What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 819: Sir Li’s backyard is on fire

Bai Anni was originally going to find a beautiful nurse. Unexpectedly, the beautiful nurse followed their head nurse on the rounds and happened to meet Bai Anni and Zhu Wanfang in Li Xianying's ward.

"Sister Anne!"

The beautiful nurse looked at Bo Anni with some embarrassment. She already knew that Bo Anni was Li Er's first wife.

"Well, are you free now?"

"I just have something to ask you."

Bai An looked at the beautiful nurse carefully for the first time. She was really beautiful. Her master's dog eyes were really mean.

Zhu Wanfang, who was standing behind Bai Anni, also looked at the beautiful nurse curiously.

"Yes, Shufang, just leave it to me." Before the beautiful nurse could speak, the head nurse hurriedly spoke.

"Let's go! Let's find a quieter place to chat." After Annie said that, she turned and walked outside.

The beautiful nurse hurriedly followed, feeling very uneasy. She wanted to secretly call Li Er for help, but Zhu Wanfang was looking at her with big curious eyes.

"Sister Annie, only senior administrators of our hospital can go up to the top floor."

The beautiful nurse saw Bo Anne pressing the highest floor button in the elevator. She was about to remind Bo Anne that she needed a card to get to the elevator on the top floor.

Bai Anni had already taken out an administrator card and activated the permissions.

The beautiful nurse stared in surprise.

However, what surprised the beautiful nurse the most was that Bai Anni took her all the way into the office of Miss Tang, the real boss of their hospital.

Judy Tang rarely comes to the hospital. Her office is not big, but it has an excellent view, with a large floor-to-ceiling glass window. Moreover, Judy Tang has unique taste, and the decoration is full of richness.

The beautiful nurse feels like she has become a bumpkin.

snort--! When she was angry, she would pinch Li Er to vent her anger when she got home.

"Um, you—!" The beautiful nurse was so shocked that she didn't know how to speak, so she simply didn't speak and let Bai Anni speak.

"Sit down!"

"Secretary Yang, go grind some cups of coffee that Judy usually drinks."

Judy Tang was not there, and Annie used Judy Tang's secretary as if she was using her own staff.

"Okay, Miss Bai." Miss Yang found that the atmosphere was not right, and she was happy to get out of the way.

"Don't you know what the relationship between the boss lady of your hospital and my master is?" Bai Anni looked at the beautiful nurse with a smile.

The beautiful nurse's face darkened.

As a small nurse, it was naturally impossible for her to get in touch with a top boss like Judy Tang, but she still knew that the proprietress of her hospital was a pretty widow.

When Bai Anni saw the beautiful nurse frowning in distress, she immediately smiled and felt very comfortable.

If she knew that the beautiful nurse was worried about losing her job and competing with her boss for a man, she would have a good end.

But don't let your boss take back your dormitory, she likes that house so much.

Fortunately, Bai Anni can't read minds, otherwise she would have to vomit blood now.

Zhu Wanfang looked at Bai Anni on the left and the beautiful nurse on the right. She felt very interesting.

The beautiful nurse looked up and met Zhu Wanfang's panicked eyes.

"Sister, don't listen to Sister Annie scaring you, Sister Judy is very easy to talk to." Zhu Wanfang rebelled immediately.


Bai Anni stared at Zhu Wanfang as if she was seeing a ghost. I asked you to come here to wave my flag. What does it mean for you to switch sides before the battle?

"Yeah! I'm going to see if the coffee is ready."

Zhu Wanfang stuck out her tongue, turned around and ran away. Anyway, her first impression of the beautiful nurse was very good. She felt that she was easy to talk to, but Sister Anne was aggressive.

Naturally, this little gossip Zhu Wanfang will not really run away.

She ran to the door and put her ear against the door, eavesdropping on how Bai Anni wanted to treat the 'mistress'. She wanted to learn.

I don’t know if Zhu Wanfang learned anything, but the beautiful nurse looked very ugly when she walked out of the office.

She was really angry this time. She took an unprecedented day off and then ignored Li Er for half a month.

He Minjia.

"Has my cousin caused trouble for you again recently?" He Min wrapped in a bath towel and massaged Li Er skillfully.

