What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 798: Sir Li, you are in luck again

The news of the huge reward of 20 million was bombarded by major TV stations, and everyone in Hong Kong knew about this way to get rich overnight.

Flip Flop naturally saw this news broadcast. He wanted to report himself and return the child to the Li family, but he didn't know whether the other party would admit it.

Li Er returned to the police station and found that except Lin Haiying who was on duty, everyone else had gone out to look for people.

"Sir Li, you have been reinstated!"

Lin Haiying quickly jumped up from the chair. This guy was quite smart and had already guessed that the Li family might have put pressure on the police force, causing Sir Li to be reinstated.

"Are you all out looking for children?" Li Er asked with an unkind expression.

"Yes, the director issued an order to suspend all cases in the police station, large and small, and make every effort to find the stolen children of the Li family. The same is true for other police stations."


When Li Er heard Lin Haiying's words, he snorted, "Children of rich people are just different, and all cases must give way to them."

"Have we arrested the charterer?" Li Er pressed his hand and motioned for Lin Haiying to sit down and talk.

"Yes, he has already committed the crime. This case was committed by the three of them. The other two are nicknamed Flip Flop and Baidu Tong."

"The latest information is that Baidu was arrested by people from the Western District Police Station. Flip-Flop is on the run and the child is in Flip-Flop's hands."

Lin Haiying said, and hurriedly handed all the information about this case to Li Er.

Li Er took the information and glanced at it casually. The information was of little use. Now the entire police force has almost grasped the context of this case, and the whole city is searching for flip-flops.

Li Er: "Ask the charterer. He should know where the flip-flops are most likely to be hidden."

"I just checked the charterer again. Zhou Xingxing and Miao Zhishun have each led a team to guard the addresses he mentioned."

Lin Haiying said that she remembered that the interrogation information was not given to Li Er, and quickly handed the interrogation record book to Li Er.

"Hello! Annie, where are you?" Li Er dialed Bai Annie's phone.

"Hehe, you're in Wan Chai, do you want to come over and celebrate your reinstatement?" Bai Anni said with a smile.

She is happiest when Sir Li is reinstated, so she is less stressed.

Even after Sir Li was reinstated, he was still lying down and not working. Anne could still feel confident, unlike now, where she was always worried about something going wrong.

"Wan Chai, are you guarding Hong Feng and his son? And how do you know that I have been reinstated?"

Li held the phone in his hand and walked to the director's office. He still wanted to get back his police officer ID and gun. Although these things were of no use to him, there were even rocket launchers in the mustard space.

"Yes, it has been confirmed that Hong Feng and his son are behind the scenes, but each police station has sent people to keep an eye on this place, and I want to withdraw." Bai Anni said with a bitter smile.

There are a lot of smart people in the police force.

"As for your reinstatement, instructor Hu told me."

Bai Anni ignored Instructor Hu's crazy wink and betrayed Instructor Hu in person. Instructor Hu had a look of death on his face.

Li Er nodded clearly. He had just resumed his duties. Instructor Hu had already received the news in advance. It was impossible for the police department to have no one.

At the same time, Cai Yuanqi also received news of Li Er's reinstatement.

Cai Yuanqi's expression felt as if he had eaten shit.

Although good skills are of no use to this case, Cai Yuanqi has deeply studied every case of Li Er. Li Sir is not only good at skills, but also has great marksmanship. This guy's luck is also incredible.

Cai Yuanqi is now beginning to worry whether Flip Flop will suddenly have a brain twitch and run to Li Er to surrender. This possibility is not impossible, and even more bizarre things have happened to Li Sir.

After Li Er got back his police officer certificate and gun from Huang Bingyao, he asked all the men from the crime team to come back immediately. He wanted to reorganize the clues to determine where the flip-flops were hiding, and also needed Reallocate staff.

An older single dog with a baby who is less than a month old has limited places where he can hide, and he is still very conspicuous.

A nationwide reward of HK$20 million is enough to turn all citizens in Hong Kong into humanoid monitors.

Those idle gangsters suddenly became aggressive and motivated. Every middle-aged man with a big nose he caught was given a beating and asked if he knew flip-flops. Many of them were unlucky because they looked like Jackie Chan. calamity.

"Hey -! Mao Shiqiang, is there any news from the New Territories?" Li Xianying called while going upstairs.

"Sir Eagle, please don't play tricks on me! Even if I can't read or read newspapers, I can still understand TV. It's said on TV that there is a nationwide reward. I'm not going to take the 20 million yuan, and I have to inform you. Let’s share the money together,” Mao Shiqiang said cleverly.

"Hehe, then I wish you good luck. Since you have given me information all these years, I will give you some information in return. Flip-Flop has a gun in his hand, and Flip-Flop is helping a big boss. , whether you can get the money or not is another matter, even if you get the money, do you have any words?" Li Xianying immediately hung up the phone after saying that.

As he expected, Mao Shiqiang called back the next second.

"Sir Eagle, I'm just joking. You still don't know that I have been your informant for so many years. How dare you act as a leader." Mao Shiqiang finished hurriedly.

Li Xianying hung up the phone in an indifferent tone: "That's it. If you have any news, call me."

Li Xianying followed the same pattern and made such a call to all his connections, lest these greedy guys get confused and want to eat alone.

In fact, Li Xianying didn't lie to them all. Flip-Flop was helping Hong Feng snatch his grandson. They were going against Hong Feng by dealing with Flip-Flop. The police were not afraid of Hong Feng, but that didn't mean that their little gangsters could offend them. When it comes to Hongfeng, don't take the money and then have your family exterminated.


"Sir Li,"

"Ah Tou,"

All members of the crime team returned to the team.

