
Interpol Headquarters.

At this time, Li Er should be ambushing the building opposite the Interpol headquarters, waiting to kill the pervert Huang.

However, Sir Li's back hurts a lot. He is currently lying on the Simmons bed, enjoying He Min's free massage.

"No, I really have to leave." Li Er got up with difficulty: "I still have business to do."

"Can't you just leave it to someone else?" He Min's watery eyes were simply captivating.

She bought a lot of Japanese DVDs to learn from, but there were still many tricks she hadn't used yet.

"No! I'm known for being dedicated to my job. Don't get the good employee award when the time comes. It's more than a thousand yuan." Li Er started talking nonsense.

"Then will you come back tonight?" He Min had no choice but to go get Li Er's clothes and shoes.

"I'm not coming back, I'm working overtime!"

Li Er dares to come back, isn't he afraid of death?

He understood Ma Jun a little bit. As a man, it's better to be single.

In addition to the temporary pleasure a woman can bring you, the rest is a long period of exhaustion.

"What about tomorrow?" He Min asked reluctantly.

"I have to work overtime tomorrow too."

Li Er did not come to ambush the professor and his group.

Zhu Huabiao and Chen Bailu came.

Behind him was a fat man.

"Zhufa, why do I feel like you're fooling me? That group of international gangsters haven't come yet, and I'm so fucking sleepy." Chen Bailu yawned.

At this time, he should be holding his Japanese pony and having sex.

"Brother La, don't worry. My information is very accurate. Those gangsters have been causing trouble everywhere, and there should be results soon." Gu Dezhao scratched his butt confidently. Damn it, this kind of thing There are so many mosquitoes in commercial office areas.

"Let's talk about it first. My marksmanship basically relies on blindness. If we really face the gangsters, you two will be the forwards and I will call for support." Chen Bailu raised his hand and declared.

"No, Brother La, my marksmanship is not bad. You two should cover me and let me shoot calmly from behind, right?" Gu Dezhao immediately objected to Chen Bailu's opinion.

"Are you good at shooting?" Chen Bailu was skeptical about Fei Niu's shooting skills.

"Of course, I am a formal member of the "Kowloon Gun Club" and I practice shooting every week."

Gu De confidently pulled out a modified gun from his waist.

"How's it going? This gun is pretty cool!"

"Shh-! There's a situation."

Two silver-white Mercedes-Benz cars drove towards the parking pole of the Interpol headquarters one after another.

Zhu Huabiao, Chen Bailu and Gu Dezhao tightened their pistols.

As a result, the person at the security booth took a look at the driver's seat and raised the bar to let him go.

"This is someone from Interpol." Chen Bailu glared at Zhu Huabiao angrily.

"Damn it, we are all police officers. The Interpol police officers sit in the office with air conditioning, and even the standard cars are big Mercedes-Benz. We work very hard, but we can only pick up second-hand and third-hand cars that the Japanese have discarded and drive them." Fat Cow was very unconvinced.

Just when these three guys were whining.

The two Mercedes-Benz cars just stopped at the elevator entrance on the first floor, and the trunks of the cars were opened.

The professor and the bird dug out of the trunk.

"Let's go-! Let's fight quickly."

The professor and his group left one person to look at the two cars while the others headed for the elevator.

It was midnight, and the Interpol police had already gone off duty. The professor and his group walked to the stolen goods room until they met two watchers.

‘Puff-! ’

'puff--! ’

The professor and the bird raised their guns at the same time and easily eliminated the two unlucky night shift Interpol police officers.

"This is too simple, you are completely undefended!" Xiaoniao flipped her long hair coquettishly.

"Don't waste time, open the vault quickly."

The professor asked the guy behind him who was carrying the freezer to quickly unlock it.

One of the gangsters took out a severed hand from the freezer and easily opened the safe using the palm prints of the severed hand.

The professor and the others laughed.

Ten seconds later,

The professor and others were dumbfounded.

You can see everything in the huge vault, except for some paper documents, there are only a few things.

There's not even 90 million dollars in cash, no, there's not even a fucking dollar in cash.