Sir Li's face was pale, his waist and back ached, and he lay limply on the sofa. No matter how He Min rubbed him, he did not raise his head.

This wave of carelessness!

The opponent was too strong, and the confidence that Li Sir had finally built up as a man was shattered to pieces by He Min.

"No! I rarely care about the affairs of the CID department, but from what Jian Huizhen said, it seems that your cousin was recommended to take the trainee inspector exam."

Li Er is a big trouble himself now, and he doesn't think Chen Bailu can cause him any trouble.

"Oh——! That's good! As long as he doesn't cause trouble, it doesn't matter whether he gets promoted or not."

There is no airtight wall in the world. He Min may have heard some rumors and thought that it was Chen Bailu who caused Li Er to be suspended.

She didn't have to think about it with her big breasts. No matter how much trouble a young police chief like Chen Bailu got into, he would never be able to implicate a senior police officer like Li Er.

"Okay, okay, don't press it! You're exhausted too. Lie down and take a rest together."

Li Er noticed that He Min's little hand was caressing his lower body, and he quickly grabbed her wrist with his backhand.

But he couldn't let He Min thank himself anymore.

Sir Li is a good person who does good deeds without expecting anything in return.

"I'm not tired!" He Min said, blinking.

Li Er: "."

If you are not tired, I am tired.

"Okay! Get dressed and go back to your room to sleep! It's a little hot in the living room because I didn't turn on the air conditioner." He Min rolled his eyes at Li Er with an irritated look.

Put a set of pajamas into the man's hands.

"What do you want to eat? I'll buy groceries." He Min's physical strength is really good.

"Anything is fine, I like to eat all the dishes you cook."

Li Er is not lying.

He Min is a beautiful teacher. She doesn’t have a strong ambition to be a headmistress or anything like that. She has a very easy job and has the leisure time to study food. She is not short of money. Her cooking is not much worse than that of an average hotel chef. .

"Okay, then I'll cook for you."

He Min happily changed her clothes and went to buy groceries. She was ovulating in the past few days and she would not stop until she squeezed Li Er dry today.

Sir Li still doesn't know the human tragedy he is about to face, but he is sleeping happily now.

"Cousin, what are you doing at the vegetable market?"

He Min was very curious to meet Chen Bailu at the vegetable market. There was a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes following Chen Bailu.

"I'm investigating the case!" Chen Bailu said casually.

"This is my colleague: pig fat." Chen Bailu pointed at Zhu Huabiao.

When Zhu Huabiao saw He Min, his eyes flashed with surprise.

He Min was originally very beautiful, with a plump and fleshy figure, and now she had just been moisturized, exuding the charming charm of a young woman.

"Hello! My name is Zhu Huabiao." Zhu Huabiao quickly smiled his most handsome smile.

"Zhufa, you are looking for death. My cousin is Sir Li's son!"

Chen Bailu gave Zhu Fei an elbow and warned Zhu Huabiao with his eyes.

Zhu Huabiao suddenly felt a chill in his heart. He finally knew where Chen Bailu's backstage was.

It's so damn bitter that I finally met a woman I thought was good-looking.

"Cousin, you bought so many vegetables? Sir Li is at home?"

"Yes! He will have dinner at home today. I won't hinder your investigation. I left live fish at the fish stall and I want to take a look." He Min twisted her waist and turned to leave.

Only a charming shadow was left for Zhu Huabiao.

"Stop fucking looking!"

Chen Bailu slapped Zhu Huabiao on the head.

"Are you really so sure that the professor's group will rob the Interpol headquarters tonight?" Chen Bailu waved his hand in front of Zhu Huabiao.

Li Xianying's information that the Young and Dangerous boys were about to cause large-scale troubles was sent back to the police station, and Zhu Huabiao immediately judged that it was the work of the professor.

"Ninety-nine percent, I've asked a fat man to come over. You'll know when he gives me the final information."

Zhu Huabiao said, looking around: "Why hasn't that damn fat guy come yet? What the hell time is it?"

"You call me fat. It's normal for fat people to be late." Chen Bailu seemed to have some prejudice against obese people. (End of chapter)

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