

In fact, at this moment, Bai Anni had the final say in the major crime department, and Sir Li was not at the police station, otherwise Zhou Xingxing would have been riding a motorcycle in the traffic department.

"Boss Eagle, I'm coming."

Zhou Xingxing ran over and took the police shield from Li Xianying. He didn't think there was any danger in this job. In addition to the police shield, he was also wearing a body armor. How could a person be so unlucky?

It's not that easy to get shot.

"Let me come!" Ma Jun whispered.

Zhou Xingxing knew that Ma Jun, a pervert, was very powerful, so he didn't fight with Ma Jun. He had already given up the door kicking position to Ma Jun.


The quality of the wooden door of this unscrupulous little hotel was so poor that Ma Jun kicked the entire door panel out with just one kick, hitting the glass window opposite the room.

"Hold still, police!"

Ma Jun and Zhou Xingxing rushed into the room at the same time.

Miao Zhishun didn't take any credit, he just lurked at the top of the stairs. Anyway, if the gangsters rushed out, they would definitely be within the coverage of his firepower. If they were all dealt with by Ma Jun and Zhou Xingxing, there would be nothing they could do.

The room was empty, and Ma Jun and Zhou Xingxing walked out with sullen faces. These two guys wanted to go down and settle the score with the unshaven man.

Two Indian-looking middle-aged men walked out of Room 208 at the end of the corridor, each holding a handbag.

They were stunned for a moment when they saw so many police officers in the corridor, but they did not go back to the room and walked towards the stairs with normal expressions.

Li Xianying and Miao Zhishun were about to go to the room to see if there were any clues.

Zhou Xingxing looked at the two Indian guys walking in front of him. When this guy saw that they were slovenly, he yelled: "Hey——! Curry chicken!"

The two Indians turned back.

‘Bang——! ’

Zhou Xingxing was shot in the chest.


Li Xianying and Miao Zhishun immediately realized that they were the bulk cargo Indians.

The gunfight ignited instantly.

"Bang bang bang bang"

“Bang bang bang—!”


The corridor is only so wide, and it doesn't matter whether your shooting skills are accurate or not. Whoever shoots faster will take advantage.

The two Indian guys lay down. Zhou Xingxing was shot twice, one in the chest and one in the thigh. The shot in the thigh made Zhou Xingxing scream in pain.

Ma Jun was standing in the middle of the corridor as if nothing happened. He was holding a police shield in his hand, and even bullets could not break through his first layer of defense.

Eight out of ten bullets on the two Indians were shot by Ma Jun. As long as accuracy was not required, Ma Jun was always very active in pulling the trigger.

"Which room did these two Indian guys come out of just now?" Li Xianying and Miao Zhishun huddled at the doorways on both sides of the corridor.


Zhou Xingxing endured the pain and opened the Indian man's handbag. Inside were packets of white powder. Zhou Xingxing instantly felt that his gunshot wound was not so painful.

Soon, gunfire rang out again in room 208.

Li Xianying's team failed to catch Gao Lao and his party, but they cracked a major drug case.

In fact, they didn't take the unshaven man's call to the police seriously. Who knows if this salty guy was beaten up and held a grudge, making nonsense about someone having a gun.

Otherwise, if three men and one woman are in the same room, will the three of them fly? (End of chapter)

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