What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 797 Sir Li is about to take action.

As soon as the flip-flop car drove onto the road, it was spotted by the traffic police.

The flip-flop sped up and fled two streets. Instead of being able to get away from the traffic police behind him, more and more vehicles were chasing him.

"Flip-flops, this is not the way to go, let me drive!" Baidu said sadly.

"Go ahead, all your points will be deducted!" Flip Flop said with a cold humor for no reason.

"Don't pretend to be loyal. Being a thief does not require the death penalty. If you continue to escape, you will probably be shot to death. You just attacked the police."

"Report, the target vehicle entered Jianwei Street and seemed to be going into the alley. The guys near Jianwei Street helped block the end of the street and surrounded it from front to back."

The traffic police and the pursuing police continued to exchange information, and the white Mitsubishi with flip-flops was already a dead end.

The police finally blocked the white Mitsubishi in a small alley with no way out.

But when they opened the car door, they found that Baidu was sitting in the driver's seat of the car, and the flip-flops had already escaped with the child in his arms.

"Fell into a trap!"

Mrs. Li and her family watched the thrilling scenes of police chasing flip-flops on the TV. Every time the white Mitsubishi was about to be in danger, the family's heart tightened with fear.

"No, I'll call William. These people are simply unreliable."

When the white Mitsubishi car almost overturned due to high-speed turns for the third time, Mrs. Li couldn't sit still.

"Mom, it's time like this, you'd better go there in person!" Mrs. Li's coward son said nervously.

"Yes, you are right, mommy is going to find William Du now." Mrs. Li forgot to take her handbag, ran downstairs and left in the car.

Thirty minutes later.

Li Er received a call from Huang Bingyao.

The Police Force decided to reinstate Sir Li to his original position.

"That's it? Just reinstatement, no salary increase or anything?" Li Er stuffed a piece of cucumber into his mouth and bit it loudly.

Is he having dinner with a beautiful nurse?

What I had was the steak, rice and soup set meal from the 'Li Ji Tea Restaurant' that the beautiful nurse invited me to.

Huang Bingyao had a headache: "You still want to raise your salary. You don't know how much trouble you have caused. It's a good thing that I didn't demote you. And -!"

"If you want to demote your job and raise your salary, then do it!" Before Huang Bingyao finished speaking, Li Er interrupted.

"." Huang Bingyao was stunned for five or six seconds.

Li Er hung up the phone smoothly.

Huang Bingyao was furious. If it hadn't been for the notice issued by the police department, he really didn't want Li Er to be reinstated. Anyway, there was no Li Er in the serious crime team now, and Bai Anni was in charge. If Li Er came back, sooner or later, he would be pissed to death by him.

"I just heard you talking on the phone. It seems that you are going to be reinstated?" the beautiful nurse asked in surprise.


Li Er glared at He Jinyin who was coming to say hello to him. He Jinyin recognized the passerby B and walked by.

"Ah——! That's great." The beautiful nurse was even happier than she was getting promoted.

"What's so exciting about this? I'm just getting reinstated and not getting a raise. I'm not as good as getting a free salary at home." Li Er stretched out his hand to stop the beautiful nurse from adding food to his plate: "Don't give me all the food. You can do it yourself." Eat, if I really ate that much, I would have ordered a double platter."

"Hee hee! If you order a double portion, everyone will not be able to finish it. It is a waste of food and money. This meal is for me." The beautiful nurse said with a smile.

Li Er: "."

"Have you noticed that all the clerks in the tea restaurant seem to know you?" the beautiful nurse said in a low voice.

"Uh-!" Li Er thought for a moment and decided not to hide anything from the beautiful nurse.

"Because this tea restaurant is opened by my family, it's normal for them to know me." Li Er also imitated the beautiful nurse and spoke in a low voice.

"Ah——?" The beautiful nurse immediately turned her head and looked at the entire tea restaurant environment seriously.

"No, I heard from my colleague that this is a chain of tea restaurants, with nearly a hundred stores across Hong Kong Island." The beautiful nurse still has some economic common sense.

"Really? I really don't know how many stores there are."

Li Er smiled awkwardly. This is the truth. Except in the early development of the tea restaurant, this guy contributed money and effort.

Later, he really never asked about the operation of the tea restaurant, and because the tea restaurant had to retain cash flow to expand its scale, there were very few dividends to pay out, and Li Er didn't even know the operating conditions of the tea restaurant.

The beautiful nurse rolled her eyes. She didn't believe her family's tea restaurants. Li Erhui didn't know how many there were and was about to ask in detail.

Li Er's call came again.

"Li Er, if you hang up my phone again, you're dead." Huang Bingyao's roar shook Li Er's earwax out.

"What's going on?" Li Er asked, picking his ears with his fingers.

"You think the police department reinstated you for no reason. You have a mission." Huang Bingyao cursed loudly: "In the case of Li Jianye's child being stolen, they didn't believe the other guys and asked you to lead the team personally."

"Also, their family originally offered a reward of 10 million, but now it has been increased to 20 million. The entire police force is paying attention to this case. Even if you are not interested in money, you still have to earn some face for me."

"Twenty million?" Sir Li's voice was a bit sharp, bastard, twenty million passed him by.

"Who the hell said I don't do it for money? Do you think I work because I love my job and am dedicated to my job?" Li Er felt like he was about to burst.

"Then take action quickly and don't act like a salted fish and put on a show for me." After Huang Bingyao said that, he immediately hung up the phone. This damn fat man was determined not to give Li Er the chance to hang up on him again.

"I just heard something about 20 million?" the beautiful nurse asked curiously. She had been eavesdropping with her ears straight up just now.

"Well——! Didn't you see the thieves holding a child in flip-flops before? They stole a child from a rich family. Now the child's parents are offering a reward of 20 million Hong Kong dollars for anyone who can help find their child. child."

As soon as Li Er finished speaking, the beautiful nurse's eyes widened: "Twenty to twenty million, are you serious?"

Li Er nodded.

The beautiful nurse suddenly felt bad.

At this time, the TV in the tea restaurant began to broadcast the content of the child's reward.

The Li family's reward this time is aimed at the whole society. Anyone who can help them find their child will receive a reward of 20 million. There are also two well-known barristers doing notarization on TV.

"You go and get down to business. I'll go back to the dormitory after dinner." The beautiful nurse blinked her big eyes and looked at Li Er actively.

"That's okay." Li Er nodded: "If you ask me, you should quit your part-time job at the child care center. It only costs a few dollars a month to run around."

"Then we have to finish this month. I'm about to pay my salary."

The beautiful nurse rolled her eyes as she spoke, and whispered weakly: "If you actively go to work, I won't have to work part-time!"

"You want me to earn those 20 million?" Li Er pointed to the reward news that was still being broadcast.

"Hmm -!" The beautiful nurse nodded desperately, and then her face was startled: "Isn't it dangerous? They gave me so much money for no reason?"

"Haha! That's because you don't know how valuable the lives of rich people are."

Li Er pinched the face of the beautiful nurse in a funny way. The face of the beautiful nurse at this time was a little too pudgy, and the pinch was just right.

"Oh! There are so many people here."

"Then I'm really leaving."

"Yeah! Stay safe, I'll wait for you at home."

Li Er left.

When the beautiful nurse paid the bill, the store manager directly gave her a free bill. After asking, she found out that her boyfriend was not lying. This was really her boyfriend's family's property.

The beautiful nurse no longer feels safe. (End of chapter)

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