What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 830 ‘Persuading’ Her

Latest website: Macau.

As soon as Li Er and Tong Keren's big yacht docked, a beautiful publicist from the casino came over.

"Miss Tong, welcome to Macau. Do you need help to reserve a VIP room for you?"

The beautiful publicist's eyes lit up immediately when she saw Tong Keren, she was a big fish.

Usually when Tong Keren comes to Macau, she will call in advance and be received by people above the manager level. How can they get beautiful public relations people like them.

Several beautiful public relations people didn't even look at Li Er. They regarded Li Er as a pretty boy raised by Tong Keren.


Li Er glared hard at these beautiful public relations people who looked down on others.

These beautiful PR girls are fair-skinned, beautiful and have long legs, but it’s a pity that Sir Li is a gentleman.

Tong Keren held Li Er's arm affectionately.

"Why are you so angry? Our group also has a hotel in Macau. Do you want to go back to the hotel and take a rest first?"

Tong Keren was very happy to be able to leave Judy Tang alone and sneak away to Macau with Li Er to live a world of two.

"Okay! Let's go back to the hotel first! I knew I would listen to you and come here by helicopter. I'm a little seasick."

Of course Li Er was not really seasick.

This guy came to see Haitang. Haitang's casino business has expanded to Macau, and she happened to be in Macau to discuss cooperation with local snakes.

Of course, Tong Keren must not be allowed to know this.

After Tong Keren arranged for Li Er to rest, he went out to handle some important matters of the company.

"Hey——! Haitang, I'm in Macau."

"No, give me your address and I'll find you." Li Er refused Haitang's request to pick him up.

‘Aohua Hotel? ’

Li Er was dumbfounded.

Haitang stayed in this hotel owned by Tong Keren Group.

Fortunately, Tong Keren stayed in a private suite on the top floor of the hotel that was not open to the public.

Haitang was overjoyed after hanging up the phone. She happened to run into some trouble in Macau, and she didn't expect that her man was also in Macau.

‘Knock knock—! ’

"Open the door!" Yoshimura Notaro's voice sounded outside the door.

This time it was Haitang who was dumbfounded.

‘So fast? ’

Haitang trotted towards the door and spoke.

It's really Yoshimura Notaro who has changed his clothes.

"Are you staying in this hotel too?" Haitang asked in surprise.

Yoshimura Notaro secretly cursed himself for making a mistake and should have come back an hour or two later.

However, Tong Keren would finish handling the company's affairs in a minute, so he had to go back quickly.

"Hmm! I happen to be playing cards in the casino downstairs." Yoshimura Notaro responded casually.

Quickly change the subject: "Are you alone in the room?"

Haitang rolled her eyes angrily: "Otherwise, I would still be able to hide the man in the room."

"You can try." Yoshimura Notaro snorted coldly.

Asia's number one killer is still very intimidating.

Haitang immediately turned pale and realized that his joke had gone too far.

"Husband——!" Haitang said in a loud voice as she hooked her hands around Yoshimura Notaro's neck.


Yoshimura Notaro hurriedly stopped Haitang from getting angry. He also wanted to save some energy for Tong Keren.

Unfortunately, Haitang moved very quickly. She had already knelt down and untied Yoshimura Notaro's belt.


"Be gentle! It's you who can attract stars!"

Yoshimura Notaro hurriedly rubbed Haitang's hair.

"Uh-uh--, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Haitang said softly and immediately got busy again.


Yoshimura Notaro didn't believe a word of Haitang's words.

Among these women, Yoshimura Notaro knew very well which ones were career-oriented, which ones were emotional, and which ones were love-minded.

If Zhang Xiaomeng misses herself, Yoshimura Notaro still believes it.

"I have a few tens of millions in cash on hand."

"I'll give you an account. After washing it, transfer it to that account and give it to me."

A breakup was better than a wedding, so Yoshimura Notaro finally used the very precious 'physical strength enhancing liquid'.

He was leaning on the head of the bed, and Haitang leaned in his arms contentedly.

"Ten million? Hong Kong dollars?"

Haitang was quite curious about what her man's second job besides being a killer would be.

"Dollar bills!" Yoshimura Notaro grabbed Haitang's erratic hand.

"Oh——! That's okay." Haitang nodded.

In the money laundering industry, US dollar bills are the easiest to launder.

"How many tens of millions is that?"

We have to ask clearly about this matter. Twenty million is tens of millions, and ninety million is tens of millions.

"Ninety million."

When Yoshimura Notaro saw Haitang's little mouth kissing her, he quickly turned his head away.

Haitang had something dirty in her mouth just now, and he didn't want to kiss her, he was very disgusted with it.

"Ninety million dollars in cash?"

Haitang's face turned extremely dark, and she didn't know whether it was because Yoshimura Notaro disliked her, or because the tens of millions Yoshimura Notaro said were ninety million.

"The $90 million stolen from your Interpol headquarters on Hong Kong Island was not your fault, was it?"

It seems that the influence of this matter is indeed very wide, even Haitang knows about it.

"Yes, that's the 90 million." Yoshimura Notaro nodded and admitted.

"Suck--!" Haitang looked at Yoshimura Notaro with eyes filled with admiration.

As expected of the man he fell in love with, he even dared to do it to Interpol, and he even succeeded in doing it.

"Husband, are you short of money now? I still have a lot of spare money. If you want to use it, I will give it to you first."

Otherwise, Yoshimura Notaro is very suitable for eating soft rice. Before he even opened his mouth, the soft rice was automatically stuffed into his mouth.

"I'm not short of money, why do you ask that?"

Yoshimura Notaro also looked at Haitang very strangely. Haitang's accounts were very accurate, and it was unlikely that she would be able to take advantage of her.

"It's nothing, I just want to tell you that the 90 million US dollars in your hand are being closely watched."

"Money laundering firms around the world, as well as people in the United States, are paying attention to the movement of this money."

"I suggest leaving it for a while first, and it will most likely take a long time to wash. You have to be mentally prepared."

"That's it!" Yoshimura Notaro naturally believed in Haitang, a professional, but this money took up a lot of space for him.

"Then you find a big safe and I'll put the money in your place first!" Yoshimura Notaro thought for a moment and said.

"Give me this, 90 million U.S. dollars!"

Haitang was ecstatic. She didn't think this was a hot potato at all, but it proved that Yoshimura Notaro was sincere to her.

"Just leave it to you, you are more important than 90 million." Yoshimura Notaro said in a very disgusting way.

I got goosebumps.

Haitang, a calm and rational woman, unexpectedly likes to hear such words that are unreliable at first glance.

She kissed Notaro Yoshimura's chest passionately, slowly moving down, and it seemed that he wanted to fight again.

How could Yoshimura Notaro be willing to agree?

"Wait, let's get down to business first. Didn't you say you want to see me if you have something to do?"

"Oh yes! It's all because of that bitch Ding Yao."

"She also came to Macau."

"She wants to compete with me for the right to operate a casino. Please help me 'persuade' her."

Haitang was very confident about who Taro Yoshimura would prefer between herself and Ding Yao.

"Ding Yao?"

"If she is not fighting for her position as the leader of the Sanlian Gang in Taiwan, what is she doing in Macau?" Yoshimura Notaro asked strangely.

"Who knows, maybe he wants to leave a way out! I heard that many senior members of the Sanlian Gang support Lei Fuxing." Haitang said with a gloating smile.

She and Ding Yao were at odds with each other, and everyone in Taiwan knew about it.

Yoshimura Notaro nodded clearly. (End of chapter)

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