What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 792: The posture is very familiar

Latest website: "Oops! It's already half past six, I'm going to be late."

"It's all your fault."

The beautiful nurse started to blame Li Er early in the morning.

Yes, Li Er is a bastard, but this thing cannot be output unilaterally. She must have cooperated.

"Why are you late? Are you asleep? Where are you?" Li Er turned over. No matter how beautiful a woman is, her arms will be sore after being pressed by her all night.

"Where am I?" The beautiful nurse scratched her hair blankly.

"You are in the hospital dormitory. Opposite is the hospital where you work. Why are you getting up so early?"

Li Er pulled up the quilt to cover his head. He taught and educated people until twelve o'clock last night. I don't know if the beautiful nurse was tired. Anyway, he was really sleepy.

"Ah——! Oh! I forgot, sleep!"

The beautiful nurse turned around and lay down, hugging the waist of the man next to her beautifully, and arched her head on his neck: "It's great to live in a dormitory. I will sleep until eight o'clock from now on."

Li Er said nothing and had fallen asleep.

Li Er stayed away all night and asked Bai Anni. Li Er was not sleeping at home either. Judy Tang easily guessed where Li Er was.

She was about to call Li Er to make trouble.

The phone rang first

"Hey——! Mrs. Li, what's the matter? It's so early in the morning."

"What? Your grandson was stolen. Are you awake and confused, or did I hear wrongly?"

Judy Tang was very surprised. If you want to steal someone, you are also stealing an adult. What is the use of stealing a child who is not one month old?

"Oh! OK, OK, I understand. I'll call Li Er right now."

"But there's one thing you may not know. Li Er has been suspended from the police force. I will definitely try my best to speak for you, but I can't guarantee whether it will work or not."

After Judy Tang hung up Mrs. Li's call, she dialed Li Er's number.

"You didn't go home to sleep last night. Where did you die?" Judy Tang asked in a bad tone.

"Where else can we go? Let's get down to business!" Li Er said as he opened the rice cover on the dining table.

The beautiful nurse had already gone to work, but she moved quickly. In such a short time, she was able to prepare breakfast, left one for Li Er, and wrote a small note of love.

Li Er doesn't have the habit of eating breakfast every day, but he does it all and doesn't waste it.

Judy Tang didn't say anything serious, but asked in a low voice: "Is that beautiful nurse really that good? If I meet her, do you have any objection?"

"I'm warning you not to act recklessly!" Li Er quickly put down his chopsticks.

"She doesn't know I'm a bastard yet, so don't make trouble for me."

Judy Tang on the other end of the phone rolled her eyes, wanting to see the beautiful nurse even more.

"Let's get down to business. That Mrs. Li is the Mrs. Li I met in my hospital before. Her grandson was stolen last night. She wants to ask for your help."

"This is child abduction. Our serious crime team doesn't care about such a small case. Besides, I'm still suspended. Let her call the police!" Li Er responded casually. He naturally knew who did it.

"Then can you call Annie and ask Annie to help take over the responsibility? Mrs. Li's family is quite capable in Hong Kong Island. Many of my businesses are linked to their family."

After Judy Tang said her own words, she retorted: "Forget it, you are a lazy person and you don't know when you will call. I'll tell Annie myself."

Li Er naturally didn't care and continued to eat love breakfast.

In fact, the fact that Grandma Li's grandson was stolen had already been reported to the police. After all, Hong Kong Island is still a world of rich people. If anything happens to a wealthy family like the Li family, it would be a big deal.

It’s just that Mrs. Li believed in authority and believed that asking Li Er, a well-known police officer, to take action on this matter would better ensure the safety of her grandson. It always felt like something was missing when someone else took charge.

Senior Inspector Choi Yuen-kei of the Police Department, the tiger of the Wan Chai District Crime Squad, Cao Tat-wah, Kowloon Police Department Leung Ka-yan, Western District Yuan Haoyun, Central District Li Wenbin, Chen Jiakui and other police elites all gathered at the Li family villa.

"No need to look, there should be three people wearing gloves. There are no fingerprints in the room, but there are footprints in the garden and indentations on the fence. It's easy to see."

Chen Jiaju is experienced in interrupting the pretentious Cao Tat-wah.

"Where are the monitors? There are so many surveillance cameras in the villa. Didn't they capture anything?" Cai Yuanqi turned to look at the villa housekeeper, who was also the security captain of the Li family.

"After asking, there are loopholes in their monitor control. Those guys should have visited the spot in advance or bought information, and they sneaked in and out by stepping on the blind spots of the monitor." Yuan Haoyun answered Cai Yuanqi's question.

Li Wenbin looked at every frame of the surveillance camera carefully, and suddenly he saw a reflection.

The moonlight was good last night. Although the No. 6 monitor on the east wall did not capture any human figures, it did capture the reflection of the moon on people.

"Go back, go back quickly, slow down the picture." Li Wenbin said quickly.

Several other police elites also came over and looked at the surveillance footage.

The Li family has already spoken. They have offered a reward of 10 million within the police force. Whoever helps him find the child will be rewarded with 10 million to his team.

As expected, a black shadow appeared on the screen.

"This should be the person walking at the back." Chen Jiaju said softly.

