Ren Ran walked in the street in a daze. The pedestrians around her avoided her. Many people covered their mouths and noses with disgust.

She knew how embarrassed she was at this moment. She was dirty and smelled.

"Madam, please wait."

Ren Ran turned her head and looked at the deserted fortune-telling stall on the roadside with empty eyes.

"I have no money."

The stall owner was a young Taoist priest. Even though he was wearing a Taoist robe, he did not have the aura of a Taoist monk.

"I think your face is very interesting. I will tell you a fortune for free today."

Her face is interesting?

Ren Ran raised a self-deprecating smile at the corner of her lips.

Isn't her life interesting?

She is a disaster star. Wherever she goes, disaster will follow.

She killed her mother, her grandparents, and her younger brother. Her biological father was afraid of being killed by her, so he broke off the father-daughter relationship with her early.

The boyfriends she dated were either hit by a car today or robbed tomorrow.

People who are close to her either have diarrhea when eating or encounter thieves when going out.

In short, people who are too close to her will be infected with her bad luck and become unfortunate.

Some people suffer from minor illnesses and disasters, while others suffer from major illnesses and disasters, and even lose half their lives.

As for herself, she is even more unlucky.

The first company was a shell company. After working for three months, the boss ran away and no one could ask for the unpaid wages.

The second company was a pyramid scheme company. After working for a month, she was about to collect her salary when the police took her away. Only then did she know that the company was a pyramid scheme company. She almost went to jail. Fortunately, the police were very observant and let her go, but she didn't think about her salary.

She finally got into the third company. On the third day after she entered the company, the boss ran away with his mistress, leaving the boss lady in debt.

With the above three "glorious" work experiences, any normal company would not want her.

Clearly aware of her situation, she did not dare to look for a job again, fearing that she would step into the trap again.

She could only make a living by picking up waste and doing odd jobs. She made little money, and thieves would come from time to time. No matter how well she hid her money, it would be stolen.

She didn't understand why thieves would come to steal when she was so poor, as if he would feel uncomfortable if he didn't steal all her money.

In her daily life, there were many dangers. Sometimes when she was walking on the road, a flower pot would fall from the sky and hit her in front of her.

Sometimes when she bought food, she would encounter robbers and murderers, and she would become an innocent injured passerby.

Sometimes she almost choked to death while eating noodles.

Luck never favored her, but bad luck never stopped.

She thought she was unlucky enough, but she didn't expect that today, she was diagnosed with advanced gastric cancer, and the doctor said she would not live for more than two months.

Just after leaving the hospital, she was splashed with dirty water by an unscrupulous driver, and she was as embarrassed as a drowned dog.

Now she heard someone tell her that her face was interesting, and recounting her past, wasn't it "interesting"?

The young Taoist priest seemed not to notice the self-mockery on her face, "You and I are destined to meet, I promise I won't charge you."

Ren Ran looked at him numbly. Her life was already terrible, and she wanted to see what the young Taoist priest would say, so she sat opposite him.

"Birth date and eight characters."

Ren Ran reported her birth date and eight characters.

The young Taoist priest pinched his fingers back and forth, muttering something incomprehensible.

After a while, he raised his eyes and looked at her carefully, frowning more and more, and muttering unconsciously.

"Strange! Strange!"

Looking at the young Taoist priest's appearance, Ren Ran didn't feel anything. Most fortune-tellers use this routine, but he still asked a question considerately.

"Why is it strange?"

"According to your birth date and eight characters, it is a Ziwu double-wrapped fate, which is a noble fate. I have been fortune-telling for many years, and I have never seen anyone with this fate."

Noble fate?

Ren Ran laughed at himself.

Is there a fate more 'precious' than hers in the world?

The young Taoist priest continued, "Your face is very interesting. You have a bad luck and a short life. According to your face, you should have died two years ago. You are really blessed to have survived until now."

Ren Ran sighed, "Master, I really don't have money."

He opened his pocket and found only a few coins.

"You will die soon." The young Taoist priest said firmly.

There was a slight emotional fluctuation in Ren Ran's empty eyes like dead water.

"Something is wrong, it's too abnormal. How can fate and face be two extremes?"

The young Taoist priest ignored Ren Ran and sank into his own world. He kept calculating with his fingers and muttered something. His face gradually became more and more solemn, and a trace of anger appeared in his eyes. "You are really unscrupulous!"

"Huh?" Ren Ran was puzzled.

The young Taoist priest said in a deep voice: "You were supposed to have a noble life, but someone changed your fate and made you replace the other person's fate of loneliness and evil."

Change fate?

This kind of thing is too unbelievable and unheard of.

"You, you mean..."

As if he knew what she was going to say, the young Taoist priest said the next words for her.

"You were supposed to have a life of wealth and honor, deep blessings, and a happy family, but someone used secret means to steal your fate. The other person is enjoying the wealth and honor that originally belonged to you, while you bear the bad luck for the other person."

Since her mother died, her grandparents left, and her father severed the father-daughter relationship with her, her life has been full of suffering.

Now tell her that this was not originally her destiny.

Surprise? Doubt? Hatred? Pain?

Various emotions intertwined in her heart.

She always thought that she was a disaster star, and it was she who caused her family to be destroyed.

She has been living in guilt and pain for so many years.

But now someone told her that she was not the culprit.

"Are you telling the truth?"

If what he said was true, who was changing her fate, causing her family to be destroyed and drifting alone.

The Taoist priest nodded firmly with clear eyes, "I am the 87th descendant of Zhengyi Sect, and I never lie."

"Isn't fate born? Why can it be changed?" She didn't understand.

The Taoist priest shook his head, "Fate is innate, but things are in human hands. There is a special fate in the world, which is the appearance of Pixiu gathering wealth. If you find a person with this fate and keep him by your side, you can make your career prosperous and your wealth abundant."

"Some people who have committed too many sins will keep some people with strong fate around them to specifically ward off evil for them, so as to save themselves."

"As for you..."

The young Taoist priest paused, "It is rare to change fate. This is the first time I have seen it. I have only heard my master mention it before. I didn't expect that there are still people in this world who can change their fate. There are really people who are better than you."

"Taoist priest, is there a way to crack it?"

If he is a liar, then he succeeded.

His appearance is like a life-saving rope trapped in a swamp.

Before the young Taoist priest spoke, there was a sudden sound of harsh brakes, the collision of vehicles, and the screams of pedestrians on the street.

An out-of-control dump truck rushed towards them.

The Taoist priest immediately pulled Ren Ran up and dodged to the side. The dump truck flew past them in a thrilling manner, hitting the stone pier behind them, and sparks flew out.

"Are you okay?" The Taoist priest looked at Ren Ran.

As soon as Ren Ran opened her mouth, the fishy and sweet blood flowed out in large mouthfuls.

She lowered her head, and a piece of iron on her chest pierced her heart and lungs, and a cut was made in her throat.

It seemed that God was afraid that she would not die, so he gave her a double insurance.

The Taoist priest hurriedly took out the talisman paper from the cloth bag, and the talisman paper burned in his hand, but it quickly went out.

He sighed helplessly.

If he had met her earlier, perhaps his fate would not be like this.

From his expression, Ren Ran understood that this was her end.

"Thank you." She uttered two words with difficulty and ambiguity.

She could clearly feel that her life was passing away.

She only hated that she met the Taoist priest too late, and had no time to find the mastermind and give herself justice, let alone revenge for her mother, grandparents.

She hated the insidiousness and viciousness of the person behind the scenes.

In a trance, a sigh came to her ears, and the sound was erratic, as if it came from the sky.

"It's one step too late after all."

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