Latest website: "Ah——! I'm going crazy. How can I stop him from crying?"

The flip-flops were pulling at their hair frantically.

Baidutong gave him a very constructive suggestion: "Give him beer! He will stop crying when he is drunk."

"Are you serious?" He stuffed two pieces of cotton into his ears with flip-flops, which finally made him feel less uncomfortable.

"Of course. I cried when I was a kid anyway. This is what I did all the time. The effect is 100%."

Baidutong has its own skills for those who are easy-going: ‘brag without making drafts’

"Go to hell, he must be hungry. I'm going to buy some roast duck and cut into half a chicken." He threw the child to Baidu, took the keys and wallet and went out.

Baidu Tong looked at the hysterically crying child, his head swelled greatly.

Not long after, he asked about the smell. When he got closer and smelled it, it was even more shocking: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh on?"

Baidu Tong was so crazy that he ran back to the room and closed the door to hide, leaving only the child crying loudly on the sofa in the living room.

Flip Flop came back from buying roast duck with a roast duck leg in his mouth. As soon as he opened the door, he saw a child lying on the sofa eating his own feces.

The roasted duck leg in the flip-flop mouth immediately lost its aroma.

"Baidatong, you idiot, where did you die? This is how you look after children."

Flip-flops and Baidu painfully wiped the child's butt, bathed, and tidied up the sofa. After that, they sang and danced for the child. They almost went crazy with the tossing. Finally, they spent a difficult night.

As a result, at dawn, the child woke up hungry again.


The two old men were made to cry by the child.

The three people were crying in the living room.

The other side.

After the charterer pretended to be ill and was sent to the hospital, he successfully obtained a phone call while the guarding police officer was unprepared.

"Hey——! Uncle Qi, the situation has changed a bit. I am now detained by the police at the police station and cannot deliver goods for the time being."

Before Mr. Baozi finished speaking, Uncle Qi on the other end of the phone jumped up: "Mr. Baozu, after so many years of cooperation, aren't you! I have received the wind, and the child has been stolen by you. At this time, you Raise the price.”

"Let's do it! The fixed price is ten million. I really didn't pump much water. The other party only gave me one thousand and one. That's it. Bring people over to Lobster Bay quickly. Be careful. The police are investigating very hard now. strict."

The charterer didn't expect that the price would change from seven million to ten million for no reason just because he spoke half a beat too late. If time hadn't allowed, he would have wanted to delay it a little longer to see if he could increase it by another hundred or two hundred. Ten thousand.

"Uncle Qi, listen to me. I drove my car into a ditch. Yes, the boat capsized in the ditch. I am now being held in the detention room of Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station. Don't worry, the child is fine. I am in trouble. You know the flip-flops, right? If I don’t know you, ask around. He’s a bad gambler. The child is in his hands. I’ll ask him to contact you and you give him the money.”

"Uncle Qi, how could I get a kickback? Flip Flop and I are a team."

Before the official charter was finished, the police guard burst into the door.

"Where did you get the phone number? Who allowed you to make the call?" The guard policeman hurriedly dodged the phone in the charterer's hand.

The charterer secretly complained in his heart. He didn't have time to call Flip Flops, otherwise he might as well have called a lawyer to vouch for himself.

Zhou Xingxing returned to the detention room. When he heard that his charterer had been sent to the hospital, he rushed over immediately.

"What? I'm in a hurry to call my accomplices!" Zhou Xingxing took the call from the guard police officer and called back.

Uncle Qi was very vigilant. After seeing the incoming call, he just answered the call without speaking, waiting for the other party to speak first.

"Uncle Qi, hang up the phone!" the charterer shouted loudly.

Uncle Qi quickly hung up the phone and pulled out the phone card.

Li Xianying and Ma Jun walked in, and Miao Zhishun also carried a plastic bag, giving each of them a bottle of drink and bread.

These guys had just solved a major drug case and were feeling very proud.

"How is it?" Li Xianying looked at Zhou Xingxing.

"I am 90% sure that this guy is one of the accomplices who stole the child from Fuhao Li's house last night." Zhou Xingxing said confidently.

Zhou Xingxing wanted to eat alone, but unfortunately he knew how much he weighed. If he did this, he would never be able to work in the crime team in the future.

‘It feels so good, have you been so lucky recently? Ten million! ’

Li Xianying, Ma Jun, and Miao Zhishun opened their eyes wide.

Miao Zhishun was a little better. He mainly wanted to make meritorious deeds, but Li Xianying and Ma Jun were completely poor.

Especially Li Xianying. With his higher position, he has more places to spend money, but his salary has not increased much.

And now he still has to support his family. He even borrowed money to go to work. He borrowed money from Ma Jun. Ma Jun was living well, but Li Xianying borrowed money and became poor.

"Take them away, Uncle Ying is on duty at the police station." Li Xianying waved decisively to Ma Jun.

Ma Jun immediately handcuffed the charterer to serve him.

The charterer stared blankly at the new people who came in. He had not yet realized the seriousness of the problem.

Uncle Ying personally forced a confession, and he could even force shit out of him.

The other side.

In a luxury villa.

"Boss, I have received reliable information that the child has been stolen. However, the police are investigating very closely now. There are at least two groups of police officers monitoring our villa." A bald man with a tattoo on his head said in a low voice.

The old man and young man sitting on the chairs were Hong Feng and Hong Jianbang.

Hong Jianbang stood up excitedly: "Dad, that must be my son, your grandson, let someone go -!"


Hong Feng interrupted Hong Jianbang. His son was still alive and well, and he was still so young. He didn't care too much about a newborn grandson, let alone a child born to a woman with shameful moral character.

Hong Feng hopes that his daughter-in-law will be a dignified and virtuous lady. He has not allowed Hong Jianbang to participate in his underworld business since he was a child. He has allowed Hong Jianbang to go to college, become a lawyer, and live a legitimate life.

"Jianbang, please be patient. This is not our territory after all. We must avoid the police's eyes, otherwise even if we get the child, it will still be taken back." Hong Feng naturally consulted a lawyer, and the woman He is the primary caregiver of the child.

"Dad! I don't care, I must have a child. As long as the child is by my side, Min'er will never leave me." Hong Jianbang shouted emotionally.

This is also a headache for Hong Jianbang. He only wants children, not a daughter-in-law.

"Jianbang, listen to dad. You go back to the United States first. Dad promises to take Min'er and the child back." Hong Feng could only deal with his eldest son first.

The bald man listened to the conversation between the boss and the young boss and withdrew wisely.

He works for money and doesn't want to know too many things that have nothing to do with him.

Not long after, Hong Feng called the bald man in to explain some things.

"Hong Feng, this guy is one of the Chinese gangsters in the United States! He suddenly came to Hong Kong Island. His motive is not too obvious." The elite detectives of the police force circulated the information about Hong Feng and Hong Jianbang.

"Since everyone thinks this case is related to Hong Feng and his son, let's keep an eye on them." Cao Dahua was the first to express his "high opinion."


No one paid attention to Cao Dahua. His words were in vain.

All the guys present, except Cao Dahua, secretly sent their capable men out to do things, pretending to be stupid.

That's ten million. (End of chapter)

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