The movement of the black shadow on the screen flashed by, but after the player slowed down the motion, his walking posture could still be seen clearly.

‘Why does this foreigner’s walking posture look so familiar? ’

Cao Dahua, Li Wenbin, Yuan Haoyun, and Chen Jiaju all held their chins and thought.

Three seconds, just three seconds.

Cao Dahua, Li Wenbin, and Yuan Haoyun all turned to look at Chen Jiaju.

Chen Jiaju was stunned: "What are you looking at me doing?"

"Sir Chen, don't you think the walking posture of this black shadow is a bit familiar?" Cao Dahua said with a sinister smile.

"It's very familiar!" Chen Jiaju hasn't reacted yet.

"Jiaju, why don't you take two steps?" Li Wenbin suggested.

Chen Jiaju finally realized that this was his running posture.

"Let me first state that I don't know this person!" Chen Jiaju quickly raised his hand and said.

"Sir Chen, where were you between 11 o'clock and 3 o'clock in the morning last night? Can I help you prove it?"

Looking at the expressions of Cao Dahua and others, Cai Yuanqi had already guessed what was going on. He had also felt something about the scene just now.

"Of course I was sleeping at eleven o'clock, and my girlfriend A Mei can prove it." Chen Jiaju said with a dark face.

"Can you find someone else to prove it? What's the difference between what your girlfriend said and what you said?" Cao Dahua said with a look of disgust.

Chen Jiaju's face turned darker.

He glared at Cao Dahua fiercely: "When I was sleeping, if it wasn't my girlfriend who proved it, how could it be another woman who could prove it?"

"Who the hell knows." Cao Dahua is the superintendent. He doesn't like Chen Jiaju. Lin Leimeng's dialogue with him is almost the same.

In fact, Yip Tak Hian has not yet retired and occupied his position, otherwise Cao Tat Wa would most likely be the Commissioner of Wan Chai Police Station.

"Okay, stop arguing. We all believe in Sir Chen's character. Let's think about it. Who else walks like this? Sir Chen, you should also think about it carefully."

Cai Yuanqi from the police department spoke, and these people had to put aside their differences temporarily.

"I think the Li family must know something. Asking them is the most reliable way to get information. Generally, child abductors would not dare to go to the villa on the top of the mountain to commit crimes. This is obviously targeted." Li Wenbin said in a low voice.

He was telling Cai Yuanqi what he was talking about. He was not of a high level and it was impossible for the Li family to tell him this.

Cai Yuanqi glanced at Li Wenbin appreciatively.

The Li family actually told Cai Yuanqi everything they knew and suspected early in the morning.

Cai Yuanqi had already sent people to monitor Hong Feng and Hong Jianbang and his son, but there was no news.

"Haha, Sir Cai, good morning, Sir Cao, Sir Liang, Sir Yuan, Sir Chen, you are all here!" Bai Anni and instructor Hu arrived, and she greeted everyone sitting there with a smile.


All these guys knew about Li Er's suspension, and they didn't ask why Bai Anni came here.

But Bai Anni was a newcomer who didn't stand out. After saying hello, they ignored Bai Anni.

Bai Anni didn't care. The preference for boys over girls was very serious in Hong Kong. It was normal for these chauvinist guys not to take the policewoman seriously. Ye Dexian was still discriminated against despite his high status.

Bai Anni took Instructor Hu directly to the backyard of Li's villa. Thanks to the good relationship between Judy Tang and Mrs. Li, Bai Anni went directly to Mrs. Li to ask for the inside story.

Mrs. Li naturally believed in Judy Tang, and these gossips could not be hidden in their circle of wealthy women. Mrs. Li told Bai Anni everything about the love triangle between her son, daughter-in-law and Hong Jianbang.

"So, Hong Jianbang's motive for committing the crime is not very clear!" Bai Anni and instructor Hu looked at each other.

"Mrs. Li, according to what you said, Hong Jianbang believes that the son your daughter-in-law gave birth to is his, so he will most likely take the child for a paternity test. Before that, the child must be safe." Bai Anni thought for a moment. said.

Mrs. Li nodded subconsciously.

Her daughter-in-law quickly shook her head: "Mother-in-law, don't think too much. This child must be Calvin. Jianbang and I have broken up for more than half a year and we haven't seen each other yet."

"Yes, Mom, this child must be mine." Mrs. Li's son also helped to clarify.

Bai Anni and Instructor Hu were silent and broke up for more than half a year. Isn't this just right? However, they chose not to know or understand anything about these rich and powerful families' grudges.

"Annie, I also call you Annie like Judy. Tell me, what should I do now in this situation?" Mrs. Li naturally thought that having a child was the best idea for her family.

"Well——! There are more than a dozen medical institutions in Hong Kong that are qualified to conduct paternity tests. I can send people to keep an eye on these medical institutions. If there is any situation, I will notify you immediately. By the way, you have to give me some photos of the child. The more the better, you know, children are different every day, we have to make accurate judgments." Bai Anni's method is quite satisfactory.

Mrs. Li, a layman, thought it was very reliable, and hurriedly asked her daughter-in-law to get the photos, as well as the child's blood type, height, weight and other information when she was born. (End of chapter)

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