What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 793 My boyfriend is also a policeman

Latest website: Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station Detention Room.

"This sir!"

"Please call me Zhou——, sir." Zhou Xingxing spoke in a high-pitched voice.

"Sir Zhou, I don't understand what I have committed. I can't even call my lawyer." The charterer looked helplessly at the rogue policeman in front of him.

"Who said I won't call you anymore? You can call me at will. Did I stop you? Did I?" Zhou Xingxing drank Red Bull and went to the private office.

"Then you should let me out, or you can just hand me the landline phone." The charterer pointed to the landline phone outside the iron fence.

"Why should I help you get it? Don't you have any hands?"

"Okay, then you open the door and I'll get it myself."

"I've said it a hundred times, you are a suspect. You can't leave the detention room and enter the detention room whenever you want. After you confess, I will naturally let you out!"

"." The charterer stared at Zhou Xingxing.

"." Zhou Xingxing also stared at the charterer lifelessly.

"Sir Zhou, are you trying to play with me on purpose?" the charterer snorted coldly.

"Isn't that obvious enough?"

Zhou Xingxing shrugged his shoulders. This guy was always so arrogant when he had the advantage. In his words, he was the boss. How could he be worthy of himself without Xiao Yixiao?

"Be honest! I know you are in a hurry to get out and have secretly glanced at the wall clock so many times. I'm not blind." Zhou Xingxing raised the confession paper in his hand, preparing to record a confession for the charterer.

He didn't know what the charterer had done, but his intuition told him that he had caught a big fish.

The charterer was shocked. He didn't expect that the careless guy in front of him was so observant that he would notice that he was in a hurry to get out.

He didn't believe that Flip Flop and Baidu Tong, two big men, could take care of a baby who was less than one month old. He had to deliver the goods to his employer quickly.

But Flip Flop and Bai Datong happened to know their employer. His employer only contacted and recognized him as the lessor.

"I want to file a complaint against you!" the charterer shouted angrily.

"Okay, then you can complain! I'll listen." After Zhou Xingxing took a sip of Red Bull, he sat down and registered the charterer.


"I'm going to call and complain."

"I've told you a hundred and one times, you have to make the call yourself, don't you have any hands?" Zhou Xingxing shook his head and sighed.

The charterer's chest heaved violently: "Do you think my hand can reach the phone?"

"That's because you have short hands, why can't I reach it?" Zhou Xingxing said, picking up the phone on the table, raising it, and then putting it back.

"Fuck——!" Zhou Xingxing forcefully forced Zhou Xingxing to swear.

"Okay -! Anyway, you have no evidence, so you can only detain me for 24 hours at most." The charterer decided not to talk to Zhou Xingxing anymore. The other party obviously wanted to kill him.

"Eh--! If you don't tell me, I forgot. I forgot to fill out the form when I arrested you. I can only remember it from now on. Let me see, it's 10:02 now, so you'll be locked up until tomorrow. Ten minutes and two minutes!" Zhou Xingxing pretended to register the information.

"I'm going to fuck you, come here, I'm going to beat you to death." The charterer's face turned red with anger.

Zhou Xingxing walked over with his hands behind his back.

The charterer did not dare to say anything. If he attacked the police, he would not only be detained for 24 hours.

Zhou Xingxing was spending time with his charter company when he suddenly received an internal message from the police force.

‘The one-month-old grandson of the wealthy Li Jianye’s family was stolen from his home. The crime took place between 11pm last night and 2am. The suspects are three men. A reward of 10 million Hong Kong dollars is offered for the safe recovery of the child. ’

"From 11 o'clock to 2 o'clock in the morning, there are three suspects?" Zhou Xingxing murmured, his eyes getting brighter and brighter.

Zhou Xingxing raised his head and looked at the charterer in surprise. The time and route matched. The telescopic ladder and nylon rope on the car were the tools of the crime, and two people escaped.

"The baby that the Li family lost last night was stolen by you." Zhou Xingxing pointed at the charterer's nose and said with certainty.


The charterer looked at Zhou Xingxing with dull eyes. This old guy had excellent acting skills, and his reaction was like a normal person who couldn't understand what Zhou Xingxing was talking about.

This made Zhou Xingxing feel a little unsure. Could it be that he had guessed wrong.

No, it can't be such a coincidence.

Zhou Xingxing needed more information to support his guess, so he ignored the charterer. After telling the police officer guarding the detention room that no one was allowed to guarantee the charterer, he hurried to the crime squad office.

The moment Zhou Xingxing left the detention room, the charterer was so frightened that he collapsed on the floor. These people at the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station were like devils. How could they find out about him so quickly.

What kind of star is still unknown this week? If the famous "Death Detective" Li Er takes action, it will be okay.

Flip Flop and Beldis must be contacted as soon as possible.

"Ah——! It hurts! It hurts so much!" The charterer suddenly howled loudly: "My stomach hurts."

The police officer responsible for watching the detention room rushed in. The charterer was already rolling on the ground in pain.

‘I’ll go, Zhou Xingxing, the hairy guy, didn’t torture this old guy, right? I can’t bear this responsibility, so I have to call an ambulance. ’

The other side.

The reward of 10 million made everyone in the police force go crazy. Almost all the elites of the police force came out, willing to kill the wrong ones rather than let them go. All thieves and those with a history of abducting children and women suffered.

