What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 799 Li Sir’s Shura Field


Li Er looked at a fat boy flirting with his beautiful nurse with a livid face.

"Mr. Qian, I'm sorry. Shufang is not in charge of the recovery ward. If you have anything to do, please tell me." The head nurse hurriedly walked up to help the beautiful nurse.

"What does this have to do with you, old aunt? I want this beautiful nurse to take care of me."

This big fat man with money has a pretty good idea.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Qian, our hospital has its own rules and regulations. The rehabilitation ward can only be taken care of by full-time nurses in the rehabilitation ward."


Fatty Qian glared at the head nurse. He had a hunch that the head nurse was playing tricks on him, but he had no evidence.

"Do you know that I know your dean? Believe it or not, I will file a complaint against you."

"Of course, you are free to complain to me." The head nurse said, pointing to her badge and work number: "Our hospital also welcomes complaints and suggestions so that we can correct our mistakes and provide better service quality."

"Head nurse, how about——!"

The beautiful nurse didn't want to embarrass the head nurse, but before she finished speaking, the head nurse stopped her with her eyes.

"Sorry!" After the head nurse apologized to the patient again, she pulled the beautiful nurse and left.

"Head nurse, I'm sorry, I've caused you trouble again."

The beautiful nurse quickly apologized in a low voice. Private hospitals like theirs, which charge expensive fees, handle customer complaints very harshly.

"He didn't take care of the small things himself. We are not afraid of complaining. You must inform me at times like this in the future." The head nurse said seriously.

The head nurse has the support of Judy Tang, so she really doesn't take complaints or anything seriously. Moreover, it can be done well in front of the beautiful nurse, which is absolutely amazing.

"Okay, thank you, head nurse."

As soon as the beautiful nurse left, Li Er walked to the fat boy's bedside.

"Hey, who are you? What are you doing?"

Fatty Qian looked at the pockmarked doctor in front of him and was very angry. If he didn't arrange for a beautiful nurse, he wouldn't let such an ugly person disgust him.

The makeup on Li Sir's face was naturally put on by Bai Anni. She was also very unhappy that Li Sir hadn't gone home to sleep recently. Could it be that she had to make him look like Yanzu?

Li Er neatly pulled the curtain, and under the puzzling look in the fat man's eyes, he grabbed the other person's hair and pushed it towards the iron frame at the head of the bed.

Feeling relieved now.

"Eh! Where is Mr. Qian?" A young nurse opened the curtain. The hospital bed was empty, and the big fat man was not seen.

"He went out to get some air." Li Er said seriously.

"Huh?? He had to reconnect his broken leg and walk out?" Ten thousand question marks flashed through the little nurse's mind.

"Well - that's a problem! It should be climbed out." Li Er explained seriously.

The little nurse's face tightened, and she quickly looked at Li Er's nameplate, and then compared it with Li Er's face. It looked strange, but it matched the ID.

However, the young nurse secretly wrote down the job number on Li Er's badge and planned to report it to the head nurse and call the administrative department for verification.

When Li Er walked out of the recovery ward, the fat man Qian was stuffed under the hospital bed and passed out from the pain.


After Li Er went up to the sixth floor, he felt a toothache and saw something.

The beautiful nurse was chatting happily with her precious apprentice. Do they know each other?

"Shhh! Just call me Annie. I'm an undercover agent in your hospital. Don't call me police officer." Bai Annie said in a low voice.

Bai Anni is not as well-known as Sir Li. She doesn't need to wear makeup that no one recognizes, but she is recognized by the sharp-eyed beautiful nurse at a glance.

"Oh——! I also asked you why you were not a good police officer and came to work as a nurse in our hospital, and you are still a high-ranking police officer."

The beautiful nurse envied Bai Anni's job. If she were also a police officer, she could go to and from get off work with her boyfriend. Moreover, he was also a police superintendent, so he could take better care of herself.

"Hello Annie, how can I help you?" The beautiful nurse is very willing to help people. Of course, this is also because Annie is a police officer, and the beautiful nurse has a good impression of people who have the same profession as her boyfriend.

"Well——! You can help me keep an eye out for anyone suspicious in the hospital, especially middle-aged men with big noses."

Bai Anni was no longer a rookie in the police force. She could tell at a glance that the beautiful nurse in front of her was an enthusiastic person.

"Okay! Let's look for that flip-flop!" the beautiful nurse said with a smile showing her big white teeth.

"How do you know?" Bai Anni was stunned for a moment.

"I'm watching TV, and didn't I tell you, my boyfriend is also a policeman, and he is also checking this flip-flop." The beautiful nurse said proudly.

If she discovers flip-flops, she will definitely notify her boyfriend immediately. There is a reward of 20 million. If she is so lucky, she can buy a house on Hong Kong Island and settle down immediately.

"Oh! Yes, you told me when we were in the elevator last time. By the way, which police station does your boyfriend belong to? Let me know if I recognize him." Bai Anni asked casually.

The beautiful nurse was about to proudly announce that her boyfriend was the Superintendent of Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station.

Sir Li ran over quickly.


"Annie, who is this?" Sir Li pretended not to recognize the beautiful nurse. His dignified appearance also showed that he did not recognize the beautiful nurse.

Unexpectedly, the beautiful nurse is an intuitive player, and Bai Anni hasn't spoken yet.

The beautiful nurse looked at Sir Li's pockmarked face with confusion.

"Hello, we have met before, right?" She intuitively felt that the man in front of her was somewhat familiar to her.

