What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 820: Men have to make love

Stanley Prison.

The three men, Bao Gong, Flip Flop, and Bai Da Tong, wearing well-fitting prison uniforms, squatted by the basketball court and sighed in unison.


In fact, the conditions in Hong Kong Island prisons are very good. Meals are provided with fish and meat, the work intensity is low, and there is no employment pressure.

Especially flip-flops. When he was in prison, he immediately blocked the creditors' bugs. Who the hell could go to prison to collect his debts?

It's just that the sentences of these three guys were a bit long. They offended a wealthy family like Mrs. Li.

They directly hired the most expensive legal team in Hong Kong, allowing these three guys to avoid rent, water, electricity and food expenses for ten years.

"Hey——! Flip-flops, come here." A big man with tattoos waved to the flip-flops.

He knew the rules in the prison, and it wasn't his first time studying. Besides, this time he was sentenced to ten years, which made it even more tough.

"Why are you calling your ancestors? Come the fuck over here." Flip-Flop cursed loudly.

In prison, whoever has the toughest fists and serves the longest sentence is the boss.

Flip-flops have the honor of being both.

No matter how fucking awesome you are.

It's just that his trademark mid-length hair was shaved into a square inch, and his head was cold. Combined with his big face, it looked a bit funny.

As soon as the tattooed man passed by, he punched the person with a flip-flop. With so many people watching, his reputation as a gangster in jail could not be diminished.

"Ouch! It hurts!" The tattooed man screamed.

Flip-flops were also trying to establish their authority when this tattooed man showed up to his door.

Flip Flop locked the tattooed man's fist with his hands, forced open the other man's fingers, and broke them off cruelly.

In the prison world, good guys are out of the question.

"I'm here to save you." The tattooed man said in a low voice with a sad face.


The charterer and Baidatong returned to their original state in an instant.

"What did you say?"

"I received news from outside that Mr. Hong is interested in your talents and wants to rescue the three of you and go out to help him."

The tattooed man actually didn't know what was going on, but someone gave his family a million dollars, saying that he would help three people escape from prison.

One million.

Not to mention helping people escape from prison, which is something that is both popular and popular, he is willing to do it even if the tattooed man stabs the three old ass of the charterer, Flip Flop, and Baidu.

Save money!

Inmates added the following: ___.

"Which Mr. Hong?" Flip-Flop was stunned for a moment.

"Hong Feng!" the charterer whispered.

His eyes suddenly lit up. This was a good opportunity. It seemed that Hong Feng still wanted to steal his grandson back.

The charterer seemed to see stacks of banknotes waving to him.

"Okay -! What do you mean, how to escape from prison?" The charterer is not afraid that a failed escape will increase his sentence. He is already sixty years old, how many more years can you add to him.

"Don't worry! My people here have made arrangements, and Mr. Hong has also arranged for people to pick you up outside."

"Mr. Hong also bribed a prison guard. Please pay attention, the prison guard whose third button is unbuttoned is one of his own."

"Okay, okay!" Baidatong nodded desperately with excitement.

With the cooperation of prison gangsters and prison guards,

The landlord, Flip Flop, and Baidatong soon appeared in a villa.

"Come on, come on, let me toast you three with a glass of wine first." Hong Feng gestured to his son Hong Jianbang to pour wine for the three charterers.

"No, no, why are you so embarrassed to ask Master Hong to pour wine for us?" The charterer took the bottle from Hong Jianbang's hand very wisely and poured a glass for each of the three of them.

"It should be the three of us who thank you, Mr. Hong, for rescuing us." The charterer raised his glass and said gratefully.

Flip Flop and Baidu Tong also picked up their wine glasses. I really have to thank Hong Feng for this. Although their purpose is to ask you to help with things, it is also true that they will provide money and effort to rescue you.

"Okay, you are all quick-talking heroes. I won't be muddled. I will give you 15 million to help us rescue the child."

"There are three more people who can no longer stay on Hong Kong Island. I personally appreciate the three of you. If you three are willing, I can arrange a ship to go to the United States together. After you have settled in, we will come back to pick up your family."

"Okay! Mr. Hong, you are so generous, thank you, thank you!" Mr. Bao was so excited that he almost knelt down and kowtowed to Hong Feng.

He had already thought about asking Hong Feng to take them away from Hong Kong Island, even if it meant less money. Now that they could go directly to the United States, it was naturally better.

"Haha, it's easy to talk, we are all Chinese, and we should help each other."

"But there is one thing I can't say sorry for the three of them. While the three of them were in prison, I sent others to save the children, but they all failed."

"Now the Li family is on alert. Security has been tightened. There is even a team of police patrols. They have specially extended the patrol time near their villa."