Laifu and Dandan even hid in their homes and did not dare to come out. They thought the police were here to arrest them.

Dandan secretly called the beautiful nurse for help.

But the beautiful nurse is not a fool. She originally didn't want to have anything to do with people like Dandan. Now that she has almost established a relationship with Li Er, and Li Er is a policeman, she is even more unwilling to answer Dandan's call.

When Dandan called the beautiful nurse for the second time, the beautiful nurse cruelly blocked her.

"Head nurse, why are there so many police officers today?" the beautiful nurse asked curiously.

Although all the people coming in and out are plainclothes policemen, the other person has a police ID card hanging on his chest, and anyone who is not blind can know their identity.

"I don't know. We just have to do our own thing. Don't be busy today! You can go to Xinyi's shift on the sixth floor later. The sixth floor is relatively quiet." The head nurse paid special attention to the beautiful nurse and arranged all the shifts for the beautiful nurse. It's a daytime shift.

"Head nurse, isn't this good!" The beautiful nurse also saw her schedule. The head nurse herself had many night shifts, but she didn't have any night shifts.

"It's okay. The boss asked me to take care of it. Otherwise, I wouldn't have the courage. Don't worry, no one would dare to say anything." The head nurse said softly.

“Are you satisfied with the accommodation arrangements?”

"That's so satisfying. It's on the 16th floor, with two bedrooms and one living room. The furniture and appliances are all new. It's a pity that you were not free to warm the pot yesterday. No, I have to treat you to dinner. Head nurse, please be free in the afternoon! "

"Uh——! Let's talk about it in the afternoon!"

In fact, the head nurse doesn't want to get too close to the beautiful nurse, but she also hopes to please the beautiful nurse. What if she succeeds in getting the position? Who can say for sure.

"Hmm! Then I'm going to the sixth floor." The beautiful nurse pushed the nursing cart into the elevator with a smile.

Bai Anni was taking Chen Yalun in the elevator. Mrs. Li's grandson was born in Judy Tang's hospital, and Hong Jianbang robbed the child in the hospital. In addition to getting the child's birth information, Anne also wanted to find out if there were any other Any clues, and Judy Tang's hospital can also do paternity tests, so she wants to take a look.

"Hey, hello, wait!" The beautiful nurse saw that the elevator door was not closed and hurriedly quickened her pace.

Bai Anni conveniently pressed the elevator button.

The beautiful nurse successfully pushed the nursing cart in.

"Thank you!" the beautiful nurse asked politely: "Which floor are you on?"

"Eighth floor!" Bai Anni nodded.

The beautiful nurse pressed the button for the sixth and eighth floors respectively.

"Are you the police?"

The beautiful nurse looked at the police certificates of Bai Anni and Chen Yalun with some curiosity, and secretly sighed in her heart. They were so young and were already inspectors.

Bai Anni took a serious look at the beautiful nurse and was a little surprised.

"Hmm! We are from the Tsim Sha Tsui Crime Squad. Are you from the mainland?" Bai Anni asked casually.

Ever since Li Shan returned to the mainland to start a business, he would occasionally bring partners from the mainland to Hong Kong Island for study tours. Bai Anni heard a lot of Mandarin mixed with Cantonese accents like the beautiful nurse.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I don't speak Cantonese well." The beautiful nurse was a little embarrassed.

When she got along with Li Er, she naturally spoke Mandarin. It was precisely because she could only speak Mandarin to Li Er that she felt particularly close to Li Er at first sight.

In fact, the same is true for Li Er. Although Sir Li is used to Cantonese in Hong Kong, he still hopes to hear the familiar Mandarin from the bottom of his heart. Ma Danna can speak Mandarin, but she wants to learn to be fashionable, so she insists on following Li Er. Speak Cantonese.

"It's okay, just speak Mandarin, I can understand it." Bai Anni said with an easy-going smile.

"Well——!" The beautiful nurse naturally knows that most people in Hong Kong can understand Mandarin, but they are not willing to tell her, and some people even pretend not to understand, which makes it very inconvenient for her sometimes. .

"I heard that there was a theft and a baby snatching incident in your hospital two days ago. Do you know?" Bai Anni asked casually.

"I know!"

The beautiful nurse nodded honestly: "My boyfriend and I were the ones who broke into the two thieves who stole from the pharmacy. They are in the pharmacy on the sixth floor. Do I want to take you to see them?"

"By the way, my boyfriend is also a policeman." The beautiful nurse announced proudly.


Bai Anni said "Oh" casually. The other person is so young, and his boyfriend should be young too. He is a young man from the police force. There is no need to know him, but this young man has good eyesight. This young nurse is very beautiful.

"Have you seen those two thieves?" Bai Anni asked.

"I've seen him before. The surveillance camera of the hospital security department also captured his face." The beautiful nurse said enthusiastically.

"Oh, all right!"

Bai Anni was about to ask the beautiful nurse if she could help with the portrait puzzle. It would be better to have a video.

"I'm here, bye!"


"Annie, do you suspect that the two thieves in the hospital were the ones involved in stealing Mrs. Li's grandson?" Chen Yalun asked curiously after the elevator door closed.

"We don't rule out this possibility. We must not let go of any clues now. The entire police force is dispatched to help find the child. If the child cannot be found, everyone will lose face."

Bai Anni is telling the truth. The honor of the police force is the honor of everyone. (End of chapter)

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