Sir Li was shocked.

"Haha, you must have never met him. He is my master." Bai Anni smiled.

The disguise on Sir Li's face was made by her. No one else knew this face except her.

"Master, her name is Shufen, a trainee nurse from the mainland." Bai Anni introduced, and then added: "She is a very nice person."

"Hello!" Li Er nodded to the beautiful nurse.

The beautiful nurse realized that she had recognized the wrong person and nodded awkwardly.

"Let's go to other floors! We've already seen this place."

Sir Li naturally wanted to separate the beautiful nurse from his precious apprentice, otherwise the two women would get involved in him sooner or later if they continued chatting.

Especially the beautiful nurse. Originally, she spoke Mandarin, so few people were willing to chat with her. Finally, I finally caught a Bai Anni who could speak Mandarin, but she was not very enthusiastic.

The two women have already exchanged phone numbers and made an appointment to go shopping together when they are free. Who knows their female friendship, how long have they known each other for how long?

Sir Li felt a little panicked.

The other side.

Gao Lao and Xiao Fu are also searching for the whereabouts of flip-flops.

"I think this big nose looks familiar. I think I've seen it somewhere before?" Xiao Fu frowned and looked at the photo of flip-flops.

"Well, it looks familiar to me, but I can't remember where I've seen this guy before." Gao Lao also rubbed his head with a headache. Twenty million was right in front of him. It felt very uncomfortable to not be able to remember it.

In fact, these two guys met Chen Jiaju.

And Chen Jiaju was called by the police station to ask whether he had run across the boat or something.

"Boss, can you really get 20 million if you find this person? I have many sisters, I can help you ask." Dandan said innocently.

"Shut up!" Mr. Gao glared at Dandan. How many people could these young ladies have met? Besides, even if there was news, they would report it to Jitou. How could any good news leak to Dandan? in hand.

"No, I'm not greedy. If we really have 20 million, I can just divide it into two million. No, one million is enough for our whole family to live for a lifetime." Dandan said greedily.

Mr. Gao was too lazy to answer such an ignorant woman.

However, Laifu knew that there would be no pie in the sky, and the job of twenty million would definitely be extremely difficult. He couldn't reach it, so he didn't have any delusions. He just lowered his head and looked at the private task list given by Gao Lao.

"Boss Gao, I want to do this 50,000 yuan task. How much can I get?" Laifu pulled out the photo he selected and asked. He thought Gao Gao was named Gao.

"Oh! This guy is a bad gambler and a bad boy. He used to be a boxer, but now he is a bad gambler and beats his wife."

Mr. Gao took one look at the photo and immediately reported the corresponding information.

"The bad gambler, whose real name is Lin Qiang. In order to pay off his gambling debts, this bad gambler sold his own daughters to the chicken coop. The 50,000 yuan killer fee was paid by his wife."

"This is your first assignment with me. You look a lot like me when I was young. I only charge you 10,000 yuan as an agent's fee. The remaining 40,000 yuan is yours. There is a target on the back of the photo. The character’s address, as well as the best address I’ve found for you, as well as the time to do it.”

"Okay -! Thank you, Boss Gao." Laifu nodded gratefully.

One-fifth of the killer agent's share is indeed very small, not to mention that Gao Lao also conducted an intelligence investigation.

"No, you don't earn a bonus of 20 million yuan, but you earn these tens of thousands of dollars, and these tens of thousands of dollars are risking your life to kill people?" Dandan looked at Laifu like a fool, and said A woman with high ambitions and low ambitions.

Laifu didn't refute Dandan, he just stared at the bad gambler in the photo and said: "This man deserves to die!"

Xiao Fu patted Laifu on the shoulder and handed him a black pistol and a bright bayonet.

"You have to be ruthless in your attack, and you don't need a gun if you can. It's very troublesome to kill people with a gun here." Xiao Fu imparted experience to his fellow villagers.

"Thank you, Brother Fu!"

Laifu had probably heard that murders on Hong Kong Island were carried out with guns. The crime squad that specializes in major cases would investigate, and they would be found out easily. If guns were used, ordinary plainclothes policemen would be responsible.

The bad gambler who lost all his money once again habitually turned into an alley to let out some water. He felt a chill in his waist for no reason, and muttered something in his mouth, why was he so weak when he was not yet forty years old?

As soon as the bad gambler left, Laifu appeared in the alley carrying a plastic bag.

Laifu looked around and saw that no one was there. He quickly opened the manhole cover of a smelly ditch in the alley and got in without hesitation.

The method of Laifu is very simple, wait and wait. There are ten steamed buns and a bottle of water in the plastic bag.

The stinking ditch is naturally very smelly, but since Laifu has endured even more miserable days, it doesn't matter.

the next day.

The bad gambler still comes to the gambling booth to play cards after beating his wife, he still loses all his money, and he still comes to the alley to let loose.

Luan Qianqiang held the wall with one hand, unzipped his pants with the other hand, and sprinkled water on the manhole cover of the smelly ditch.

The urine dripped on Laifu's head drop by drop.

After Luan Guqiang drained the water, he turned around and was about to leave, when the manhole cover quietly opened.

A knife stabbed into Luan Gongqiang's waist from behind. Luan Gongqiang was about to shout for help when his mouth was covered.


Laifu stabbed him three times and forced the bad gambler away.

The manhole cover is closed.

Bad gambling is under the manhole cover.

Gao Lao has a new killer on his team. (End of chapter)

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