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"Great, Li Er has been suspended."

"His subordinates are all passive and slack in their work."

"Now that the British government's drug trafficking scandal has been exposed, the entire Hong Kong police force is in a commotion. This is a good opportunity for us to take action."

McQueen pumped his fists excitedly.

Brother Jie, who came from Taiwan, obviously didn't know Sir Li's status in Hong Kong Island. He looked at his brother Ah Sheng who lived in Hong Kong Island with doubts.

Ah Sheng nodded in agreement.

"In that case, what are you waiting for?" Brother Jie asked with a smile as he raised his glass.

"Brother Jie, you may not understand the operation of the Jockey Club. Although the Jockey Club has its own safe vault, the money will be transported to the bank for savings the next day."

McQueen confidently threw a cigarette to Jie Ge.

"We have to wait until the Jockey Club receives a large amount of bets before we take action. Even if the vault is blown up now, there will only be ten or twenty million in it at most."

Jie Ge's eyes widened when he heard McQueen's words.

"One to twenty million is enough. If we divide it between the six of us, each of us can share several million."

This Hong Kong boy’s ambition is too big! Millions are not enough.

McQueen smiled.

Brother Jie was moved in his heart and asked quickly: "Akun, how much do you want to wait before taking action?"

McQueen handed a newspaper on the table to Brother Jie: "It's in the financial column."

Brother Jie quickly opened the newspaper.

‘Some experts pointed out that the betting volume for the last Asian Cup in Marseille this season will exceed 2 billion. ’

"Two billion?" Brother Jie and his two men broke their voices in excitement.

"That's right! After completing this order, everyone can stop. There is no need to make a small amount of money every time, and then have to go out and fight for your life after the money is spent." McQueen said matter-of-factly.

"Yes, yes, after completing this order, everyone can enjoy the happiness."

"You don't have to worry about your lame leg."

Brother Jie excitedly picked up the bottle and drank from it: "Akun, I respect you."

For the first time, he realized that his situation was too small. A few million was nothing. If he wanted to rob, he could rob his mother of hundreds of millions, no, billions.

Repulse Bay.

Luxurious villa group.

"Husband, this is your home?"

The beautiful nurse's voice was trembling. She already knew that Li Er's family was very rich, but she didn't expect them to be so rich.

Isn’t it said that every inch of land in Hong Kong Island is precious?

How much does a villa of this size cost?

"Um——, didn't you say you wanted to visit Anne?"

Li Er pointed to a villa next to him: "This house is where Annie lives."

"Ah——!" The beautiful nurse was dumbfounded: "It's the whole building?"

She had only seen such a beautiful house on TV.

Li Er sweated coldly, are there still villas for sale one by one?

The bodyguard standing guard at the door of Li Yi's villa saw Li Er's car.

One of them came over and checked that the person in the car was indeed Li Er. Then they gestured to the camera and asked the bodyguards in the villa to open the courtyard door.

"Wait, hubby, why don't we go visit Sister Annie first! I'm a little nervous." The beautiful nurse quickly hugged Li Er's arm and said.

"What's so interesting about Anne? Didn't I tell you? Anne wasn't injured at all. Those things in the newspaper are all fake."

Li Er rubbed his temples with a headache. This guy was mainly worried that Bai Qianni was also at home, and his pretty mother-in-law was not as easy to talk to as Annie.

"Oh——! Then remember to give those gifts I bought to Sister Anne." The beautiful nurse hurriedly warned.

"I know, Annie doesn't need anything."

"That's different. I have been picking out these gifts for a long time."

Li Er drove the car into the villa.

The beautiful nurse felt that the villa was very big from outside the door. After entering the garden of the villa, she could see the whole view of the villa clearly.

"Husband, are the eldest brother and sister-in-law really as easy to talk to as you say?" The beautiful nurse was so nervous that her palms were sweating.

"Uh-!" Li Er directly sealed the beautiful nurse's mouth.

"Don't be nervous now!"

"Oh, I'm even more nervous. Look, is that sister-in-law? She's watching us over there. You killed me." The beautiful nurse said in a panic.

"That's the nanny, come in quickly and dry in the sun outside."

Li Er took out some messy things bought by the beautiful nurse from the trunk of the car.

"Oh!" The beautiful nurse hurriedly followed Li Er.

Li Er habitually walked across the grass in the garden.

After the beautiful nurse followed Li Er and stepped on the soft grass, she realized that they were stepping on grass.

"Honey, why don't you walk? You've stepped on the good grass to clear a path." The beautiful nurse complained in a low voice.

But no, a piece of green grass had been stepped diagonally by Li Er.

"Hey! Then we can only blame him for his unreasonable road design and forcing people to go around in a circle."

"Brother, you have so much free time today to take care of your children at home." Li Erxiang smiled to Li Yi, who was kneeling in the living room and riding a bull for his son.

As soon as Li Yi saw Li Er, he was furious, but when he saw the beautiful nurse behind Li Er, he was stunned for a moment.

Sir Li is a romantic man, and he rarely takes the initiative to bring women to his home.

"Hey bro!"

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