What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 829 The top master who exerts his power without grounding himself

Latest website: "You two masters and apprentices go out to eat together, and you don't know how to bring me one back?"

Liang Qiqi looked at Notaro Yoshimura and Matilda speechlessly, she simply wanted to die.

"Order takeout!" Yoshimura Notaro generously took out twenty yuan and slapped it on the table.

"I'll pay twenty too." Matilda followed her master and also took out twenty yuan.

Liang Qiqi's face was gloomy. Did she really want to strangle the master and apprentice to death and treat her like a beggar?

The next second.

Liang Qiqi hurriedly put forty yuan into her pocket, and then went into the kitchen to make instant noodles.

"Why are you suddenly in such a good mood to come to me!" Liang Qiqi looked at Notaro Yoshimura with a look of resentment: "The killer world in Hong Kong Island has been lifeless recently, and there is not a single big order."

Yoshimura Notaro felt a little guilty. He understood Liang Qiqi's eyes very well. It was a look that meant she wanted to lie in bed with him and talk about life and ideals together.

Liang Qiqi is easy to deal with, but Yoshimura Notaro is very weak now.

"Who says there isn't a big deal? Wasn't there a two million reward list a few days ago? I've already taken it."

Matilda was talking to Liang Qiqi, but her eyes kept glancing in the direction of Notaro Yoshimura.

Yoshimura Notaro was shocked.

Her apprentice knows best, Matilda is not ordinary smart.

"Oh——! Who are you going to kill for the two million reward? Do you need Master's help, Wuwu?" Yoshimura Notaro asked hypocritically.

"Kill 'Detective Death' Li Er." Matilda said with a smile: "Unfortunately, before I could take action, my employer rushed to the street and the reward was forcibly removed."

"That's it! That's such a pity." Yoshimura Notaro shook his head in regret.

"What's this guy called Li Er? I've wanted to fuck him for a long time. He's also a 'Death Detective'. I've killed so many people, but no one calls me 'Death Killer'."

Matilda: "."

Yoshimura Notaro didn't want to get entangled with Matilda on this issue, so he immediately changed the subject.

"Qiqi, I have some good news for you."


After Liang Qiqi made instant noodles, she rummaged through the kitchen and refrigerator, but couldn't find even one ham sausage.

Yoshimura Notaro: "Your father has found a stepmother for you, a very young stepmother."

God Matilda added: "And it's very sexy."

Yoshimura Notaro secretly gave his precious apprentice a thumbs up.

Have discernment.

"Ah????" Liang Qiqi lost her appetite.

"You mean it."

"Do I get any money from lying to you?"

Liang Qiqi walked out the door angrily.

"Hey——! Where are you going? I have something to do with you." Yoshimura Notaro quickly grabbed Liang Qiqi's hand.

"What's the matter?" Liang Qiqi said with an unkind expression. She was in a bad mood now.

"Contact Haitang. I'll see her if I need anything."

As soon as Yoshimura Notaro's words came out, Matilda immediately understood that her master wanted to clean up the 90 million US dollars in stolen money.

"Matilda can handle this little thing." Liang Qiqi slammed the door angrily.

"Master, do you want to cross Taiwan Island?" Matilda blinked pitifully: "Take me with you!"

Yoshimura Notaro: "Next time."

Matilda rolled her eyes, which time will it be next time?

On the other side,

In the end, Gao Gang could not escape Tian Li's temptation. He and Tian Li came to the powerful underground boxing arena.

"It's okay! Let's just take a look. If you don't want to fight, don't fight. Anyway, we didn't charge their money." Tian Li persuaded Di Gao Gang in a low voice.

Gao Gang forced out a smile.

"Okay-! Let's just take a look."

In fact, the beautiful nurse told Gao Gang today that she would help him check if there were any security positions in the hospital. Gao Gang thought it was a good idea, but Tian Li refused immediately.

How much does a security guard make.

If you box in an underground boxing ring, you can earn 20,000 yuan per game.

Tian Li has seen Gao Gang practice boxing, and she has confidence in Gao Gang.

After Gao Gang entered the underground boxing ring, he realized that there were no rules at all except for bare-handed boxing.

Neither boxer is wearing protective equipment or gloves, and any part of the boxing body can be attacked or attacked. Even if the punches hit the flesh, even if they are bleeding profusely, as long as they do not admit defeat, they can continue fighting.

Although Gao Gang studied martial arts and worked fairly hard, he never fought with his life like the two boxers off the field.

The most important thing is that the moves of the two boxers off the field are unstructured, just like two gangsters fighting, and obscene moves such as crotch picking and eye penetration are frequently used.

Gao Gang's first impression of the underground boxing match was not good.

"How's it going? Are you interested?" Ma Haoqiang, the owner of the underground boxing match, came over.

Gao Gang was about to shake his head and refuse,

Tian Li has already spoken.

"Is it really 20,000?"

Ma Haoqiang nodded readily: "Twenty thousand for the first time I play, no matter whether I win or lose."

Tian Li quickly looked at Gao Gang.

Gao Gang shook his head with embarrassment.

Tian Li persuaded in a low voice: "Twenty thousand! If you don't want to take action, we will admit defeat as soon as we come on stage and take their 20,000."

"Uh--!" Gao Gang is an honest man, and he said sheepishly: "Isn't this bad!"

"What's wrong is that they themselves said that no matter they win or lose, there will be 20,000 people on the field." Tian Li winked at Gao Gang desperately.

"How about it? Do you want to go out and play?" Ma Hao asked encouragingly.


Gao Gang said as he took off his red coat and gave it to Tian Li.

This coat is a new coat given to him by a beautiful nurse when he went to the mall today.

