What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 839: The Blessing of All People, It’s So Damn Difficult

Bai Anni didn't take the beautiful nurse seriously at first, but when she went downstairs and saw Wang Gangsheng chatting happily with the beautiful nurse, she immediately panicked.

Li Er actually took her home?

"Master——!" Bai Anni snorted and approached Li Er.

Li Er quickly turned his body and said, "Wait a minute, pinch this side. My left side is bruised by your pinching."


Naturally, Bai Anni would not pity Li Er because of this. She pinched Li Er hard, and Li Er grinned in pain.

"Master, I don't like her." Bai Anni said seriously.

For the first time, she felt a sense of crisis.

Although she doesn't want to admit it, the beautiful nurse does have a gentle and peaceful temperament that is completely different from any woman in Hong Kong Island.

"How could you do this? They really like you. Look, they bought you so many gifts." Li Er quickly took out the beautiful nurse's gifts and presented them to Bai Anni.

Anne's position in Li Er's heart is naturally different from that of other women. Although it was Anne who pursued Li Er, it was also his first love.

"I don't want it. This bracelet is so cheap. It looks like a bargain at first glance." Bai Anni curled her lips disdainfully.

Li Er glared at Annie angrily: "You don't even look at how much a month's salary is. This is money saved for several months."

"Sister-in-law, I can steam the fish. Is this bottle of light soy sauce?" The beautiful nurse was wearing an apron and holding a cooking shovel in her hand. She looked like a good wife and mother.

"No need for light soy sauce, there is a special soy sauce for steamed fish. I have already cut the ginger shreds, but I have to wait for the diced green onions." Wang Gangsheng hurriedly replied.

In fact, it is enough to have a nanny for cooking, but the beautiful nurse wanted to show off, and Wang Gangsheng was happy to give her a chance and even helped.

The beautiful nurse and Wang Gangsheng are busy in the kitchen.

Bai Anni can't cook, and she hates the smell of cooking fumes. She and Wang Gangsheng have no common ground in this regard, so they won't pretend to help.

"Sister Annie, you are here too!" The beautiful nurse looked at Bo Annie with surprise on her face.

Bo Anne: "."

‘I can’t believe you just saw me now. ’

Annie really wronged the beautiful nurse.

In order to show off her cooking skills in front of Li Er's family, the beautiful nurse was really cooking with great care. She had indeed just seen Annie.

"Sister Annie, I read in the newspaper that you were injured. Are you okay?" The beautiful nurse came over and asked with concern.

She saw the bracelet in Bai Anni's hand and asked quickly: "I have been picking this for a long time. Is it okay?"

"I'm fine, everything is just fine!"

Bai Anni was about to put the gift back into Li Er's hand, but after noticing Li Er's sharp eyes, she accepted it angrily.


Bai Anni shook the gift in her hand without interest. The beautiful nurse was a mainland girl, and she and the beautiful nurse had no common language.

The beautiful nurse smiled awkwardly.

She really wanted to escape.

Just then Wang Gangsheng's voice came from the kitchen: "Shufang, look at whether my potato shreds are fine enough."

"Oh, alright."

"Well, Sister Annie, I'll go and get busy first!" The beautiful nurse quickly turned around and ran back to the kitchen, where soup was still simmering on the stove.

The beautiful nurse was very envious of Wang Gangsheng for having such a big kitchen, which was actually larger than the living room and dining room of her dormitory combined.

"Hey, I don't want it, you can handle it yourself!" Bai Anni finally stuffed the gift from the beautiful nurse back to Li Er.

Li Er also knows that Bai Anni's aesthetics and taste are different from those of the beautiful nurse.

Annie might really not like this thing, so Li Er had to accept it himself. It cost more than ten thousand yuan. She was really a prodigal woman.

Li Er: "Then I'll tell you that you've accepted it!"

Brianne: "Whatever you want!"

"Does she really know how to cook? Don't poison us to death." Bai Anni speculated maliciously.

"Didn't you see that I'm fat and white and have nothing wrong with me?" Li Er glanced sideways at Bai Anni.

"Oh——! You think I can't cook."


Li Er was shocked. When had Bai Anni ever been so unreasonable?

It seemed that the beautiful nurse gave her a really strong sense of crisis.

In the kitchen, Wang Gangsheng was quietly giving cheat sheets to the beautiful nurse.

"Did Annie give you a hard time?"

"No! Sister Anne is very nice." The beautiful nurse quickly shook her head.

Wang Gangsheng gave a thumbs up gesture to the beautiful nurse.

"Annie is indeed very good. If she likes her, she likes her. If she doesn't like her, she doesn't like her. She won't hide her thoughts and scheme against people." Wang Gangsheng lowered his voice and said in a low voice: "And Annie has a hard mouth and a soft heart. She eats soft things and doesn't like hard ones. You Don't go toe-to-toe with her, she won't do anything to you."

"Yeah, thank you, sister-in-law, I understand."

The beautiful nurse nodded happily. There was a lot of information in Wang Gangsheng's words, but she immediately understood one thing. Her sister-in-law was leaning towards her side.

"Annie doesn't like spicy food very much. For this spicy and sour potato shreds, use less chili and more vinegar. Anne prefers sour food."

Wang Gangsheng continued to cheat on the beautiful nurse and told the beautiful nurse the taste preferences of several other people in the family.

"Oh! Okay." The beautiful nurse nodded, eager to take out a small notebook to take notes.

Li Shan was not in Hong Kong Island, and Li Er didn't bother to pay attention to him. He only called Li Shiya and told her to go home for dinner today, so that the beautiful nurse could recognize him and make it more lively.

There is also Zhu Wanfang. In order to prevent Bai Anni and the beautiful nurse from getting bored with each other, Li Er thought he was very smart and called Zhu Wanfang back for dinner, so that Zhu Wanfang could buffer the tense atmosphere between Bai Anni and the beautiful nurse.

As a result, Zhu Wanfang and Li Shiya hadn't come back yet, and Judy Tang came to eat every day again.

"Miss Tangtang!" The beautiful nurse looked at Judy Tang awkwardly. This was her boss.

Judy Tang glanced at the beautiful nurse in surprise. She didn't expect that this dead ghost Li Er would really take someone home.

"Didn't I ask you to call me Judy? Don't call me Miss Tang! I'm so angry." Judy Tang held the beautiful nurse's hand affectionately: "Did you cook all these dishes?"

Judy Tang also wanted Li Er to help her give birth to the child, so she gave Li Er a lot of face.

"Sister Judy, please sit down for a moment. I'm still steaming fish on the stove. I'll take a look first." The beautiful nurse had Wang Gangsheng give her the correct hint and lowered herself very low.

Sure enough, Judy Tang laughed immediately.

Judy is the kind of person who is carefree and easy to talk to. With the beautiful nurse being so sensible, Judy will not embarrass her even more.

"Hey——! Are you serious?" Judy Tang gave her a look.

Li Er ducked to Judy Tang's side very clumsily. Judy really had the demeanor of a big wife, and she was so proud of herself.

"Of course I'm serious, but first I would like to thank my wife for taking care of me." Li Er said with a smile.

Anyway, Li Yi was teasing his son in the garden, and no one saw him being such a loser, so he was not ashamed.

"Then it's not appropriate to let her work as a nurse in the hospital, isn't it?" (End of Chapter)

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