"Is the information wrong? Isn't the money kept in the stolen goods room?" The professor turned to look at Xiaoniao dumbfounded.

The little bird has always been responsible for intelligence.

"No way, absolutely impossible."

"There is only one stolen goods room in the Interpol headquarters. The US$90 million is stolen money and can only be placed in the stolen goods room." Xiaoniao obviously understands Interpol very well.

"I know, but what about the money?" The professor was very angry.

"Yeah! Where the hell did the money go?"

The little bird was knocking left and right inside the vault, and he even suspected that there was some kind of secret door in the vault.

"It can't be a trap! To lure us in." The professor was quite suspicious.

But whoever is involved in this matter can't help but be suspicious.

"Withdraw——!" the professor decided decisively.

An Interpol policeman came down to the second floor with all his might.

He stared at the retreating professor and his group, and then quickly drew his gun.

‘Bang——! ’

‘Puff-! ’ The professor quickly shot and killed the other party, but the other party’s gunshot had already sounded.

The Interpol police officers who originally worked on the second floor were now working overtime in the large conference room on the third floor writing reports.

The head of Interpol in Hong Kong is convinced that the theft of the vault is the work of an insider. He looks determined to not give up if he can't find any clues.

Meako was naturally also in the conference room, and she was also one of the suspects.

The entire second floor had been cut off from the outside world since they came to work in the morning and were not allowed to leave the Interpol headquarters building.

"The gunfire came from downstairs."

"It's the direction of the loot room."

"It can't be that the things stolen from the stolen goods room have always been hidden in the stolen goods room and have not been moved away at all!" A clever guy with an open mind said.

"So what's happening now is that the stolen goods are being transferred."


"Quick, everyone go downstairs. We must not let them take anything away."

Dozens of people from Interpol Wu Yangyang all ran towards the stairs.

The professor and his group were really unlucky, not to mention they didn't get the money.

I also met a large team of Interpol.

"Bang bang bang bang."

"Boom boom boom boom boom."

“Da da da da—!”


Violent gunfire sounded like firecrackers inside the Interpol headquarters building.

The trio outside the Interpol building quickly stood up.

"Fuck, it's those two Mercedes-Benz cars just now. The professor and his group have already sneaked in."

"Haha, I just said that those who drive good cars are not necessarily good people!" God Chen Bailu predicted.

"Then what are you waiting for? Rush in for support!" Gu Dezhao was quite active.

"No, didn't you hear the gunshots so densely?"

"There are experts in Interpol. This is an ambush in advance." Zhu Huabiao said with admiration on his face.

"We just squat outside and pick up the leaks. Maybe there are fish that slip through the net and we can catch one or two. That's also a credit."

Zhu Huabiao is not greedy for merit. He is willing to do any dirty work as long as it helps solve the case.

Although the trio was headed by Chen Bailu, Chen Bailu also realized that Zhu Huabiao was more capable and was happy to listen to him.

The people inside the Interpol building were miserable.

The professor and his group are all desperadoes, and they have fast firepower. In addition to two pistols, everyone also carries an AK47 and several grenades on their backs.

The Interpol police had the advantage in numbers, but their only weapons were pistols, and other heavy weapons were in the gun room on the top floor.

When the two gangs met, it was a life-for-life battle.

"Damn it, we were indeed ambushed." the professor roared.

In just ten minutes, only the professor and the bird were left in the professor's group.

All other accomplices rushed to the street.

Interpol suffered heavy casualties, even Meiko was shot.

Finally, one guy remembered to call for support.

"Quickly, call the police. There's such a big movement, why didn't anyone from the Hong Kong Island police come?"

It would be fucking embarrassing to tell anyone about it. Interpol headquarters was attacked and they had to call the police.

"Why do I feel that the gunfire is getting weaker and weaker? Are you sure you don't need to rush in for support?" Chen Bailu and Fei Niu looked at Zhu Huabiao.

"It's okay to be weak."

"It shows that Interpol has taken control of the initiative."

Zhu Huabiao's conclusion is quite reasonable.

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