Gao Gang has just watched a match. He is confident in his own skills and confident that he can beat these Hong Kong boxers.

Gao Gang chose a pair of red gloves and put them on on the sidelines.

His opponent was not wearing gloves and was obviously trying to teach the newcomer Gao Gang a harsh lesson.


"Please give me some advice!"

Gao Gang shyly raised his hands and said.


Everyone in the underground boxing arena was stunned.

"Haoqiang, where did you find such a stupid dick?"

"He doesn't think this is a performance!"

People in the underground boxing match were booing.

Ma Haoqiang's face turned a little green, but he still had to earn the money he deserved.

He quickly asked the commentator to brag about Gao Gang's personal information, and directly boasted that Gao Gang, a kung fu boy who graduated from a martial arts school, had worked as a mercenary in the Middle East and killed people without blinking an eye.

People who watch underground boxing matches are not idiots. Gao Gang looks like a rookie at first glance, but his opponent's long-haired man is Hong Xing's gold medal fighter, one of whom can fight three.

Everyone buys the gold medal beater to win.

Ma Haoqiang felt a little uneasy. He checked his account visually and found that in just five minutes, he had already won about 600,000 gold medal players, but none of them had been won by Gao Gang.

Even if I want to settle the account, I can't.

"Wait a minute, if you buy a mainland boy, you'll get five for one, no, you'll get eight for one, and if you buy Jinwei, you'll get one for eight if you win."

Ma Haoqiang immediately adjusted the odds.

I hope more people will win by buying Mainland China, so that they can spread their own risks.

Well--! Although the amount of bets was immediately reduced, these gamblers still tended to buy the gold medal player to win, and no one was optimistic about Gao Gang.

Ma Haoqiang quickly closed the deal and couldn't accept any more bets, otherwise he would lose.

"Fellow, I support you. I'll buy you a thousand yuan and you win."

A voice of justice suddenly sounded.

Gao Gang turned his head gratefully.

It's Dandan.

Dandan raised the thousand yuan in her hand in a high-profile manner, and people who didn't know it thought she was betting one hundred and eighty thousand yuan.

"." Ma Haoqiang felt as if he had been fucked by a dog.

"Boss, if I lose, can you help me with this?" Dandan turned around and said to the financial backer behind him.

She has been doing very well at work recently, and Mr. Gao gave her a lot of money, otherwise she would not be willing to spend a thousand yuan.

Mr. Gao took off his sunglasses and waved to Ma Haoqiang.

Ma Haoqiang trotted over quickly.

Gao Lao also has a number on the road.

Of course, this guy is mainly trying to cover up his identity as a top killer agent.

"Master, this game has been closed, you can place your bet on the next game!" Ma Haoqiang said with a smile on his face.

Gao Lao plays a little bit of everything from peripheral ball games to underground racing to underground boxing matches. He is considered a big customer of Ma Haoqiang.

"If I buy that guy from Mainland China to win, won't you accept it?"

Gao Lao gave Ma Haoqiang a sidelong glance with a cold snort.

"Take the answer, as many as you want." Ma Haoqiang was so excited that his voice became shrill.

Damn it, it's just enough to level the playing field.

"Then buy it for 50,000 yuan and have fun." Gao Lao shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile.

Dandan quickly ran back behind Gao Lao and squeezed his shoulders, as if she had bought the fifty thousand yuan.

"Okay -! If you buy it for 50,000 yuan, it's the mainland boy who wins!" Ma Haoqiang said quickly. Although 50,000 yuan is a little less, it is still money.

It can help me get some blood back. These days, it's not easy to find someone to take advantage of.

"Brother, my boss bought 50,000 yuan for you to win. You must win!" Dandan shouted loudly towards Gao Gang.

Gao Gang nodded politely. He didn't understand why beautiful girls always like to date ugly middle-aged men.

"Boss, don't worry, my fellow countrymen are all very good at fighting. Just look at Brother Fu and you will know." Dandan said in a low voice.

She has seen Xiao Fu take action, and Xiao Fu is simply the strongest man in her heart. Of course, being strong is useless, it is better to have money.

Gao Lao patted Dandan's little butt angrily. He really wanted to find a few more potential killers, but masters like Xiao Fu were hard to come by.

"Hey——! The beating started, and you're still posing!"

"Drink——!" The gold-medal thug kicked Gao Gang's cheek with a dragon tail kick.

"Uh-!" Gao Gang was stunned for a moment, then quickly moved his head back slightly.

If you don't have extremely fast speed, it's better not to show off your cool moves like this high kick, because once the kick misses the target, your entire back will be exposed to the opponent.

The gold medal fighter was not very fast, at least Gao Gang's eyesight was extremely slow. However, Gao Gang did not take the opportunity to attack. He was a newcomer after all, thinking that the opponent was deliberately letting him take one and a half moves.

Gao Gang took a stance, holding the gun in both hands in front of his head.

As a result, the gold medal fighter brother began to show off Jackson's moon dance on the court.

At this moment, Gao Gang really couldn't understand. He just felt that the masters from Hong Kong Island were really inscrutable. Doesn't this kind of sliding mean that the footplate is unstable and he doesn't need to ground to exert force?

This is definitely the top master.

Gao Gang suddenly became nervous. He clenched his fists with both hands, braced his feet and quickly concentrated all his strength on his fists.


Gao Gang shouted loudly.

He rushed out from the mountain like a leopard and punched the gold-medal thug in the chest.

'boom--! ’

The gold-medal thug flew more than ten meters away and smashed into an oil drum.

"What a fool!"

Everyone looked at Gao Gang as if they were seeing a ghost.

What just happened? (End of chapter)

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