Hong Feng's words made Baidu Tong a little unhappy.

But both the charterer and the flip-flop are sensible. You have been fucking arrested and sent to jail, and they still have to wait for you for ten years.

"Mr. Hong, this is human nature. After all, we failed last time!" the charterer said with a shy face.

Flip-Flop asked without understanding: "Mr. Hong, I have seen the results of the paternity test. That is really your grandson. You can directly sue the Li family to get the child back."

When Hong Feng heard about his grandson, he nodded with satisfaction.

The charterer was desperately stepping on the soles of his flip-flops.

‘You are fucking sick. If someone really takes legal action, we will be of no use. ’

"No, no, no, we are gangsters and we take the initiative to file lawsuits. I, Hong Feng, can't afford to lose that person." Hong Feng waved his hand in a boss-like manner.

"That's right, Mr. Hong is very particular about following the rules of our road." The charterer said quickly.

In fact, Hong Feng had already consulted a lawyer.

Their family has a mafia background. Even if the paternity test report is released, it will at most cause the Li family to divorce their daughter-in-law, and the custody of the child will definitely be awarded to his mother.

The most important thing is that Hong Jianbang will definitely step forward and be the successor.

This is absolutely unacceptable to Hong Feng. He likes his little grandson, but he will never accept a fast-moving woman as his daughter-in-law.

Let her continue to harm the Li family!

Hong Feng just wanted to take his son and grandson back to the United States.

"By the way, make a list of what tools you need, so I can have them prepared."

"Let's take action tonight. Police all over Hong Kong will be very busy tonight."

Hong Feng had obviously also received the news that all the gangsters in Hong Kong were going to cause trouble tonight.

However, the three of them, Baozigong, Flip Flop, and Bai Datong, thought that Hong Feng caused a major earthquake in Hong Kong in order to save his little grandson. They were really fucking awesome.

Vegetable market.

A fat man who looked like a fat cow was complaining to Zhu Huabiao.

"Sir Zhu, after you left the anti-gangster group, I am now locked up with a scumbag. I get fucked by him like a comfort woman every day. Sooner or later I will put a sack over his head and beat him into a pig's head."

"Let's get to the point. How did you do with the investigation I asked you to do?" Zhu Huabiao said before he remembered Chen Bailu and hurriedly introduced him to Chen Bailu.

"This Gu Dezhao, nicknamed: Fat Cow, was my former subordinate who was very gossipy and knew all the information, big and small."

"This is Sir Chen Bailu, my current boss."

"Hello, Sir Chen!" Gu De nodded and said, "I have heard of your reputation a long time ago. You are the most prominent in the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Department."

"Uh——!" Chen Bailu sweated coldly.

This damn fat cow flattered him so much that it even made Chen Bailu feel a little embarrassed.

"As a member of your own family, just call him Brother La." Chen Bailu patted Gu Dezhao on the shoulder.

Gu Dezhao immediately hit the snake with a stick and said, "Brother La, can you also transfer me to your Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station?"

"Although I am just a young police officer, I have admired you for a long time and have always wanted to learn from you."

"Huh??" Chen Bailu turned to look at Zhu Huabiao with a strange expression.

Has this fat cow always been like this?

Zhu Huabiao glared at Gu Dezhao awkwardly: "Why don't you talk about business?"

"This is the most important business!" Gu Dezhao said seriously.

"Why don't we let this fat guy join our Tsim Sha Tsui CID department? This guy is good at gathering intelligence. Anyway, he is a small police officer and can be easily arranged." Zhu Huabiao said in a difficult tone.

"Holy shit, you two are rushing to the street, singing a double act for me." Chen Bailu immediately saw through Zhu Huabiao and Gu Dezhao's little trick.

"If you two treat me to dinner, I'll be fine!"

"I'll treat you, I'll treat you. I'll arrange all the meals and massages. I'm a newcomer, so I should respect Brother La." Gu Dezhao hurriedly raised his hands and said with a smile.

Chen Bailu looked at Gu Dezhao in surprise, this guy is a talent.

Gu Dezhao was really good at it. Even Interpol couldn't find out the whereabouts of that batch of drugs worth 90 million US dollars.

Gu Dezhao was actually able to find some clues. Although they were just clues, they were already very impressive.

The other side.

He Min worked hard for an hour or two and prepared a feast.

‘Stir-fried shrimp with leeks’,

‘Stir-fried pork kidney with cordyceps’

‘Seahorse stewed with lamb and scorpion’

‘Isinglass stewed ox tail’

‘Euzhong Gouji Zhuangyao Soup’

Sir Li had a vague feeling that there was something wrong with this recipe.


He Min rolled her eyes at Li Er in embarrassment and served him soup virtuously. (End of chapter)

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