"Eagle, your group should still be responsible for what you are good at and curb the underworld."

"Okay -!" Li Xianying nodded, he could easily guess Li Er's arrangement.

"Also, you can exchange information appropriately with the guys from other police stations." When Li Er said this, he looked at Miao Zhishun and Zhou Xingxing.

"Understood!" Miao Zhishun and Zhou Xingxing nodded.

Miu Chi-shun had someone at the Wan Chai Police Station, while Zhou Xingxing's mistress Wu Feifei was at the Central District Police Station.

"There is little point in continuing to follow Hong Feng. I plan to let the charterer go. Instructor Hu, your team is responsible for tracking the charterer. I suspect that Flip Flop is not high enough to contact the buyer. In the end, the charterer will have to come forward to complete the transaction. You guys The line is very important." Li Er looked at Instructor Hu, Hui Yinghong and Chen Yalun.

"Okay -!" Instructor Hu, Hui Yinghong, and Chen Yalun's eyes lit up. They had wanted to do this for a long time, but Li Xianying's group captured the charterer, and they could not persuade Li Xianying to let him go. , having Li Er’s support is naturally the best.

"As for you two, hang out with me."

Bai Anni was distracted, but Ma Guoying was active and stood upright. Unfortunately, Li Er let her wander around.

"Okay, let's go do things!"

Li Er waved his hands to get out.

Lin Haiying discovered very sadly that Li Er had completely forgotten about herself.

"Sir Li, what do I want to do?" Lin Haiying quickly raised her hand and asked.

Don't solve the case by then. I won't get a penny from the 20 million reward.

"What can you do?" Li Er looked at Lin Haiying as if he were useless.

"I can help you with divination." Lin Haiying said confidently.

"Okay! Then you can guess which street the flip-flops are hidden on?" Li Er asked with his hands folded in front of his chest.

Bai Anni and Ma Guoying suppressed their laughter. They both believed in science.

"Ah——! How is this possible? I can only calculate the approximate position at most, and I need your cooperation, Sir Li." Lin Haiying shook his head desperately.

"Why is my master cooperating, but I can't?" Bai Anni looked at Lin Haiying with a wicked smile.

Lin Haiying nodded seriously: "It must be Sir Li, because Sir Li's fortune has been very good recently."

"If we rely solely on luck, the person in our group who is most likely to meet the target person is Sir Li." Lin Haiying doesn't need to change clothes to play the magic stick. He looks like "Uncle Nine".

"Haha!" Ma Guoying laughed: "Uncle Ying, Ah Tou has just been suspended. If you are lucky, how could you have encountered this?"

"That's right, so Sir Li has been reinstated."

"If I'm not wrong, Sir Li definitely didn't seek help from anyone to smooth out the relationship. It's just that Sir Li's own luck was unstoppable and he was reinstated naturally."

Lin Haiying's words left Bai Anni and Ma Guoying speechless. Isn't this an afterthought? Who wouldn't know that?

"Stop talking nonsense and figure out where the flip-flops are hidden." Li Er scolded angrily.

"Okay! Sir Li, let me take a look at your palm again."

Lin Haiying had naturally seen Li Er's palm before, and he also knew Li Er's birth date.

"Have you not seen it before? A person's palm prints never change." Bai Anni exposed Lin Haiying.

Lin Haiying laughed and didn't explain. It would be endless if he really explained it seriously, and Bai Anni still wouldn't believe it.

Li Er stretched out his palm indifferently. He was quite willing to believe Lin Haiying. This old guy thought that if he was destined to commit suicide, he would be as sure as throwing himself into the street. Li Sir could not escape and was extremely troubled.

"Sir Li, have you been lucky again recently?" Lin Haiying asked awkwardly in a low voice.

"Cough cough cough cough -!" Sir Li coughed desperately: "That's not the case, you idiot, don't talk nonsense."

‘Sue you for defamation! ’ Li Er stopped Lin Haiying with his eyes.

"Haha, maybe I saw it wrong."

Lin Haiying secretly rolled his eyes, and he could spot the movement of Hongluan Star.

"Sir Li, follow that one, ah——! She is the most likely to meet the target person, and she will increase your luck." Lin Haiying gave Li Er a little trick.

After Li Er thought for a while, he probably understood what Lin Haiying meant.

The beautiful nurse worked in Judy's hospital, and the unlucky child of the Li family was also born in Judy's hospital. Could it be that the flip-flops would go back to the hospital to hide and play in the dark under the light? The most dangerous place is the safest?

"Is it a place like a hospital or a health care center?" Lin Haiying said cryptically.

'I go! ’ Li Er glanced at Lin Haiying in surprise.

He really understood now. Anyway, he didn't have any clue. It was fine to go to the hospital to stay there, but it would be very awkward for him to pick up girls with Bai Anni by his side.

"Annie, why don't you and Bell go follow the charterer with Instructor Hu? The charterer is quite cunning. If you lose him, you will be in trouble."

"I don't want it, I will follow you." Bai Anni objected decisively.

The charterer is a stupid little thief.

Bai Anni couldn't believe that he could escape the professional tracking of Instructor Hu and his team.

"Go!" Bai Anni turned to look at Ma Guoying.

Ma Guoying looked at her group leader speechlessly: "Do I still want to learn something from you?"

"You learned the same thing as Instructor Hu. Even I learned from Instructor Hu. Do you want to be a light bulb?" Bai Anni glared at Ma Guoying.


Bai Anni had already talked about this, but Ma Guoying still dared to say anything. She was not afraid that Bai Anni would give her little shoes to wear, and she was also afraid that Sir Li would give her little shoes to wear.

She couldn't afford to offend either master or apprentice. (End of chapter)

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